Color me low-rent but I have to admit that the first time DH and I saw these on a truck we giggled like Beevis and Butt-head. They're just so....wrong.
Hee hee When I saw them hanging off a Smart car I could suddenly hear Bon Scott in my head "Well I'm upper upper class high society, God's gift to ballroom notoriety."
Good grief. So if I hung a vagina off the back of my little Mazda, maybe my car could get a date with a Ford F150?
Good grief. So if I hung a vagina off the back of my little Mazda, maybe my car could get a date with a Ford F150?
Good grief. So if I hung a vagina off the back of my little Mazda, maybe my car could get a date with a Ford F150?
Good grief. So if I hung a vagina off the back of my little Mazda, maybe my car could get a date with a Ford F150?
Where are Thelma and Louise when you really need them?