Cardio Coach vs. IFit - Kicking Myself

Hello There!

I've been on the fence about purchasing one of these workouts so I went ahead and bought one of the IFit treadmill workouts...level 3 I think.... Well, what a waste of money. I listened to approx. 3 minutes of it and there is no way I could possibly get into it. The music is horrible and the instructor's voice is awful! So, after reading what you all have said about Cardio Coach, I think I'm going to give him a shot. But I need some recommendations please! I would use it for running (jogging, really!) outdoors and I'm a big fan of interval training. I typically strive for 30 minutes if my body will keep up with me but again, nothing really hardcore (bone spurs so I try and keep it easy on my joints). Hills are kind out of the question because south Texas is flat as a pancake. Do I have any options?! Thanks so much!!
I am sure you will get a lot of great advice about CC since it is a favorite around here! The really great thing Coach Sean does with the Cardio Coach workouts is individually chapter each challenge and recovery. That way you can custom make workouts to the length (and type) you want. Many people here who use CC outside do walking lunges for the hills. You can also just make playlists of sprints if you enjoy those. I really like Volume 7. It is my favorite...but really they are all so good.

I am sure you will get a lot of great advice about CC since it is a favorite around here! The really great thing Coach Sean does with the Cardio Coach workouts is individually chapter each challenge and recovery. That way you can custom make workouts to the length (and type) you want. Many people here who use CC outside do walking lunges for the hills. You can also just make playlists of sprints if you enjoy those. I really like Volume 7. It is my favorite...but really they are all so good.


I'm not a runner so it's hard for me to imagine how you would handle hill challenges on flat land. I guess you could try lunges, or maybe break into a sprint. I believe Shelley (allwildgirl), Emily (materialsgirl), Jess (Jess jugs), Gayle (Banslug), and several others use CC outside, so hopefully one of them will chime in with some expert advice. Coach Sean recommends Volumes 5 and 7 for outdoor runners but I'm sure you could use any of them. ETA that Carola (hiitdogs) also uses them outside to walk her doggies!!! Dear God, how could I forget about Carola!! (sorry dear, you know I love you :) )

He provides a full written description of each workout on his website.

Do you have a bicycle? Several CCers put their bikes on a trainer and do the workouts that way. I'm considering getting a trainer, too, because my bike is on the wall in my garage and hasn't seen the road in 2 years. :eek: Here's an interesting factoid -- Sean uses his spin class students as guinea pigs to test his workouts. ;)
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Great info - Yes I was on the website for like 2 hours the other day trying to decide which to get but I figured I'd consult the experts here first! I am still so mad at myself for spending $8 on that stupid IFit workout.... what a waste! I do have a bike and have been eyeing it up lately..just like you - it's hanging upside down in the garage, haha! But the transitions are clear using CC? I'm afraid I'm not going to understand what he's talking about :p
Yes, I think the transitions are very clear. He explains in detail what's coming up in the challenge. I usually have to do a workout 2 or 3 times before I find my settings (I do the workouts on an elliptical), so don't feel discouraged if a workout doesn't feel exactly right on the first try.

I was thinking that workouts with treks would work well outside. A trek is where, on a cardio machine, you set the pace and then adjust the resistance or incline until you reach the desired level or HR training zone. The 3rd challenge in volume 2 is a great trek -- nice and fast! I like Volume 3, too. It has 2 sprint challenges. I'd seriously consider both of those. One of my VF friends (Sean's A#1) runs outside with Volume 4 -- it's her absolute favorite. I'd say you need 5 and 7 for sure. If you get at least 3 workouts you have all kinds of options for making custom playlists, and his prices are so good right now! He's offering quantity discounts, so the savings on 3 downloads is better than 50% off! :eek:

