can i jump right into using cathes?


New Member
It seems like alot of people who start Cathe were doing Firms before. Just wondering is it a good idea for someone out of shape to start doing Cathes? I know the weight training parts probably won't be a problem if I use the right pound weights... and with the step workouts I was thinking of just doing what I can and taking breaks when needed. I have about 10 Cathe step workouts, Power Hour, Maximum Intensity Strength, Intensity Series and have the Body Blast preorderd.
About 5-6 years ago I used to walk/jog and do an exericse video like the Buns Of Steel series or Cindy Crawford's (I know those are nothing campared to Cathes) 5 days a week everyday after school. I haven't really had an exercise routine after I finished school and gained quite a bit of weight that I NEED to lose.. just seems like being fat is holding me back from enjoying life again. I start exercising for a week or 2 and fall off the wagon. Has anyone just starting jumped into Cathes without doing anyother videos before hand?
I had done very little "weight" training when I started doing Cathe 5 or 6 years ago so I would say that "yes" you can jump right in. I would just suggest taking it light at first, maybe even go through the weight routines without much weight a few times but you might be surprised at how quickly you can advance.

This is just me and maybe nobody else has had this happen but the first time I ever did squats and lunges (from a Joyce Vedral workout), I did them with weights and did the complete set of them and was so sore I could not walk for 3 or 4 days!!! So maybe just take it slow at first....

Good luck and I'm sure you will get some good advice from some of the extremely helpful people on this forum...:7
I was one that moved to Cathe from doing the Firm, but I just wanted to give you my opinion for what it's worth. I have only been working out with Cathe for about the last year, but just love her videos.

I think you're right that the strength side of things will be no problem, and in fact would probably be better to start with Cathe than the Firm since she gives more pointers and you're doing the weights separately from the cardio. I started with MIS and really loved it. I would also caution about the lunges - those will get you good if you don't watch it! :)

As far as step goes, I think that if you've never done step before in your life, it might be a good idea to invest in just one beginner-style tape to learn basic technique with. Cathe's videos tend to use higher tempo music, so you might be more apt to pick up bad habits about foot placement and such. My favorite step video besides Cathe is Keli Robert's Ultimate Step, but it doesn't have many form pointers. However, the tempo is slower and the moves are less complex while still being a lot of fun. However, maybe someone else could recommend which step workout would be a good starting point - all I have is her Wedding video and the CTX series. Wedding video might be a good starting point to learn step, but CTX definitely isn't.

Good luck! I'm so jealous of your future large collection! :) Just take it slow and remember to go at your own pace so you don't burn out (I have a habit of doing that) and you'll have a blast!

Are you using videos or DVD's? If you are using DVD's I would say get what you want and learn each cardio workout slowly. If you have a DVD player there is a way to play hard to learn moves in ultra slow motion and hit repeat so you can learn them. If you don't want to just jump in, there are others who recommend getting her older step tapes such as Step in Motion. Others have recommended the How to Get In Shape for Your Wedding workout as it introduces one to step and a total body muscle conditioning workout. I don't own either of these and others will probably chime in here. Good luck and have fun! I think you will really enjoy Cathe. Her workouts are a tone of fun and since I began using her workouts I haven't gone back to anything else. I probably should incorporatate someone/something else just for crosstraining purposes. Oh well.:7 :p
Hi, Squirt! (Love the screen name!)

Absolutely you can learn to do Cathe by doing Cathe. Just practice segments over and over until you get the steps AND Cathe's terminology down. Although Interval Max 1 and Interval Max 2 are extremely high intensity, the step choreography in each of these is extremely easy to learn, and a good intro into other step routines.

Step Edith, another Cathe-ite, said it best: "Cathe is for anyone willing to work hard." Make sure to preview each routine at least once before trying it, start with a low step (no more than 4" regardless of your height), practice practice practice and you'll do just fine.

Welcome to the gang!

Hi Squirt,

Welcome to our family!!!

