Cardio Fatigue? Help!!


I'm just wondering if anyone else has experienced this or can help me figure out if there is something I can do....

I have always worked out and used to do tons of cardio. I don't ever remember feeling tired and sore all the time through my 20's. For the past several years I have been focusing more on strength training and only did cardio about 2 days a week which I didn't feel was enough. Now I am doing the 6 1/2 month rotation of STS with the Shock Cardio rotation too. It's been about 3 weeks since I started adding in the Shock Cardio and I am completely exhausted all the time. I can't seem to get enough sleep and yesterday I bonked during Step Moves...that never happens to me. The doctor finds no medical reasons for my fatigue and no reasons why I shouldn't work out but his only suggestion is to do less cardio if it's making me tired. I'm sure many of you understand why I don't want to cut the cardio down....I love it! Oh and my diet is pretty clean but I do stay pretty low on the carbs.

So, I'm wondering, do I need more carbs or is there something ya'll eat specifically to have energy while working out this way. Is it my age? I'm 35, is this just part of not being in my 20's anymore? Or, I suppose my body will just take a while to get used to doing this much cardio again? Anybody else experience a time of great fatigue and then get your energy back? How long did it take? Any help would be greatly appreciated! Thanks in advance for taking the time to read this!
fitmom04 - What you're describing sounds like a classic symptom of over-training. What do you do in a week? When's the last time you took week off from working out? With regard to diet are you getting some good fats in there?

I know taking a break is unpopular with a lot of folks here, but there is a lot of evidence that supports it.
Have you done a previous STS Strength rotation so you know how it affects you?

I've found that intense weight training systems (like STS or P90X) can take a lot out of you: you may need extra sleep for the first week or two, for example (that was my situation with P90X).

Adding intense cardio onto that just compounds the situation.

Of course, if you've already done an STS Strength rotation, you know how it affects you, and you can probably judge that its the added cardio that is having the effect.

Cut down to 2x/week for a couple of weeks, then add in another cardio 1x/week every other week for a couple of weeks, then go from there. (note: I use "couple" in the literal sense of "two";)).

Also, somepeople are doing both STS Strength and STS Cardio on the same day. That might not work for everyone (I wouldn't do it, unless I were doing some kind of 'halfsies' STS Strength rotation, where I would only do 30 minutes of the workouts).

Another thing in your post that caught my attention: you stay "pretty low" in carbs. Not a great idea if you want energy, IMO. Glycogen is a major energy source for our bodies (especially the brain), and carbs are the most easily converted into glycogen. (one reason why low-carb diets are high protein is that it's much less efficient for the body to convert protein to glycogen). Don't be afraid of good carbs (non-starchy veggies, pseudograins like amaranth, quinoa, buckwheat, etc.). The healthiest populations on Earth eat 60%+ of their daily calories from carbs.

Completely non-exercise related, but the winter weather and lack of sunlight might be affecting you as well. If you aren't taking a vitamin D supplement, you might want to consider it.

Something that I've been trying lately as a pre-workout drink is Vega Sport Performance Optimizer (it contains lots of superfood ingredients that help with recovery, reduce inflammation and have other health benefits) :

Note : I have no commercial interest in this product, nor do I know Brendan Brazier (the creator) personally, but I highly respect his advice on nutrition for athletic performance.:)


I just started STS w/STS Cardio and haven't experienced any fatigue to the extent you are talking about. The suggestions mentioned are really good..up your carbs for sure. I also take a high quality protein supplement after I work out. I am 36, mother of two and husband works shift work, so I workout after they go to bed, usually no later than 8:30. And then I find myself at times going to bed late. Just wondering what time you are are working out and if you are trying to get to bed early to get 8 hrs of sleep. Best of luck to you with the STS program!
I agree with what other posters have said. What I have to add is that when people started doing STS for the first time - I saw a lot of posts of people being tired - and a lot of people ended up skipping cardio because they were tired. My first round of STS I found I missed cardio days, too. I was intent on making sure I stayed on schedule so I made sure to do the STS, but sometimes I needed more than 1 day of rest in the beginning. I saw this for meso I and meso II. So that may be part of it.

I agree as well. Carbs are our friends! Especially when we work out so much. Since you eat clean, you know what kind of carbs to eat.

I have started taking a protein shake immediately after my workouts and even as a snack on my rest day and this has helped me a lot! I am a vegetarian and I used to only get 60+ g of protein a day. The recommended amount is at least 60 g. But since adding in my protein shake I now get 80-100 g of protein a day and I feel much more energetic. The protein shake I am drinking is from GNC - it is GNC AMP chocolate. The guy at the store said that since I am a woman I "should" only take 40 g of the powder instead of the 79g recommended. This has worked well and I can double the number of servings. It tastes good so I actually enjoy drinking it. (I have no affiliation with GNC.)

