Can I do all Xpress series in one day

You are very WISE for someone so young :)

Thats right! I used to way over do it in my 20s. I don't think its beneficial because you start breaking muscle down instead of building it up. Of course - I'm nowhere near an expert.

I'm glad you are having so much fun with the series. I have a really nasty cold right now thats manifested itself has a deep and hacking cough.. so i'm trying to hold off doing these tapes til I start getting better.. its a challenge

In my thirties and fabulous without overdoing it.

I just posted, what was I thinking, Xpress in 1 day. All you girls are right, I have been working out since I was 19, and I'm definitely more knowledgeable about working out and eating right now, then I was back then, not to mention that I've been able to stay a size 3, with a 10 lb increase/decrease here and there. Any time I feel confused, I will remember to log on, because I'm not alone out there, and I love to work out and look good, unlike the people I work with. They are all older and maybe that's why sometimes, I look at them and the things they eat, and I think to myself, my God am I going to look like that? So thank you all, (my workout buddies), I have truly enjoyed our chat. Until next time!
Happy Birthday to me too!

I turned 41 yesterday (8/29). That's really a coincidence. Maybe people born on 8/29 are more likely to be fitness enthusiasts!

I have found that I need to do more cardio to keep the fat off. I, too, could eat anything I wanted years ago, but over the last 5 years, have had to increase my cardio workouts to stay in the same size. I refuse to increase my pants size, so I may end up working out 7 days a week for an hour eventually, but it's worth it!

I love these new cardio tapes, especially Circuit Max. I had a great time doing it yesterday morning. It mixes weights in with the cardio, so I can have the best of both worlds very efficiently. I love learning new choreography; it keeps the boredom away.

Books for women

I'm constantly reading up on fitness and wellness books and I ran across this book "Outsmarting the female fat cell" on the internet, would you recommend it? I don't plan to have children, but I think women in general have different fat cells than men, whether you have children or not. Let me know. In respect to what you have read about me, and my concerns about aging, are there any other books you have read that I would be interested in reading. Thanks again.
Awesome attitude

I also can relate to what you're saying about not getting your 20ish body back, and find myself working very hard to keep my stomach's 6 pack, but I guess what bothers me is that although I'm stronger, look great and feel great, my skin is looser. I still look tight, because believe me I wouldn't show a 6-pack on my stomach muscles if I wasn't, but its like in between them the skin is looser. Am I making any sense, or should I see a therapist, just kidding. Well, maybe I should, I think its more mental with me. Do you do Yoga, or read any books I should know about? I would like to acquire an attitude like yours. God bless you!
Lourdy, I admire you....

for CONSIDERING doing it all in one day! What a great little thread! I will be 38 in December and I am in pretty great shape if I do say so myself! Sometimes it is a shock to look in the mirror and see my fortyish face looking back at me when I feel more vital and energetic than I did in my twenties. I metamorphosed at age 31 from a heavy smoking, rather compulsive creature into a fit and balanced indvidual. I wouldn't trade it for the world! You are lucky to be young and fit and aware of what it takes to remain vital far into your future. Stick with Cathe and her "gang", who never fail to lift me up, to inspire me, to make me laugh and I know you'll be a very fit old lady someday.

Hi BLF, I'm so happy I found fitness buddies, yes it's on the internet, but still, I can talk to you girls. At work they all look at me as if I'm crazy, but the feeling is mutual. I like the idea that we all admire one another for our hard work in trying to stay above it all, and in good shape. I have been reading a lot of threads and becoming familiar with the regular one's, like you, and although I read that you have an apple body shape and I don't, we have a lot in common. I carry my fat on my thighs and hips, so I have to be careful. Anyway, I wanted to know if you've read any books that would help me with the psychological part of getting older. I love to read fitness books and total well being , but I haven't found anything that is helping me in that area. I have two sisters that are younger than me, so they can't help me. I don't have any girlfriends, I don't know why. Can you help me? I have posted some threads regarding this, but no one has answered me. Anyone?
Hi, Lourdy...

