Cardio options

Laura in CT

New Member
If I've done Mega Step Blast, Step Heat, and the step portion of BodyMax and have no trouble with any of that choreography, will the workouts on the Cardio Hits DVD be manageable in terms of choreography? How much more intense would you say they are?

I'm trying to decide between the Classics Vol. 1 DVD and the Cardio Hits DVD. Another options I'm pondering is the CTX DVD, because I do love kickboxing--but, again, will the step in the CTX series be too complicated?

Thanks for all input!
I would think that if you can handle Mega Step Blast and Step Heat and especially Body Max then you can handle just about anything Cathe can throw at you. Just about anything you get will be good. BTW I went to your homepage and I homeschool my boys also. They are 11,9 and 7. I have homeschooled from the beginning. We live in PA. Nice to meet other homeschoolers on a board other than a homeschooling one.:)

Hope I helped some.

PS. I was told that if i can do Body Max's stepping then I am breaking myself in on a doozy. It is fast paced yet does have alot of her basic steps that she uses in other tapes in it.:)
Go for the CTX, it's a blast, tons of cardio options, solid weights endurance work, and if you have maastered those other tapes you mention, you are all set for the challenge! You'll do great. I also recommend Powermax and Step Works. You will love them. POwermax is my all time fave Cathe cardio. I am sorry I do not know what DVD they are on.

I would say you should definitely get Cardio Hits rather than the Classics. The Classics choreography is very basic, and it sounds like you would do fine with Cardio Hits. Power Max is about the same complexity as Body Max in terms of choreography; Step Fit is a bit dancier, and Step Works is the danciest of the three.

CTX is also good, but I think if you want to keep yourself challenged, it makes sense to get Cardio Hits first, and then work your way up to the complexity of CTX, which uses alot of the moves form the earlier tapes.

Hope that helps :)

PS I am referring to the choreographic complexity of these tapes, but the cardio intensity goes up in about the same order, so my recommendations stand!
Thanks, all!

I appreciate the input. I decided to go for Cardio Hits. I'll keep CTX on my mental wish list for the future. Now, to wait for my new workouts to arrive so I can try them out!

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