calories, fat grams or protein


Active Member
Hi Cathe and everyone,
I am new to this forum. I just started doing Cathe videos about 3 weeks ago when I took a chance on ordering from Collage video. I must say I am hooked. The aerobics at my gym are not very challenging so these videos are exactly what I needed. My question is this. I am in my late twenties. I just gained about 10 pounds after getting married that will not come off. I've tried exercising more but I quickly got very sore and hurt my muscles. I've tried cutting calories and I eat very low fat anyway. I try to eat very healthy but I am just not pleased with my body. My waist is the worst part as my pants are all way too snug. Can you tell me what kind of diet you stick to? Do you ever splurge? How often? I don't like feeling like I am starving so I try to eat around 1500 calories per day? I need to reduce my stomach mostly. I've been working out regularly for about 6 months. I also do weight training. Thanks. Have a great day.


I also found Cathe's tapes after trying the too easy aerobics at the gym. She's great, isn't she? I'm pretty sure that Cathe doesn't really discuss nutrition too much because each person is so different. She will probably recommend that you see a nutritionist for your individuals needs, but I'll tell you what I have found. I have the same problems with finding my pants too snug, so I'll tell you what's worked a little bit for me. Of course, I still have a long way to go

I have found in my own diet that I have to add protein, like chicken, turkey, tofu, cottage cheese, etc., at every meal and snack. The protein helps to keep me more satisfied for longer and also has helped to build my muscles. I also try to eat whole grains (brown rice, oatmeal), vegetables, fruits, and some fats like olive oil, nuts, etc. I try to eat three meals with two snacks during the day. This has seemed to help me some, and I'm sure if I were even more diligent, my results would be even better.

Also, I think that the key for me has been to add more weight training. That has helped me to lose a little of that extra fat. Have you tried Cathe's Pure Strength Series or her MIS tape? Another thing that I've heard people say is that kickboxing has helped them trim the waist line a little bit. Also, try cross training with walking/running or rollerblading or something like that, especially before winter comes.

Good luck in your exercising and reaching your goals
Check out the check-in

and nutrition buddies in the open discussion fourm. We talk alot about all of that stuff and try to set goals. My waist is a problem for me also. I pig out {too much}!! Sometimes it seems that the more I try to control myself, the more out of control I get. Here's my advise, aim for 0.8-1 gram of protein per lbs you weigh. Keep the low-fat,fruits and veggies. Also, definately see a nutrionist that way you can have an eating plan customized to meet your needs. Keep up the good work!! It sounds like you're on the right track!!!
Hi! and welcome

Congratulations on your hard work. It IS hard to lose weight especially when you are close to your ideal weight. One thing to keep in mind is that you may have gained muscle in the last 6 months and the scale may not tell the whole story.

You didn't say how often you were working out or for how long, but 1500 calories may not be enough to support your activity level. Sometimes, undereating for your activity level may actually hinder weight loss b/c the body goes into survival mode and won't let go of the extra weight.

Also, its not only how much you eat, but the quality of what you eat. Are you getting enough protein? (important if weight training) Do you eat lots of fruits and veggies? Do you skip meals? Are you hungry b/t meals? etc. I definitely recommend investing in a nutrition book (Check out ADA website) or a nutritionist to pinpoint where you may need to make changes in your diet.

But,I have to add, if you are doing the right thing (healthy diet & exercise)then maybe all you need is patience! Keep working out with Cathe and your health (and waistline) WILL improve.

Sorry so long winded, but I'm a nutritionist and I hate to see healthy and active women eating JUST to lose weight and not to promote a healthy body. Best of luck to you! Yas
Thanks and response

Thanks for the info. I actually eat what I consider to be a healthy diet. I eat a whole grain, small bagel for breakfast and green tea every day. I eat some fruit (apple, melons, etc.) for a mid-morning snack. I usually eat a Lean Cuisine or Rice Bowl for lunch. I eat more fruit and yogurt for a mid-afternoon snack and then supper. I eat very little red meat, fish twice a week, pasta once, and chicken or lean pork the other nights. Now for the problem. I like sugar. I usually eat a fudge pop or fat-free fruit newton for dessert every night. I also splurge on Sundays quite a bit. I eat what I want on Sundays. I have been hard at this thing for a while but I haven't lost an inch or a pound. It is frustrating but I am considering seeing a nutritionist. I am just afraid that I will have to give up many foods that I love. I hope not. I workout 5 days a week and it involves cardio and weight training. My genetics would push me to have a big waist but I don't want it. I am going against nature here but I feel I am loosing. My legs are fat too in my opinion. However, my body fat was 21.5. I am 5'3" and weigh 120 naked. Is there any hope of trimming this waistline and working the fat off my legs? Thanks for the advice.
Is there any other way to weigh one's self but naked?


I agree with what the others have said but I also want to say that I think 1500 is way too low for someone who is as active as you. Try going up to 1800 - 2000 calories a day and you just may be pleasantly surprised.

Im confused as you too RBurke

I dont know which diet to follow whether low fat, low carb or high protein. Atkins, Sugar Busters or Carbohydrate Addicts Diet? Anyone who has experienced great results with any of these diets- please share with us your opinions. Some people who followed a low fat diet even gained weight!

Thanks :)
I followed a recommendation

from this forum about reading a book called "Dr. Shapiro's Picture Perfect Weight Loss" and boy am I glad that I did! I thought that I was very informed about nutrition, and I was pretty much, but I also had some areas where I was incorrect in my thinking. This book presents a very thorough and common sense approach to weight control. No food group is eliminated, but you are taught to make smarter choices. The whole approach is to teach you to choose wisely what you want to eat and to substitute lower calorie snacks for higher calorie snacks all while getting more nutrition. There is also a section which describes the current "fad" diets and why they are not good for your body (like Adkins, Carb Addicts, etc.). I thought a plain bagel was a good diet food before reading this. You should check it out.
a thought

How about your water consumption/sodium intake? Sometime belly "bloat" can be fluid retention from either not drinking enough water (sounds contradictory, I know) or eating too much sodium. I ask because frozen dinners often have LOTS of sodium in (if the "rice bowl" meal is the uncle Ben's brand, there is over 1/2 your daily requirement of sodium just in that serving!). How about cooking up a huge supply of brown rice, adding your own veggies (sauted in cooking sherry--it gives a nice almost-fatty mouth feel and some flavor) and freezing some in single-serving sizes?
hi again

Yes. I indeed eat the Uncle Ben's rice bowls. I don't watch my sodium as carefully as I should. I eat very low sodium for breakfast and dinner. I am not surprised that my lunch has too much sodium for one serving but I think it is ok when balanced with the rest of the day. I might take you up on the suggestions with brown rice though. I drink a gallon of water per day usually. I am not having much success with finding a nurtrionist in my area. I am afraid of getting ripped off as well. Thanks for the tips.
What I Did

I thought I was eating right and couldn't figure out why I was struggling to maintain my weight. Then I figured out it was the SUGAR. I was eating low fat products that was loaded with sugar. I can't believe how much sugar Yogurt, low fat muffins, low fat cookies,ect.. contained. So I cut way back on the sugar. When I used to read labels I looked first for the Fat content. Now I look first for the sugar content and then the fat. I also stopped eating refined carbs, white bread, white rice, pasta, ect.. and it has also made a big difference. I eat only whole wheat breads, low carb veggies, fruit, chicken, fish and some red meat. I not only can control my weight now but I also feel better.


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