Can't eat! :(


One of the not so wonderful parts of motherhood is getting your children's illnesses... This past Friday my sweet little boy passed his ugly tummy virus to me. I have been able to keep food down, but I've been able to eat very very little. I'm over the virus, but I still have no appetite. I lost four pounds this weekend because I couldn't eat hardly anything and I am now struggling to eat at MOST 600-700 calories a day. I haven't been able to work out, obviously. :( I'm really worried that I'm screwing up my metabolism and that my body will start storing fat, and I'm really trying to lose weight (healthily, not through this starvation method)!!! Any suggestions or wise words? I've never had something like this cling on for so long. Usually it's a 24/48 -hour deal and then I'm ravenously hungry again!
Sorry to hear you're ailing, Stephanie! I think your body is trying to tell you it's still sick and you should take it easy. Some of these viruses and other organisms can hang on for a week or more. I would just let your body do what it's asking and not worry about ruining your metabolism.

That being said, if in the next couple of days you're still not able to eat much, you should see your doctor. You might need to do some blood and/or stool tests to find out what's going on, and get either treatment or reassurance (or both!).

As Alisha mentioned- probiotics... yogurt is a great and soothing food to eat.... slowly. Keep your fluids up for sure!! Diluted Gatorade...

Healing hugs your way, darlin'!!!

Thanks, ladies! Yesterday I rounded the corner as far as the virus was concerned. I felt well today, just still not hungry and struggling to get my calories in a good range. I did eat today, though, and I got to work out tonight!!! Well, a 45 minute brisk walk on the treadmill, but I'll take it! ... You guys must have been sending me healing vibes! :)
If you caught rotavirus that is going to last more then 48 hours. When our family went through it, I lost 6 pounds and couldn't eat for a week. You won't mess up your metabolism, your body knows when its sick and purposely doesn't want to digest anything right now because its too much work for it. I would stay away from anything that is hard to digest. I swear by homemade chicken soup (but don't eat the chicken part). Its pulled my kids through every time. Crackers, rice, bananas are easy to digest too. The best thing you could do is drink as much as you can because that's the problem with stomach virus, one becomes dehydrated quickly. You also need to replenish your digestive system with bacteria by taking Lactobacillus acidophilus (probiotics). Goodbelly To Go works great here. When you start eating again, you'll be surprised that most of the weight will come back, that part was sort of depressing though now that I think of it.

So happy to hear you're feeling better Stephanie! I had a bug last week too and was sicker then I've ever been. Thank goodness they don't last toooo long! Take it easy working your way back into your workouts. BIG HUGS!

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