Catch Me I'm Falling


In IMAX3 -- there is a song that says "Catch me I'm falling..." -- right as the straddle-tap thingys are going on (I don't remember which interval). I had to laugh because I actually HAVE fallen before while doing those in a previous video. I just thought it was a little ironic.

hey Shonnie! i'm glad you said that. i just ordered mine today and i will try and be careful! i love straddle taps, but i have tripped too! i hate when that happens!

I love that song. It's an old 80's tune off the soundtrack for "Hiding Out", starring Jon Cryer. The artist who sang it was called Pretty Poison. Brought back memories as I previewed the workout.
Hey Susan --

This is totally UNRELATED, but your initials caught my eye. I'm SCM too :) Shonie Christine Maxwell. I always think of "scum".

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