Can't lose weight

Hi Lisa! I understand your frustrations! The BMR and AMR are by no means dieting! It is a guideline for providing your body with proper nutrition and knowing and meeting your daily needs! Going on a diet usually means going off a diet eventually! The important adjustment is to make healthy eating not only a habit but a lifestyle! I'm gonna start another thread and hopefully the educated crowd will provide eating programs that are available to keep your options open! Clean eating is a common asked question--it'll be good to have everything in one spot to have it printable! Your friend in fitness~~Francine
Hi Lisa! I understand your frustrations! The BMR and AMR are by no means dieting! It is a guideline for providing your body with proper nutrition and knowing and meeting your daily needs! Going on a diet usually means going off a diet eventually! The important adjustment is to make healthy eating not only a habit but a lifestyle! I'm gonna start another thread and hopefully the educated crowd will provide eating programs that are available to keep your options open! Clean eating is a common asked question--it'll be good to have everything in one spot to have it printable! Your friend in fitness~~Francine
Hi Lisa, just to reassure you I've recently upped my calories a little bit and I've noticed that I've lost more weight in the last week than I had been when I was eating a few hundred calories less a day. I had dropped my calories a lot for a couple of weeks because I went on some medication that causes a short term loss in appetite. As weird as this sounds, my weight loss slowed down during this time. I went back up to my caloric intact before taking the medication (still don't have much of an appetite but I forced myself to eat more) and I started losing more weight.
new thread

Hi Lisa! It'll be under Eating program in the open discussion section! I hope everyone chips in--this will be helpful!Your friend in fitness~~Francine

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