Cardio & Weights

I have to admit,I was one of those who really wanted Cardio Step instead, but after seeing this picture and reading the description,I'm glad I preordered the whole package anyway! ;-)
I swear these ladies just get better as the days go by! I love these outfits too! My stomache has lil' butterflies I'm so excited about these workouts!! :D Susan
You guys are killing me here!!! You sure are making it hard to wait for these videos!!! Everyone looks awesome - I sure hope that these workouts produced those results!!! :) I'm sure nutrition played a role too!! I also hope that all of the girls share their secrets to looking so ripped - Cedie is incredible!! It is neat to see how each of the girls have progressed over the years!! Can't wait!!!
Sara :-jumpy
Okay, We've all been saying how great they look and, of course, they do. But, has anyone noticed that they are not smiling in this picture either?!!! Oh my, these workouts are going to be the hardest yet I do believe.

All I can say is holy moley!!!!!!! You chicks rule!!!!! I can NOT wait to get the new DVDs!!!!!!! We are so very blessed to have you wonderful men and women dedicated to developing these videos that are oh so going to kick our butt! When will they get here? I am dying to know!!!!!!!

Also, I know everyone is focused on your bods..... they do look absolutely fantastic!!!!! However, I want you all to know that we love you no matter what! I would still buy your videos even if your booty looked like mine!!!!!!! Please know that even when we brag and brag about how great you look... please know that is NOT the only reason we love you!!! We love you regardless!

Now.... tell us how you got so cut???????? What did you eat? What did you not eat???? Please share!!!!

Ooooo, I like the look of this ! I wonder if it will be similar to Circuit Max ?
WOW :-wow look at Brenda's muscles !!!!!!!!!

OOOH MY! You all look so lean and muscular in this pic, I nearly fell off my chair! I'd love to have this pic as my computer wall paper!!

I'm so glad I preordered all of these :)
RE: Filming Done????!!!!??? Yeehhaaa!

Hey...Anna...thanks!!!! :)

Take a break, smell the coffee and enjoy your life...Runathon[/img]
Wow. Cedie has always been really inspiring to me just because she is ALWAYS smiling on tape, if I'm having a tough moment, I always look to Cedie to keep me going. And to add to that, now she has shown the most amazing progress in her muscle development. I'm prety blown away! This really is inspiring to me.

Everyone looks pretty in pink. I love that color. Rhonda's abs caught my attention. She looks great and has more definiton! Cathe is totally amazing too. They all look better than ever. I can't wait to get these workouts.

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