Can we introduce ourselves?

Hi, Brooke!

I am very excited about the trip as well! I would also like to know some of the people that are attending the event prior to it starting.

I'm Lana, and I am 30 years old from the Chicago-area. I am a cosmetologist in the city and I'm married with 3 children. I work-out at the gym as well as to Cathe's DVD's. She rocks! My fave is Cardio Fusion from her latest set. It is going to be awesome to do the classes live! I look forward to seeing you and all the fellow RT girls! :7
Hi All! Can't wait to see some "old" faces and some NEW ones! This will be my 2nd. Cathe RT!

I am Debbie~54 years old

Married to Dave for almost 35 years

Daughter Julie (34 years old)

Son Jonathan (28 years old)

My GK's (one of each) will be 3 & 6 in June.

Our cat Chelsea is 20 this month! :7

I teach Hi/Lo aerobics and muscle endurance classes. I found Cathe in Dec. of 1999 and have bought every workout. No one compares! I am looking forward to seeing you all in August! Be prepared to have a blast!

Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH (AKA "Den Mother Debbie")[/img] If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance, I Hope You DANCE!
Hi, everyone -

I'm Cheryl, I'm 47, and my DH and I have a combined family of 9 children (don't panic - only 1-3 living with us at any one time. Sometimes we're even alone). I have one grandbaby, a little girl who just turned 1.

I'm a marathon runner who found out about Cathe about a year ago. Now I own all Cathe's DVDs and I am a true convert!

Can't wait to meet all of you in Aug!

My name is Gin, 47 years old also, married for 25 years with 2 sons, 23 and 20.

I have also have run 3 marathons,used to do be a true Firmie,then saw Cathe on FitTV about 4 years ago and have been a Cathe fan ever since.

I have been teaching 4 and 5 year olds for the past 15 years and I live in North TX.

Can't wait for August!!
My name is Christina and I'm from Colorado. I'm 47 and I have been living with my boyfriend for 18 years.

I use to go to a gym for years. In 1992 (I think) I started to workout at home with the Firm. Then I discovered Cathe's MIS and PS series. In 2002 I started doing her cardio.

I am so excited about this trip. Now it's time to buy workout clothes. I don't think you guys want to see me in my underwear :)

I'm a lurker and not much of a poster. I can't wait for August to finally meet Cathe and the crew. I loved seeing all the pictures from the last RT.


I'm not from CO, but I'll be there visiting family when it's time to fly to the RT, so I'll be flying from Denver EARLY on Fri morn.

There's a RT check-in over on check-ins and challenges if you'd like to "meet" more of us.

Hey Everyone!

My name is Monica and I am from St Louis MO. I am 31 years old with 2 birds, 2 dogs, and one hubby. This will be my first RT and I am SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO excited. I couldn't find the RT check-in over in check-ins and challenges, but I'll keep looking and will try to post there too. I'll be coming in for the RT Friday afternoon and can't wait to meet everyone.

See you soon!!

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