Also, what about number of calories you are eating a day. Are you getting enough? You are burning more calories/day, you may need to up your calories a bit. I know that is scary, but you want to fuel your body, afterall.

Rest days are your friend - this is when you make gains. It is so easy to underestimate rest days.

And sleep. Nightly 8 hours of sleep have really helped me. I used to only get around 5-6 and now I make myself go to bed earlier and get the full 7-8 hours a night. I feel so much better now.

Hope that wasn't too much information. Let us know how you are doing and what works for you.

Oh and I don't think it is because you are 35. I am 44 and am doing well with the STS and SC rotation. I think it is just a matter of figuring out the tweaks you need to do and also you have really shocked your system (pun intended). This is my third round of STS so I have figured out what I need to do to help combat the fatigue and have found some of the things I need to do. 35! Heck, you are a spring chicken.
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Thank you so much Ladies. All of your suggestions have been very helpful.

I have been so excited to get the Shock Cardio and I have been doing one every day just b/c it's so much fun to try a new workout. When I look back I realize that I actually have not taken a rest day since I got my Shock Cardio package in the fact, sometimes I've done doubles. I just hadn't paid any attention to that in my excitement. So, I will take a few days to recover from over-training and get back to it with taking the rest day as well as following the schedule instead of doubling up.

I'm also going to look into some of the drinks mentioned and pay a little more attention to my carb intake, it probably hasn't been enough to support the added cardio. I think I get enough sleep but I'll pay better attention to that too.

Thank you so much. I was feeling like I'm just a weakling but it's true, I was over-doing it.

Sounds like not enough calories, you don't want more than a 500 calorie deficit when adding muscle like with STS Strength. Also, are you adding back in your electrolytes like with coconut water?
One more idea - I had similar issues when I was doing P90X. I had amped up my protein intake but found my body really rejected that diet - I even developed intolerances to soy and eggs, which were confirmed by blood tests my physician gave me. She did, though, interestingly find me very deficient in Vitamin D.

I began modifying all my cardio to low imact (I had joint pain along with the exhaustion) and supplementing with Vitamin D. I changed to a high fiber, low fat, high complex carb diet over time. This really helped and continues to be the approach that works best for me personally.
Definitely if you are doing STS and Shock Cardio you need a rest day. I am also doing the two in combination and throwing swimming into the mix. I did take an extra rest day this week because I felt I needed it. Do take a day by day assessment of how you are feeling when you are doing such a touch rotation. Do not feel bad if you get off the rotation because you are tired and need a rest day. There is always tomorrow to pick up and continue. I am also doing STS for the second time, and this time is a bit different than last time in that I do feel like I need some extra rest day. Could be I am a year older(48), could be the 3 college courses I am taking along with work. Could be the holidays(started at the beginning of December). I just know I have to really, really listen to my body. Rest when it demands it.
I'm just wondering if anyone else has experienced this or can help me figure out if there is something I can do....

I have always worked out and used to do tons of cardio. I don't ever remember feeling tired and sore all the time through my 20's. For the past several years I have been focusing more on strength training and only did cardio about 2 days a week which I didn't feel was enough. Now I am doing the 6 1/2 month rotation of STS with the Shock Cardio rotation too. It's been about 3 weeks since I started adding in the Shock Cardio and I am completely exhausted all the time. I can't seem to get enough sleep and yesterday I bonked during Step Moves...that never happens to me. The doctor finds no medical reasons for my fatigue and no reasons why I shouldn't work out but his only suggestion is to do less cardio if it's making me tired. I'm sure many of you understand why I don't want to cut the cardio down....I love it! Oh and my diet is pretty clean but I do stay pretty low on the carbs.

So, I'm wondering, do I need more carbs or is there something ya'll eat specifically to have energy while working out this way. Is it my age? I'm 35, is this just part of not being in my 20's anymore? Or, I suppose my body will just take a while to get used to doing this much cardio again? Anybody else experience a time of great fatigue and then get your energy back? How long did it take? Any help would be greatly appreciated! Thanks in advance for taking the time to read this!

What you are describing sounds exactly what I finally was diagnosed as having after 2 years of the run around. Asthma that gets really bad when working out.

Did your doctor order spirometry for you? I had the test and my airways were extremely restricted. After a breathing treatment in the doctor's office my airways showed a 22% improvement.

