Bun & Thigh Rocker Question

RE: Bun & Thigh Rocker Question

Thanks for all the info Francine. By the way, great pictures. I see you also have a Bosu and a spin bike both of which I am considering for new fitness purchases.

Do you like and use your Bosu? Spin bike?

RE: Bun & Thigh Rocker Question

Thanks Francine. I guess the machine kicks would be something like on Taebo where Billy Blanks does the machine gun kicks? Great pictures Francine. You are in great shape. Very motivating.
Diane Sue
RE: Bun & Thigh Rocker Question

Hi Hedy,
I'm not Francine but I did just recently get a BOSU and I've been raving about it at all the forums! I just LOVE it! It gives a whole new life to a lot of more basic step tapes. Unfortunately, Cathe step tapes just wouldn't work on it but lunges etc. on to the bosu are just...magnificent!!! (can you tell I like it? LOL)
Karen :)
RE: Bun & Thigh Rocker Question

Hi Hedy!Thanks for the kind words!I get use out of all my fitness paraphenalia! All of my equipment is used and thrown into the mix when I create my workout programs! Not all at once but they are properly inserted and sequenced for my specific training goals! Of course if something arises like an illness or injury--I'll improvise and work with what better suits my capabilities at that time. Since the Bosu is new(and fabulously fun) It's in my current rotation with the Intensity Series! It takes ab work to a new dimension,lunges and squats are harder due constantly balancing the body,you can run up and down-side to side for agility moves,jump up and hold, ski hops and much more, when you turn it over you can do pushups,handstands or a headstand(I started against a wall and worked my way up)I can't wait til the new videos come out in Feb to help me be more creative! My spinning bike is wonderful for my cardio, I alternate with weighted vest,shorts and weighted gloves for different intensities , and also use no weights for interval spped training! These are great purchases especially if they will benefit your needs and help you reach certain goals! Good luck !
Thank you HB and Francine!

I got it now, I think -- don't know why that was so tough for me to grasp! I'm going to give it a whirl later this week. Y'all are the best -- thanks again!
RE: Bun & Thigh Rocker Question

Hey WD! You nailed it! Taebo is excellent cardio for working those legs with no weights! He has awesome floor work too! I don't know if you have the original buns of steel with Greg Smithey--very outdated but my oh my your thighs will be burning, you're working muscles you didn't know you even had:7 Take care!TTYS

Seconding Franci's suggestion of Greg Smithey's Buns of Steel. VERY outdated, but whoa, what a lower body workout. What is it he squeezes out in those leg presses Franci? Cheeseburgs & fries! Ha! He is sooo funny on that tape. Thanks for the E-mail Franci. You made my day!

Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH http://www.smilies-world.de/Smilies/Smilies_klein_1/wavey.gif If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!
RE: Yes!

DebbieH! Gotta bust out those leg warmers first and tease the hair ~~then the squeezing begins:p haha too funny! Oh my I could just cry thinking about some of those outter thigh maneuvers;( hhmmmm I feel a challenge coming on~~ wanna team up and do the tape for old times sake? Yikes was that a yes? J/K:7 TTYS and as always my pleasure--and You Go GIRL with that 1300 + posts
RE: Okay!

LOL, I had that tape years and years ago. I remember that I had never exercised and I couldn't even finish 10 min. of it. Now, I wish I had it just to join in the challenge. Who'd a thunk it?:+
Thanks HB!

I have never done a tape with my B&TR. I need to give that a whirl. I bet LL is a killer on it, especially those one-leggeg squats! YIKES! Thanks for the tip! How are you? Sorry we weren't able to meet up last night. Stay warm over there!
Does anyone know any online sites where they can be purchased for less. They cost approximately $200 on all of the sites I've seen them on..x(
RE: Bun & Thigh Rocker Question

Marci, fancy meeting you here!!

Last night I bought one from them too! How funny. What a great price though. With shipping and insurance, my total was $66.25. Question for you though: Were you able to pay directly with a credit/debit card? I had paypal problems in the past and won't use them again, so I'm wondering if money order is my only other option. I noticed it said something about credit cards on their confirmation form, but you couldn't select it as your option.

RE: Bun & Thigh Rocker Question

I'm easy...I just bought mine from ebay (probably from the same seller Marci did - he had 8 total). It only took reading these threads and the ones at the ya ya site to convince me I couldn't live without it! I just can't wait to get it and give it a try. This particular seller said that they would only accept paypal. I've never had any problems with paypal and use it all the time - hoping problems don't start now.
Karen :)

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