Calf cramps?


I noticed while doing lunges yesterday, that my calves get really really tight, almost like cramping--to the point where I can't do any more reps. Am I doing something wrong? Or are my calves just too weak? Does anyone else experience this?
Be careful! My calf started cramping once about a year ago during a step routine. I ignored it since it wasn't too terrible, and finished the workout. The next time I did step, I felt a pop, and my calf muscle tore. Only within the last month has it finally, totally healed - after PT, seeing docs and even having an MRI.

So if your calves are cramping, they're trying to tell you something. Back off. Stretch. Stretch a LOT. Re-evaluate your workouts, and maybe take it back a notch to give the muscles a rest. Better yet, take a few days of complete rest.

I assure you that if I ever experience this again with any muscle, that's exactly what I would do.
I've experienced this as well doing lunges. I agree that it is best to listen to your body and if you are cramping to ease off the exercise. Also make sure you are completely warmed up.

What I have also found that has helped me is experimenting with the placement of my back foot. I find I have more cramping depending on how far back I have my foot planted. I also have found that by focusing on placing more weight on my front foot (REALLY focusing on pushing up with my heel as Cathe suggests!) that it takes some of the pressure off the calf in my back leg. I find I rarely have this issue when I am focusing on my front leg more (even though my calves still get tight, of course).

So I would recommend listening to your body and building up to what you can do, but also experimenting around with your leg placement to see if you can come up with a more comfortable stance while continuing to keep the 90 degrees in both legs. And, finally, really focus on pushing up with your front leg.
I don't have problems with my calves but my feet will cramp up pretty bad when do alot of hard jumping up and down or stretching like in pilates when you have to point and flex the feet, almost to the point where I avoid doing the workout. Weird.

I agree with CLango-- a lot of it is about weight distribution. If you have more weight on the back foot, you'll feel it in your foot and/or calf of the back leg. Put more of your body weight on the front leg (more specifically the front heel; be able to move your toes throughout the move if you try) and see if that doesn't help.
Great thread!! I thought no one would understand my calf tightness doing lunges if I posted. Trixie you are not the only one! I will definitely now play around with my weight distribution. I hate having to rest when I switch legs just because my calf is tight!

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