I now take Symbicort and it has literally changed my life! I was beginning to think I was nuts as I watched my cardiovascular endurance gradually worsen over the period of 5 years. What I was attributing to aging was in fact a medical condition that could be managed!

Kathryn notes a vitamin D deficiency. I had bloodwork for that and my Vitamin D was very low. I have very fair skin and avoid the sunlight. What my doctor did for me was put me on 5000 IU Vitamin D per day.

I do recommend asking your doctor about the possibility of asthma and a Vitamin D deficiency. I had always thought of asthma as a childhood disease and I was wrong!
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I couldn't do cardio at all during meso 1 or 2. I was just too wiped out.

OMG! Meso 1 and 2 are exhausting for me. Meso 1 is killer. The number of push ups on Chest, Shoulders, and Bicep days are incredible! Just when I think Cathe can't find another way of doing a push up, she does it!

I would not dare do cardio on those days, although I find myself wanting to do Step Moves all the time....
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You are doing a LOT of high intensity work there! I alternate my weight days with my cardio days and do yoga on my rest day. That said, if you like keeping the STS/SC rotation, maybe you should throw a low intensity cardio in there once or twice a week and bring that intensity down a bit - you know, mix it up just a little. Maybe that will give you enough of a break to gather some energy again!
Just a quick update on how I'm doing. I took a couple of days off and tweaked my diet a little to add some complex carbs. I am back on track this week and feeling so much better. I also tried coconut water this week for the first time and think I will definitely start drinking some after work outs.

Amy: I really appreciate your comments. I was diagnosed with exercise induced asthma when I was 18 but it only seemed to bother me at high altitudes and when I tried swimming so I've sort of forgotten about it. I think I will definitely make an appt with my doctor to see if that might be a problem.

Also, about the vitamin D, I normally take a supplement but had just run out about 2 weeks before this fatigue had set in so it did cross my mind that could be a factor and I got back on it a couple of days before my first post.

Again, thank you for all of the comments and ideas, they have been very helpful and very appreciated. I think you've all helped me to better my overall fitness and nutrition program.

I had the same problem a few years ago when I was on a strict diet. I made a big mistake I started with low carbs, than low fat and I was skinny but had no energy. Than I started to realize that I am doing something wrong. I started to eat again CLEAN. This happened 7 years ago since then I totally changed. My energy is incredible I am doing stuff all day. My old me is back and I am healthy and happy. I have more energy than I had 20 years ago.
The STS program is great but the weight workouts really kicked my behind. I love cardio and just started weight training 3 years ago. :p
Of curse I have those "lazy" days. I like to push myself and after a few weeks my body requires a few light days.
I recommend to quit those "low" diets and eat everything in appropriate portions. Your body needs everything not low this or that.
Hope this helps.

Just a quick update on how I'm doing. I took a couple of days off and tweaked my diet a little to add some complex carbs. I am back on track this week and feeling so much better. I also tried coconut water this week for the first time and think I will definitely start drinking some after work outs.

Amy: I really appreciate your comments. I was diagnosed with exercise induced asthma when I was 18 but it only seemed to bother me at high altitudes and when I tried swimming so I've sort of forgotten about it. I think I will definitely make an appt with my doctor to see if that might be a problem.

Also, about the vitamin D, I normally take a supplement but had just run out about 2 weeks before this fatigue had set in so it did cross my mind that could be a factor and I got back on it a couple of days before my first post.

Again, thank you for all of the comments and ideas, they have been very helpful and very appreciated. I think you've all helped me to better my overall fitness and nutrition program.



Please ask your doctor for a spirometry test. I bet if you had asthma before that this very well is contributing to your being so exhausted.

Your symptoms sound exactly like mine did. I thought I was losing my mind before I got a competent doctor who listened to me.

I was getting so little oxygen my lips would turn blue during strenous workouts. I told myself it was looking at the television screen when Cathe uses a blue background and what I saw in my workout mirror was an artifiact of looking at the television set, but in reality my airways were severely restricted, resulting in the cyanosis.

Also, try taking 5000 iu Vitamin D daily.

Please let us know when you find out what is wrong.
I just found out today that I actually have walking Pneumonia. It's very interesting, it turns out that it is common to have fatigue a couple of weeks before the other symptoms show up and that is about how long ago that terrible fatigue was for me. A good lesson I guess to not ignore when you know things aren't right with your body. I am on antibiotics now and rest and can't wait to be well so I can kick it up again with Shock Cardio when I'm well.

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