I also jumped into Cathe from doing the Firm, among others. Like my fellow Catheits have noted, the strength portion of Cathe's workouts are excellent - start out with low weights - you will be amazed at how quickly you will be increasing them. With the cardio/step portions - start out slow, learn the movements and definately the terminology and before you know you will be one of us - Cathe Addicts!!! I have Body Max (love it), Intensity Series, Slow and Heavy, CTX Upper Body and Ab Hits and plan on adding her Kickboxing video and have pre-ordered the Body Blast series as well. I agree with Amanda - those lunges/squats will challenge you. Word of advice - keep some ice on hand because my dear - you are going to be sore - so don't over do it.

Take care,

I never did Firms. I jumped right in with Cathe after reading about her at I have never used any other ones.

I have taken step classes before, though.

I think even if you don't "get" the move, you are still getting a workout. You are distracted by the fact that you are trying to "get" the tape, and next thing you know, you've worked out for an hour at your top heart rate!

Enjoy, and don't worry if you don't accomplish the moves first try. You'd get bored pretty quick with them if that were the case.

I had never used weight except for the 5lb weights when I did denise austin a yr or so ago. I just started seriously using weights about April I guess it was, and it has helped me, I needed to lose about 23 lbs and I have lost 17 of that so far. So you go girl, lift those weights :7 ... start small and work up. :7 .... Rhonda
I just wanted to add that when I'm learning a new step routine, I find it helps to concentrate on learning the foot part first and then add the arms once I have the hang of the feet.

Good luck and have fun!
I strongly believe that you should NOT start stepping with Cathe. If you are out of shape and have not stepped before, you will probably become frustrated and quit again, because her tempo is quite a bit faster than most other instructors, especially those that make tapes for beginner and intermediate exercisers.
I think you should head right on over to and check out some appropriate tapes like Kahty Smith, Gin Miller, or maybe Karen Voight.
You could most certainly start with Cathe's weight tapes, though! PS or MIS would be great to start with, as long as you use lighter weights, listen to the form pointers and take it at your own pace.
Although well meaning, many on this forum have forgotten what it is like to be a beginner. Cathe is the best there is for advanced exercisers, but she herself reccomends starting with beginner or intermediate tapes, rather than her own stuff.
Good luck!
I'm someone who DID jump right into Cathe workouts, and I don't regret it at all. Power Max was my first Cathe tape, and although I was completely new to stepping, I just kept up with her as best as I could, listened to my body and modified when needed, and eventually learned the trickier moves (something about that 360 around-the-world took me awhile to get down just right!). You mentioned that you're worried about falling off the workout wagon, but I think starting with a challenging workout is what keeps people motivated to continue working at it - for me, I wanted to LEARN THOSE MOVES, and that's what kept me coming back to it (that and the fact that it was kicking my butt on a regular basis, which I knew I needed and couldn't get from other videos and instructors).

Circuit Max and Interval Max were my next Cathe workouts, and then Power Hour and MIS, and the list goes on from there . . . . But, in my opinion, if you do already have Cathe tapes/DVDs, USE THEM!!! Don't get discouraged if you can't keep up with her or have to modify a lot (we've ALL been there!). That sense of accomplishment when you do finally keep up with all of the moves or don't have to modify as much (or eventually at all) is totally worth it (and the results your body will reap from it are some of the best motivators, too!).

Good luck and hope I was able to help. :)
I was a FIRMIE too and I have to tell you ... when I first tried Body Max it was hilarious. I remember stopping and watching that heel hop jack A- step move and going "WHAT???" I still do when I go back to it!
But you do get better at it. It amazes me now that I can actually follow along and sometimes even want her to "Get on with it" LOL...ah, the audacity of ADDers. I would suggest going into it with patience and a sense of humor ... because it is definitely a lot of fun once you get it. I totally love that I can follow all those steps she hurls at us ... one part I like in RS is when she goes "Don't panic!" Because at that point when I first tried it...I was!
A-jock your right on and I still stand on that Cathe is for anyone who's willing to work hard!!

If you wanna do Cathe, train with her vids is what I say. You may do 30 minutes of a step vid and then continue to work with that same segment of that same vid for a couple weeks, but, YOU WILL build up as time goes on.

Some goodies to start with are

Step N Motion I
Mega Step Blast
Step Max
Step Heat
Wedding Video

I did it, Donna GettingFitat39 did it and so can YOU.

