

Morning sweet friends,

I woke up on the wrong side of the bed this morning for sure. Just grouchy! I didn't sleep well and just wanted to stay in bed. Thankfully I was able to snap out of it and move on. I know this is silly but I "friended" Chalean Johnson a few weeks back (or I guess I "like" her because it's fan page). Anyway, she talks about being successful with a "to do" list each day and it has really helped me be productive rather than just sit around and waste my day away.

Speaking of Chalean, I ended up ordering CLX off of ebay last night. I am really interested in doing the TF/CLX hybrid. I just feel like I need a change to keep moving on.

I did Rhythmic Step last night so I got 2 wos in yesterday which was good. Not sure what I'll do today... we'll see. I can't stand not following a rotation and having to decide what to do...

Anyway... I need to run to the store to get a few things and run a few other errands before I pick up the girls for lunch so I will have to check in for personals a bit later. I promise I'll be back (it's on my to do list - and goodness knows I love to check things off!).

Good Morning Girls !

Hi Angie ! You're allowed to have a case of the "grouchie's" sometimes.....but don't you hate it ??
I somehow missed you were looking for CLX. I have it, I like the workouts I've done but have never done the full rotation.:eek: I think next time, I'll do like you are planning to do and mix it with something else.

Yesterday was a rest day for me so back to the rotation today. I think it's cardio.

TOTAL BUMMER to report. DH added a workout to my mp3 player and the other day when I went to use a workout, I found out that it DID add the new workout but WIPED out all my others ! Every Cardio Coach, iTREAD, iCYCLE and other playlists and spinning workout !!!!!!!:mad::mad::mad::mad::mad:
I have most on cd or somewhere saved, but not all and getting them all loaded back on is going to be a P.A.I.N !

Time to go walk with DH !

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Good morning!

I'm way behind on personals and will try to do better today at everything today. It's cardio for me today, but not sure what yet. I was supposed to walk with a friend, but it's been postponed. I didn't sleep well either thinking about my friend.

Angie, wanted to tell you I was so glad your results were good. Hope you're able to get a second opinion. Sounds like you had an awesome weekend! Sorry about the kids.:( The to-do list sounds interesting. I need something like that in the summer when it's so crazy around here.:eek: WTG on the WO's!!:D

Hope everyone is well. Off to do some cardio.
Hi Kate!

Hi Becky! We posted at the same time.

Becky, soooo sorry about the mp3 player!! That is a bummer.:( Good Luck getting them replaced.
Becky, WHAT A BUMMER on your WOs!!! I would be furious! It's already a PITB to load that stuff in the 1st place!!
So did the dr have good things to tell you yday?

Julie, No sweat on personals - do em when/if you can.
So sorry abt your friends DH - that is just awful. Cancer is such an awful thing!
that's great your DH is supportive of your WO time!

Wendy, All your WOs are uh-mazing! That trainer time must be totally awesome! Sorry abt teh eats - get back on it!:D

Clintonya, Good to see you & glad your inernet is back! Funny how we get so dependent on it!
Id your DDs' dance studio close by you? Hope so w/ all the running you do for it!

busy morning ahead, including ortho for gina.
eats were mostly clean yday, but need to work on pc tpday. huge sigh.... Came across a rather unflattering picture of myself. Mike says I'm way too hard on myself & I know I am but geez.....shut your mouth Kate!

did my Wos yday - tri's & LowMax w/ no blasts
today GS back & cardio
Robin, Your post yday had me ROFL! That's nice your boss wants you around! I'm sure you liven that place up! :D
And LOL @ your cake comment! Mike was asking for a treat last night but I didn't oblige him - wouldn't be able to resist right now!:eek:
And thanks for the compliment - and I will get a pic of HorseHead up just for you! He is one crazy beast!:eek:
another person wayyyy behind on personals....

kate, lol at the shut your mouth comment - that is how i feel too.

becky, so sorry about the lost workouts - what a pitn!!! enjoy your walk

angie, love your new wo plan. let me know what you think. i am jealous;)

hi julie - so sorry about your friend's dh -that is truly heartbreaking.

i had a great 10 miler today and some abs. my back is really sore from mondays wo, which is funny b/c it was fine yday. today is shoulders bis and tris. thankfully my hormones have evened out, and i am looking for a good day. dh goes today for an interview tomorrow. fingers crossed please! we will miss him for several days. bbl

ps - anyone hear from lisa lately??
Nina- I feel like I've been gone a month, I am so behind. Don't even know how it happened !!!