ETA that you can find some really good information in his Quick Start Guide. I still refer to it from time to time, and if you read it you shouldn't have any trouble understanding his instructions.
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Great info - Yes I was on the website for like 2 hours the other day trying to decide which to get but I figured I'd consult the experts here first! I am still so mad at myself for spending $8 on that stupid IFit workout.... what a waste! I do have a bike and have been eyeing it up lately..just like you - it's hanging upside down in the garage, haha! But the transitions are clear using CC? I'm afraid I'm not going to understand what he's talking about :p

Oh, you'll love CC!! Michele is a great enabler! I wasn't sure about it before I tried it either, but I LOVE CC!! I've used it running and biking outdoors, running on the treadmill, and now the elliptical!! I just have volumes 5, 8, and the Press Play and I love them all! I think Volume 8 is my favorite so far. ;)
Hmm...I think I might just go for #5 then and try it tonight while my daughter's on the soccer field. My playlist is so boring at this point so I'm excited about trying something new. Thanks :)
Hmm...I think I might just go for #5 then and try it tonight while my daughter's on the soccer field. My playlist is so boring at this point so I'm excited about trying something new. Thanks :)

I LOVE Volume 5!! Have fun, and please let us know how it goes! :D
Jess, the 2nd challenge in Vol 8 still scares me -- LOL!

Michelle, it will scare you a little less if you only do ONE of the TWO 8-MINUTE HILLS..;) !!!!!

Not that I do that...:eek: Okay, yes I do...:p

Seriously, though, what was he thinking?!?!?:rolleyes:
Michelle, it will scare you a little less if you only do ONE of the TWO 8-MINUTE HILLS..;) !!!!!

Not that I do that...:eek: Okay, yes I do...:p

Seriously, though, what was he thinking?!?!?:rolleyes:
Yeah, what WAS he thinking! The first time I did that 2nd challenge was also the first time I swore at Sean. :eek: :D :p :D :p
I cussed him out... I did. :rolleyes:
Jess, the 2nd challenge in Vol 8 still scares me -- LOL!

Call me crazy but this is one of my favorites! The motivational coaching in this challenge really helped me through a tough time in my life since you can apply the motivational words to many areas of your life. So, not only is Cardio Coach good for cardio it is also good for when you are going through a rough patch. Wonder if Coach Sean knew his workouts would be used for something other than just cardio when he made them. :p
Lisa, I know exactly what you mean. I often use CC for "other" things. I made a playlist of all the Coach's Notes (I wish he still included them in the workouts) because I find them so inspirational, especially the notes that follow Volume 4. Challenge 1 from Vol 6 is GREAT for doing push ups. :D

I even have a playlist for those nights when I'm having trouble sleeping (get your minds out of the gutter -- LOL!). I put the stretch tracks from Volumes 7 and 8 together and repeated it 3 times. The only bad thing about it is that I fall asleep with those stupid headphones in my ears. Rolling onto my side forces the doohickey deep into my ear thus producing pain which wakes me up. It's a vicious cycle -- LOL!
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I've kind of glanced over CC posts with glazed-over eyes previously, but you guys are making it sound too good today! Does anyone have suggestions for a relatively beginner level workout to use with an elliptical trainer? I looked at the website, but can't tell if the workouts are geared toward fitness level, or if you make the workout fit you (does that makes sense?) -- do the workouts vary more in style than difficulty? I'm in desperate need of motivation and discipline, to get back into a real cardio routine. Maybe today is the day for Coach Sean!

Oh Allison, that is the beauty of Cardio Coach; they are for EVERYONE! You work at your own preceived exertion (please forgive if I misspelled those! :eek:) For the love of Pete -- get some CC workouts, you will not regret it and will be starting your own CC threads!!! :p

Volume 1 and 2 are shorter workouts and each volume gets longer, But you don't have to do all the challenges and can customize it for your own workout! Ah...Coach Sean is a genius!!

Good luck :)
Jess, the 2nd challenge in Vol 8 still scares me -- LOL!

I did this one this morning and it was the 3rd challenge that scared me :eek: I always think the 3rd challenge is short and sweet, but NO!!!! It is long and cruel :p Had a great workout BTW!!!!!

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