Can you believe how many views???


Can you believe how many people view a post
compared to how many comment? Some posts get 300 or 400 views.
I honestly never thought there were that many people
on the Cathe forum. It's scary to think how many people
are viewing these posts!! :eek:

Okay you lurkers: How do you resist putting in your two cents???

-Dr. Nancy

Oops! Sorry. Meant to put this in the Open Discussion.
Dr. Nancy,
I totally was thinking the exact same thing! I would have NEVER thought! A little weird huh! They must be more shy than all of us loud mouths! hee hee
I "lurked" for a verrrry long time before responding to any posts or before I ever posted. I learned so much and I loved reading everyone's experiences with the same things that I was doing! I have done Cathe videos since there were Cathe workouts, but I didn't say anything on the forum for a few years. I guess I felt like I would be "intruding". But then after a while, even while lurking, I felt like I just had to pipe in! Cause even though we all have very different lives, we still have Cathe workouts in common :7

I've only been with Cathe workouts for about a year. I've learned a lot from this forum. A lot of times it seems like whenever I have a question to post, somebody else has asked it - and when people ask questions, I'm not knowledgable enough to answer.
OK, so now that our number of posts is listed under our name, my new goal is to start talking:D

I am a professional lurker so I am one of thoses viewers with no comment, but since recieving my UPS notification on my DVD:D :D, I AM SO EXCITED I AM HAVE TO DELURK!!
Though the proportion of "viewers" to "posters" is probably a little off, since someone could post once to a thread, but visit a thread many times. "Viewers" would include posting viewers and non-posting viewers, and every visit would be a "view."
I've lurked for years , made a few posts years ago , lured some more and now I'm back out. Have to say it's nice to talk to other Cathe fans. Sometimes I was too busy to post so just read, lots of times could't log on , or was too lazy, someone else asked my question or made my comment for me. Confessions from a lurker, we're not so bad.
What Lisa said....and I take it way too personally if I post and no one I kinda don't post much.
Need to get over this
Yeah...and I'm gonna reply to your reply so your reply will be replied to!
That's what friends are for......:7

Yeah, but every time I view a particular thread counts as 1 view right?? So, by the time the thread is "done", I may have viewed it 5+ times. And that is just ME, right?? OR does it only count each user once??
I'm usually a "lurker" but try to come out of my shell now and then! i love reading the posts everyone is so motivating to me. And it's neat to see these real friendships develope! There are alot of really nice people on this forum and it's great everyone shares alot of common goals. Everyone is usually very positive! Well I'm off to lurk some more!
Ya..I think that is right Janice.I also read and reread the post...I am addicted to i definitely read more than post!
True, Janice. I would imagine it counts each time one of us revisit a thread, like I am revisiting this one now. Each new view is probably not a new person.

I gotta agree with you on that one Kim...I also didn't post often because no one would reply or that I might say the wrong thing.
Guess I need to get over it as well! :)

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