Walk was GREAT..........just finished Step Moves. That ones growing on me. For me it wasn't love at first sight, but I'm getting there ! ;)

Kate, things are stable now. I had blood work yesterday , will repeat in 6 months. He upped my synthroid so I am REALLY hoping it doesn't affect my sleep !!! EEK! I'm finally sleeping- with help, halfway decent most of the time. So fingers are crossed in a big way!!!

Angie, you had a mammogram ? I missed it but it sounds like whatever you had done was GOOD news !?? I sure have been thinking about you and hoping everything is okay.

Stretch and smoothie time ! :)
Haven't heard from Lisa....Hope her bambino is doing ok! I'm sure she's just super-busy!
Glad your Wos are doin ya good! :D

Becky, Way to start your morning! I like SM too!
Hope your sleep doesn't get disturbed! I miss sleeping thru the night....bah! Florida messed us all up. After vaca next week Girl is gettin' sleep-trained!
hey ladies

Angie that is good advice and some of my "friends" on face are professional female body builders or fitness models:eek: hey it's free advice. If I remember correctly I've only did 2 weeks of each month's rotation for CLX. It is suppose to be a 3month rotation but I did it in 6 weeks. I like her but her outfits are a little over board.

Kate LOL I have more pics in my phone of cats and dogs then I do my kids.

Becky sorry about the lost workouts. It never occurred to me to put my cardio coach CDs on my ipod. I may just do that.

((Julie)) sorry about your grief. That's never easy. lets us know which cardio you did today Thx

Kate all of your FB pics you look fit. Don't be hard on yourself because what ever you don't like about yourself you know how to change it...except height ;)

Nina I pray that he has a wonderful interview and gets the job!
Today's plans. I need to go and pick up my DS's report card. This part of NC they don't send that last one home with the child. A parent has to pick it up.:rolleyes: My DD is bugging me about taking driving lessons:rolleyes: I think I may just pay driver ed. to give her a few lessons before she jumps into my jeep. And she said that she wants my jeep!!:eek: HELP.

bbl after my workout which will be upper body, ellip cardio
Just did IMAX 2. What a stress reliever!

Becky, walk and step moves, I'm jealous! That one is on my wish list.:)

Nina, another awesome wo- hope the back feels better soon. Best wishes for your dh's interview.

Kate, my dh says I will never be happy with the way I look until I am a skeleton!:eek::p

Robin, I also cracked up at your comment yday and that is sooo me.:eek:

Hi Wendy, Clintonya, Colleen, Anne and Klaudia! Am I forgetting anyone?

I am eating TOTALLY CLEAN today and back in my range. We are going to the pool for my middle son's swim lessons. He had his first yday and was so proud.:D
Have any of you tried Agave Nectar? I use it in place of sugar in my coffee. It's so good and it doesn't cause an insulin spike like sugar.
Thanks, Robin. That's a pain about the report card. Good luck w/the driving lessons. My kids are bugging me too, but one wants a hamster and the other wants a dog. We already have a Golden Retriever but she wants one she can hold.;) Good workout.:)
Robin, I looked for Agave Nectar last week and couldn't find any. Do I need to go to Whole Foods? I looked at Wegmans and they didn't have any.

Another steamy day here-ugh. It's too hot to do anything. We are heading to the grocery as soon as Danica wakes up-never went yesterday cause my gf came by with her two kids while her house gets painted. My guy friend wants us to go swimming at his friend's house-no thanks. And I think we might meet another friend for dinner to celebrate her daughter's b-day since we missed the party. Today's workout is cardio-either kickbox or some hiit. And I must stop eating treats at night!! I did great all day then had popcorn and some licorice:eek:

Angie, I'm always writing lists! I love the satisfaction of checking stuff of too! Did you pick a workout?

Becky, sorry about the mp3 player fiasco. I don't have one, but I can imagine the frustrastion.

Julie, no worries on the personals! We've all been there! Imax 2 is a doozy! Good job!

Kate, your "shut your mouth Kate" comment cracked me up! I totally know where you're coming from! I didn't take off my tank top and shorts at the beach on Sunday cause I thought I looked gross and bloated. I wonder when I will be happy with my body? I'm almost 40 for crying out loud!! Can't wait to see you and the girls tomorrow!

Nina, DOMS usually kicks in for me two days after a workout. I'm really liking the KCM workouts-short but to the point. And yesterday I only used 15#s! Fingers and toes crossed for DH!

