Can MIC ever REALLY be turned into a LO impact routine ?


Because I am still so darned scared about this workout, not so much about the step part, but more the cardio bit ?

EEEEKKK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :eek:

Anna :)
The first time I do it, it will be!
Can you believe I've had it for 6 months and I'm afraid to try it. I work out on a slab with carpet/pad over it. I'm fine with IMax so I don't know why MIC intimidates me!

If it can I haven't figured it out! Of course, there is the point where I stand there bent over trying to catch my breath and just watch Cathe continue to high kick, leap, etc!
And I don't think it's my imagination that even Cedie and Rhonda give her a "I don't believe this s--t!" look a few times!

I say we tackle this monster at the first of the year, sort of a "New Year's Resolution" thing for 2003! We'll add MIC once/week to whatever rotation we're doing and check back in with each other for tips, atta-girl's, and CPR purposes!
Whatta ya think?


Fitness~ it's a journey, not a race!
I'm sure it probably could be modified but when I tried to modify, I couldn't keep my heartrate up very high. These days I just don't do the last part of the hi/lo because by that point my feet (flat as a duck's) are KILLING ME! I figure why put myself through it? I simply can't do the really hi impact stuff for an extended period of time. I would say if you can do even part of the hi/lo then move on to the step portion, you've still gotten a HECK of a workout without torturing yourself. You even get a very intense shorter workout just doing the step part.
Hi Anna,

Unlike many on these forums, MIC is one of my favorites. But, then, I am a cardio nut - avoiding weights at all costs - well, at least trying to!

Anyway, when I first did MIC, I kept all my movements at a lower level in order to keep up with Cathe. My step was, and still is, at 6 inches. As my strength (in spite of my reluctance) has improved as well as my endurance, this tape gets more enjoyable. The best part is the last interval blast. I whoop it up, with a little help from endorphins...

So, start by just saying to yourself you want to make it through, then build up the intensity later. On the first part there is lo, med, then high impact - so save some energy at the beginning. When you move to the step, stay lo even as she pumps it up a little. You'll get there!!

Due to knee problems, I had to do MIC lo impact - I refused to give it up! I just cut out the jumping and I don't use a step for the step parts. It's still a good workout, granted your heart rate probably won't get up as high, but for me it was key to not letting the pain get me down.
good luck!
I did MIC last Monday when I was home from work sick.....and it was the first time I really had to modify it. I was ok until the middle of the step section, then I started backing away from the step and doing the moves on the floor. I just walked around my house for the cool down. MIC is not the workout to do when you're feeling a little OFF your program!!;-)

Donna M
Not in my lifetime ...

It's too high impact. I just cannot do it--I end up running in place for damn near 20 minutes of the hi/lo workout! It's just BRUTAL.

I watched about 5 minutes of the step section tonight and it will probably be *another* year-and-a-half before I get the nerve to even THINK about trying it.
RE: STILL scared.....

Hi All,

Thanks for all your replies !!! :)
I think I am going to have to take a raincheck on this video, I was seriously thinking of purchasing it - I just don't think I will ever be able to do it - I struggle with the leaping about bit at the end of Cardio Kicks. And MIS is such a nice workout too ?

Though, Donna's 2003 New Year Challenge sounds great - maybe we should have a choice of 3 Cathe vids ? Body max, MIC, and either Circuit max or Imax ? How many times would we have to do our chosen workout per week ? Hopefully, just once ! :7

Anna :)

Oh yes, once/week would be enough! :)

MIC is the only video I cannot get through decently! Imax is WAY easier in my opinion, and many here will remember how I struggled with it when I first got it! But I got it! MIC is just NEVER any easier, it's always relentless, and like Kimba, I have to run in place for so much of it or do some "odd" version of whatever Cathe is doing to just keep going!
But I am determined to get through this video! It's a video for craps sake, not Mt. Everest! If it can be done, and obviously it can because SO many others do it like it's a normal cardio, then I WILL do it! But I don't want to do it alone :( (insert whine!)


Fitness~ it's a journey, not a race!

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