butt deflate


So I haven't lifted weights in about 2 months. I've been just doing cardio and vinyasa yoga. I like the way my body has responded from this type of rotation except for my butt! It seems to have headed south. Even my husband said it looks less toned. So is there no hope in my current rotation in regards to butt toning or do I have to go back to traditional weight lifting?
Alot of Cardio can really burn off good muscle if you do too much. Even glute-focused cardio like ellipticals can deteriorate a good cheek, rather than build or tone it. Yoga can be very beneficial to your "heiney", but it depends on what kind your doing. More of a strenuous flow can do wonders to help firm, strengthen, and stretch the buns, but a gentle flow where little burn is felt and little emphasis is put on the lower body does alot for your stress level, breath capacity, and flexibility, but not much for your rump.

To keep up your current rotation without anymore deflating and actually build up what you've lost, consider incorporating some sprinting into your cardio. Ever see a sprinters butt? Round and hard. Add 20 second sprints into your runs if you're a runner, and add some heavy duty uphill running - your hind-end will be on fire! Consider running bleachers at your local track for some more variation. These things will definately tone the butt while your burning fat!

As far as yoga, here is a butt-blaster combo (for seasoned yogis) I do in my yoga classes sometimes: do 3 sun salutation flows, then on the right side, do crescent pose, warrior 1, warrior 2, warrior 3, then move to half moon, revolved half moon, standing splits, up to eagle, and back to warrior 3 with a bent knee variation and then back to crescent and then down dog and switch legs...if your bum isn't cursing you at that point then you really are a warrior! Enjoy!
I'd also add in some plyometrics. Make sure you use good form - start from a squat position and land with bent knees. Cathe's STS Plyo Legs, HIIT and Insanity all have great examples of plyo moves that will do the job.

thank you all for the suggestions. i really should do at least a couple of weight training sessions because its good for my body. I just burnt out from them after all the years of lifting. I'm really hoping that cathes new videos motivate me and by the looks of the clips they will.

I do have butts and guts but do not have brazilian butt lift. I think I will do one focused glute workout, one sprint workout, and one plyo workout per week along with my traditional cardio and yoga practice and see how that goes. I will also incorporate the yoga suggestions by Jodelle.

Thanks again guys!
thank you all for the suggestions. i really should do at least a couple of weight training sessions because its good for my body. I just burnt out from them after all the years of lifting. I'm really hoping that cathes new videos motivate me and by the looks of the clips they will.

I do have butts and guts but do not have brazilian butt lift. I think I will do one focused glute workout, one sprint workout, and one plyo workout per week along with my traditional cardio and yoga practice and see how that goes. I will also incorporate the yoga suggestions by Jodelle.

Thanks again guys!

You could probably get away with just one butt workout and one plyo workout or the sprint workout. They are very similar. Plyos (or so I have been told) improve your ability to run, so maybe start there?
Thanks RapidBreath:)

I actually just dug out my tonique workouts. I think I will get this one in once a week with a hill sprint workout. I found tonique gets my butt more then butts and guts!
OMG! I did the tonique disc 1 workout this a.m. for the very first time. I'm going to have a hard time walking and sitting down by tomorrow. This worked my butt like no other!
I've always had luck using some of the Firm workouts (the 'post-classic' Firms through the Body-Sculpting System firms, not the new "pink" Firms) to bring my butt back up to where I like it to be!

I especially like the lower-body workout from the Transfirmer workouts for this purpose (which you can do with a step rather than a Transfirmer: I figured out how to use my step and high step to make a pretty good imitation of the Transfirmer).

In Cathe's workouts, try doing the Floor Work section of Cathe's "Butts and Guts" workout, minus the inner/outer thigh moves (or, if you have the time and inclination, combine the floor work with the "Leg Blast" premix: do a warm-up, then the floor work minus the inner and outer thigh work, then finish up with the premix. You could also do the premix and the floor work on different days).
I've always had luck using some of the Firm workouts (the 'post-classic' Firms through the Body-Sculpting System firms, not the new "pink" Firms) to bring my butt back up to where I like it to be!

I especially like the lower-body workout from the Transfirmer workouts for this purpose (which you can do with a step rather than a Transfirmer: I figured out how to use my step and high step to make a pretty good imitation of the Transfirmer).

In Cathe's workouts, try doing the Floor Work section of Cathe's "Butts and Guts" workout, minus the inner/outer thigh moves (or, if you have the time and inclination, combine the floor work with the "Leg Blast" premix: do a warm-up, then the floor work minus the inner and outer thigh work, then finish up with the premix. You could also do the premix and the floor work on different days).

Thanks Kathryn. I'll have to dig out butts and guts and do the floor work again.

Needless to say, i'm having a hard time sitting down since doing the tonique workout. OUCH! I'm really looking forward to cathe's new lower body workout to get my booty back
Butt deflate? Seriously? Wow, I will NEVER have that problem! LOL I wish sometimes that my butt would DEflate and my chest would INflate! :D:p;)
Butt deflate? Seriously? Wow, I will NEVER have that problem! LOL I wish sometimes that my butt would DEflate and my chest would INflate! :D:p;)

Wendy if you can figure out how to do that you will be a multi-millionaire instantly :D The title of this thread just makes me laugh. I used to work with 2 men - one who was known for having a nice butt and the other one had no butt. The big joke was that the guy with the nice butt had had implants and the other guy had tried but his didn't take :p I got hiim one of those fake plastic butts as a gift :)

I think alot of nice male butts are never seen b/c men don't tend to show them off. Lots of guys wear their pants loose so you can't even tell what they have in that area. My DH happens to have a nice derriere so I went shopping with him a while back for jeans that accent it! :D
Wendy if you can figure out how to do that you will be a multi-millionaire instantly :D The title of this thread just makes me laugh. I used to work with 2 men - one who was known for having a nice butt and the other one had no butt. The big joke was that the guy with the nice butt had had implants and the other guy had tried but his didn't take :p I got hiim one of those fake plastic butts as a gift :)


I had to go back and reread this because I thought you were saying that the good butt guy actually did have implants. I was saying to myself "Whaaaat??".

On another sort of related note, could you imagine how much trouble a guy could get into if he bought a female coworker a fake plastic butt???

Also, I'm with Wendy on the deflate/inflate wishes.

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