Robin, driver's ed! We've already told Danica that she's getting my Durango in 6 years-nothing new for her! And that's IF her grades are good and she's responsible, otherwise I'll be driving her everywhere and embarrasing her in the process!;)

Hi Anne, Colleen, Katie, Wendy, and Clintonya!
julie, think strong and healthy, not skeletal - not good for your kiddos, you know? (said and meant in the nicest way possible:))

robin, i'd love to do retail at holiday season for the deals, though you know better than i if it would be worth it. i have not tried agvar nectar. i had heard what you heard about the insulin spike, but then read in a medical journal there is not proof our bodies recognize the sugars different:confused: just like anything i guess.

kate, how do you get j to sleep now?

becky, do you have an underactive thyroid? i am sure your body will have to adjust after any change in medication. i hope you keep egtting sleep though. life is no fun without it.

off to gap to get 65-70% off 1 item (i have this skirt in mind), then to swim lessons. bbl
Hi Everyone!

Never did any yoga last night. Our water restriction got lifted and I got tied up setting up the new sprinkler to water our parched lawn. I also had to run to the dry cleaners to get DH's pants. Our dry cleaner takes a week vacation around the 4th and yesterday was their first day back. So I had to go morning to drop off and afternoon to pick up so he would have pants for the rest of the week. I was supposed to run this morning but I could not bring myself to do it in this heat and humidity so I did Hiit Pyramid followed by 4ds LIS (the whole thing).

Julie, sorry about your friend's dh. That is so difficult. I am jealous that you have Wegman's but I would probably be broke because I would be there all the time. I haven't looked for Agave Nectar so I don't have any advice.
Robin, too funny about your old boss at JCP. It's good to know that they like you. I have not tried Agave Nectar because I thought the info on the insulin spike was inconclusive.
Angie, that's so exciting about getting CLX. I bet you will look super toned after doing TF and CLX. I hope the grouchies are gone. I really hate when that happens. Good suggestion about the to do list. I have one for work and if I have a busy weekend then I make one.
Becky, sorry about the lost stuff on your mp3 player. What a pain.
Kate, ugh on not sleeping through the night. You look wonderful and you should not be too hard on yourself. Of course I have the same problem and I haven't figured out how to overcome it yet.
Nina, I have my fingers crossed for DH. I hope it works out. Great coupon for the gap. I hope the skirt is there for you.
Clintonya, no worries about not coming to DC. I know the train is expensive from here to NYC. DH has relatives in NY and we always debate trains, plane or automobile when we visit them.
Hey all,

Becky, I really wasn't talking about getting CLX - just kind of decided on a whim because I found a really good price on ebay and was just interested in trying it. For some reason I'm bored with Cathe right now... although I always come back. Such a bummer about your iPod. I hate stuff like that but LOVE my technology!

Kate, we are all so hard on ourselves but I am the same way. I see pictures and think, geez... if only I could stop OVEREATING. I hate our culture and its portions but in reality, it's my own fault. It's amazing how little food I actually need compared to what I eat. It's so frustrating to not be able to just kick the habit when I so badly want to. BLah. Great WO though! Low Max has a certain dread factor for me. Never tried it w/o blasts.

Nina, praying for your dh's interview. Hope it all goes well. Great job with your WOs. Are your boys in any sort of summer program for school?

Robin, I remember when you did CLX. I'm not sure I could do just the rotation as planned. I have rotation ADD (I'm always so jealous of Colleen when she just goes straight through them and always finishes!). I'm anxious to try it though. Your kid stories crack me up. :)

Julie, WTG with Imax 2 - I love that one. It's on my consideration list tonight but I should probably do a kb workout... we'll see. Maybe I'll do the 4ds kb and bc. And I'm so sorry about your friend. So sad. :(

Klaudia, sorry about the heat. WTG on the WO! Wish I could join you and Kate tomorrow. Some day I will meet all you beautiful ladies and we'll all laugh at ourselves for our ridiculous insecurities.

Colleen, since when are you superwoman? Your WOs are slaying me lately! WTG! Are you seeing results? How about from your insanity rotation?

Wendy, I'm so jealous of you and your pt workouts. That's so awesome!! Keep up the great work.

Clintonya, no, no anniversary here. Kate was making things up in her head. :) YAY for internet but BOO on the hot temps. UGH. When we lived in AZ, I could not have survived it except we had an awesome pool/water park and we were there daily!

Anne, what's up girl? You were mentioning your lack of structured workouts. I am so jealous of your chances to do fun things like row and dance. I wish I could naturally stay fit that way so I say more power to you!

OK, off to do some tedious to do list stuff. I'm thinking I might fly out on Friday instead of Sat b/c of flight loads so I gotta get cracking on my stuff...

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