You are very WISE for someone so young 
Thats right! I used to way over do it in my 20s. I don't think its beneficial because you start breaking muscle down instead of building it up. Of course - I'm nowhere near an expert.
I'm glad you are having so much fun with the series. I have a really nasty cold right now thats manifested itself has a deep and hacking cough.. so i'm trying to hold off doing these tapes til I start getting better.. its a challenge
Thats right! I used to way over do it in my 20s. I don't think its beneficial because you start breaking muscle down instead of building it up. Of course - I'm nowhere near an expert.
I'm glad you are having so much fun with the series. I have a really nasty cold right now thats manifested itself has a deep and hacking cough.. so i'm trying to hold off doing these tapes til I start getting better.. its a challenge
