Hey all! Yesterday was disk 26 and today I did KPC. well, I did the C part yesterday because I knew I wouldn´t have time today!
heartymax, I bought pace weights purposely for STS. I think the small increase is one of the key components to the program,but everyone can modify depending upon what they have.
Sue, hope things work out with the boss. Glad you´re getting some workouts in...they help with that stress
Karen, I have one audio workout with Jeff Galloway and just signed up for his newsletter. Don´t let me fool you I run only between 2.5 -4 miles right now and always outside, so I get out maybe once a week. Usually my first race is our Cheese Chase the first Friday of June. It´s 10K...I wish they would offer a 5K
Laurie, How´s the hair??? Did you get a new style?
Susan,Hope you feel better. Did you get a workout in?
heartymax, I bought pace weights purposely for STS. I think the small increase is one of the key components to the program,but everyone can modify depending upon what they have.
Sue, hope things work out with the boss. Glad you´re getting some workouts in...they help with that stress
Karen, I have one audio workout with Jeff Galloway and just signed up for his newsletter. Don´t let me fool you I run only between 2.5 -4 miles right now and always outside, so I get out maybe once a week. Usually my first race is our Cheese Chase the first Friday of June. It´s 10K...I wish they would offer a 5K
Laurie, How´s the hair??? Did you get a new style?
Susan,Hope you feel better. Did you get a workout in?