I stand by my opinion, and others' here, that you can LEARN step by doing Cathe. It is true that she uses a slightly faster tempo than other step DVD's / videos. However, if you practice segments you almost can't help but get them down after awhile.

I like the suggestion made earlier in this thread to focus on learning the footwork and legwork, and then adding arms as you can.

Also, tying in with another suggestion on the Open Discussion forum, there is absolutely nothing wrong with stringing together a series of Cathe WARM-UPS to her step routines to comprise a complete workout. If the warm-up is on the step, then usually she rehearses moves you'll be encountering later in the aerobic segments, and at a slower tempo so you can get the footwork practiced and a workout at the same time. A suggested string-along might be:

I-Max 2 warm-up
Rhythmic Step warm-up
I-Max 1 warm-up (this one feels like a complete workout in itself!)

Or whatever. This method works best when you have a multi-disc DVD player, but it can also work with single-disc players or vids, just takes more time to load the workouts into the machines.

Again, preview each of the workouts beforehand, practice on a very low step, and work your way up. You'll get there.

Another person here who started with Cathe step and never looked back. I've never even done a step tape by any other instructor. My first step experience was with Bodymax - her FASTEST paced workout that I know of. She is a great instructor to learn by because she cues so incredibly well. She doesn't break it down like a beginning instructor would, but you can do that yourself by stopping and starting again. In fact, I appreciated the fact that once I got the moves down and didn't have to rewind so much, there was no breakdown so I I could keep my heart rate up there. And since the workouts are so intense you will have something to work toward for a while, rather than outgrowing it quickly as you would a slower video. But, it all depends on how you learn I guess.
Hi, I'm new to Cathe's workouts, too. Started with Power Hour (which I love) and Rhythmic Step just this past spring.
Power Hour is easy to follow because Cathe lets you know what is coming up, gives great pointers (before and during), and you have time in between the exercise to prepare for the next part. It's not easy to do though! I love the lunges because the way she does them, while tough, doesn't kill my poor knees!
Then there's Rhythmic Step. I can pretty much make my way through it, though sometimes I'm going in the opposite direction from Cathe and I don't hop on the step. But I still get a good workout and feel like there's room for me to grow with this.
So I think you can jump right in with Cathe and learn step from her. She is very thorough with her cuing and even when you misstep, you'll still work up a sweat.
YES!! I just did. I started with Step n Motion I. I have been doing the Firm for several months and have always worked out. I have never done step workouts, however. Step n Motion was a tape I could do the first time through. It does help to preview these tapes so you can at least see what's happening. I have Step Jam (trying that tomorrow) Step Works, Power Max, Body Max,Power Hour, MIS, MIC and the Pure Strength Series. I will work them in to my FitPrime and Firm work as well as my cardio (walking and Nordic track). I agree the best way to learn is by doing. From what I have seen with my tapes Step n Motion I, Step Jam and Power Max are somewhat doable for us step novices.
By the way, I did not use risers on my step the first couple of times.
Be careful and good luck!! Debra:)
I agree with this post, but it won't take you long to be able to do Cathe tapes. The first tape I ever used was Power Max. I had been doing FIRM tapes for about a year. I really liked it and still do it. What is so great about it, is it's in three segments. When I first started, I just lowered my step and did the first two segments. Didn't take me long to be able to do the third. What I also like about Power Max is you can do part of it and then do part of a weight tape like MIS. I mix and match Cathe videos a lot. I think that is one of their strengths.

I also want to recommend a Gin Miller tape. It involves fairly simple steps, but its fun and athletic. She has three groups (pods) working out with her and they model three different ways to modify the steps for different levels. On top of that, it is an interval tape and will help you build stamina quickly. Oh ya, the name of it is, Reebok Intense Moves. There are ten intervals, but you could do 5 or 6 at first and build from there. It is a little high impact, but if you are going to do Cathe tapes you will need to get used to this. I also recommend a Kathy Smith tape, Functional Fitness, it is not a step tape, but it is a very good tape to build stamina, and easily modified. It is a great workout if you are short on time. And, I do recommend FIRM tapes. I found them a good bridge to Cathe.

Just keep on keeping on. If you have a slump don't beat yourself up for it, just start moving again at a level you can handle and build from there. I say this from experience. I have slumped. I am an expert at unslumping.

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