I have two books for you to read. Both delve into becoming the person you were meant to be. If you can complete these books and allow them to change your life, you'll relish your days and getting older won't even concern you. First book: Simple Abundance; A Daybook of Comfort and Joy by Sarah Ban Breathnach. Read it daily and it will change your life. Second book: Tuesdays with Morrie by Mitch Albom. If I think of any others, I'll let you know.

Good luck and happy reading!

Thank you, you're a sweet heart, God bless you. This is exactly what I was looking for, something that will change the way I think and see certain things. I will go out this evening and start reading, well, after my workout, hehe. I'll keep you posted.
Hi Leela

I know we've talked before about being the same age, but I can't remember if I've ever asked you when your birthday is. I'm turning 35 (or better phrased, I'll be 34 until) December 5th. I'm scared to death of these midlife changes I've been reading so much about! I absolutely CANNOT afford to buy a whole new wardrobe!

More Books

Lourdy, I haven't read a great many books specifically related to aging. However, I am aware of a book called (I believe) Women's Wisdom, Women's Bodies, which might fit the bill. I belong to the One Spirit Book club. I delve into religion, meditation, prayer. I think when it comes down to it, it is easy to focus on exercise and diet to stay healthy but to neglect that spirit. I have three kids, 11 and 9 year old girls and a three year old son. Sometimes I am so busy taking care of them I am too tired to find "me time". But it's so important, isn't it? I read some of Oprah's picks. My progress is slow, but I try to do it every day if only for a few minutes. I have a journal which I write in occasionally, usually when life overwhelms me. It helps me work through my fears and sorrows! I constantly strive for balance. I know when it's out of kilter because I feel like I am going crazy and when I feel like I am losing it I know it's time to pull it back in and try, try again. I don't think you need to worry about aging. Age somehow takes care of itself and when all the components are in place ~ Mind ~ Body ~ Spirit, we woman age and grow very gracefully I think. And, finally, on this website, you'll find so many very wise and caring mentors, it's amazing:) Enjoy your journey!
midlife is relative...

you are only midlife at 35 if you plan to live to 70. Have my husband's attitude and you don't have to worry about that mid life crisis ( or fat cell) until 50! My point... it is all a state of mind!!!
I am aiming for 90 or so....

And I am going there in great health and mental acuity! I ran a 5K with a 96 year old man and he looked superb, wrinkles and all. My husband, a non-exercising says I am going to workout like crazy only to get hit by a bus or something. While I hope that isn't true and I take every precaution, I hope my good habits ensure a long, healthy life whether it's 70 or 100. I hope I will still be posting then and Cathe will have a line of tapes for ancient steppers!
Amy, you have great taste!

Those books are life changing, or at the least life-affirming. I read simple abundance and did the daily gratitude journal for a year, and that journal has helped me learn to appreciate the smallest things in life every day, even though I no longer use a journal. Tuesdays with Morrie was reccomended to me about a year and a half ago when my father was dying, but I put it off until about 4 or 5 months ago when someone I worked with loaned it to me on tape. What a great was to spend my forty-five minute drive to work! How lucky we all are, don't you think?!

We are lucky!

Yes, we are so lucky. Sometimes life just has gets in the way and we forget to be thankful for everything that is actually good and right in our lives.
I'm sorry to hear about your Dad. I was reading Tuesdays With Morrie when my mother was dying this January. I, like you, couldn't finish it until months later.
Life is too short and precious to worry about whether we are the perfect dress size. It's all about loving people, being as good and as kind as you can to all and being strong and healthy enough to live life to its fullest! Carpe Diem!
Thanks, Wendy!
Simple Abundance

Wow, what a great book. I'm starting my journey and I owe it all to you, well, and to this forum, without it, I would've never met you. Thank you so much!

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