Morning ladies.
Had a very busy day yesterday.
Kate sorry about the eggs but hey pancakes are good. How was the party?
Becky now I've done that with the coffee

. Once I tried to mix two different flavored coffees together. YUCK. Now that's the type of camper that I with everything. I hope your belly feels better.
Colleen what a great workout yday!
Wendy YAAAAY for #s. keep up the good work!

Cutting carbs always works for me.
I had signed up for a class with my workout friends. Well guess who did not show up? She is sooo fired! Anyway I went to the class and the trainer had us fill out a question form. Then he went over all the cardio machines and gave us good pointers. He then wrote out our rotations. He told me that if I'm trying to lose fat then I should do cardio last, not first. Which is the same thing Cathe said. He wants me to do upper body machines 2 times per week and also lower body twice per week. 2 sets 15 reps.He also wants cardio 5 days per week plus 1 day of stretch or yoga.
I really already knew all of this but I wanted their excel printout which list all of the machines at the gym with grids for 3 months. Also the price was
I'm going to sign up for the upper body class because I'm not sure how to do the pull up machine.
Also he said that he want us to start a diet jounal. I though to myself...again.
I really should buy Reno Tusco clean eats jounal.
After the gym stuff I had to shop for the 4th of July BBQ and stuff for our vacation to NYC. We are planning to visit family in Manhattan, Queens and even Yonkers, which should be interesting becausee I never been Yonkers before. The best part is that I'm only staying a few days and leaving one of my kids with her family
But their will bring her back to NC on the 4th of July.