Bringing up the Rear Check-In

Wednesday night I did the cardio conditioning premix from KPC. Last night was Cardio Leg Blast. Let’s see how my legs and bum are doing later today. Hopefully I will not fail the toilet test.

Carolyn It is so hard watching our dogs get older. Maggie can barely go a tenth of a mile anymore before she needs to take a break. Actually we tend to just let her mosey about and do whatever she wants. Sometimes we pull a wagon with us and when she gets too tired we put her in it and finish the walk.

Have a great day!
This weekend did not go as planned but I did get some workouts in. Friday night my mom ended up in the emergency room with extreme stomach pain. They determined it was her gall bladder and scheduled her for surgery Saturday morning. DH and I were supposed to do a charity walk that morning but had to drop out because of the surgery. I did do Afterburn Double Trouble premix before heading up to the hospital. I was able to keep up with everything but the spiderman climbers which is nothing new for me so I think my cardio is increasing slowly. DH and I spent most of the day at the hospital and then did some grocery shopping before coming home Saturday night. Sunday morning I did a Get Glutes inspired strength workout and then went to my mom’s to help her get home from the hospital. I did the dishes for her and washed her hair in the sink since she couldn’t take a shower until today.

Have a great day!
Oh boy! I haven’t posted since Monday. I had all intentions to post but darn work got in the way again. I did get a strength workout in on Tuesday, Wednesday I did a timesaver premix from Rockout Knockout, and last night I did plyo legs 29. So ready for the weekend. DH and I stayed up past my bedtime last night watching a baseball game and I am pooped out today.

Carolyn It was pretty scary when it took the hospital about 6 hours to even tell her what was going on. They just kept pumping her full of pain meds and telling her they were looking at her scans. Hopefully you hear back from the doctor soon. I would not want to wait that long either. Last night’s plyo legs had spiderman climbers (although Cathe calls them rock climbers in that one). I think my body does not like motion either. It just feels awkward and unnatural.

Have a great day!
The weekend flew by again! I am still hoping and praying that 3 day weekends come into style or become mandatory. Saturday I did X10 Low Impact, Cardio Blast, and Fat Burning Circuit. Only had to take a few breaks which I consider pretty good. Then it was major cleaning day at my house and then going to my mom’s for some light cleaning and bathing 3 dogs. Sunday I did a strength workout and then was pretty lazy except for laundry. Now it’s Monday and I am already wishing it was Friday again.
Have a great day!
Last night I did a strength workout. I also had a dentist appointment yesterday (just a cleaning/checkup). As I was lying in the chair getting my teeth cleaned, I noticed a spider hanging from the ceiling. It was descending down farther and farther. I finally had to stop the hygienist and point it out to her cause I was afraid it was going to land on her head.:eek:

Carolyn So glad you had a great weekend! Hope you got a hold of the doctor and got some kind of news.

Have a great day!
Last night I did Hard Strikes No Conditioning Timesaver. It’s getting exciting to see the pictures from the new workouts coming. Love the blue in the one we have seen so far. Of course, I am biased since blue is my favorite color. I can’t wait to see more. I am still wondering how she is going to pull all of this off by late November. From what I can tell, she still has 8 more workouts to film and leaves for the road trip late next week?:confused:

Carolyn Oh no! That does not sound good. I don’t know what the difference between a bulged and a herniated disc is but neither sounds pleasant. Have they said how they would fix it or do you have to wait for the specialist? Try not to be too hard on yourself about still working out. From what I remember, you always said you did workouts that didn’t cause pain so I can’t imagine they did any more damage. I am a little sad that there is no Brenda or Cedie. Brenda makes me feel good about not jumping as high as the others and Cedie helps keep the count even. I have noticed the workouts she is not in the count tends to be uneven between left and right more often.

Have a great day!
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Hello! Sorry I've been MIA lately. Work has been crazy, I haven't been feeling that great and my ankle has been bothering me so I haven't been doing a whole lot. Haven't been able to run for a couple of weeks and the 5K in on Saturday....probably will either skip or walk most or all of disappointing. I've done a little of upper body weights, yoga and low impact Zuzka, I did Flex Train firewalkers the other night, yay.
I'm excited to see more about the new series, I'm sad too that Cede and Brenda don't seem to be involved, wonder what Kate is like. I'm excited to start seeing some clips. Cathe looks great in the pictures.
Carolyn-how frustrating! I hope you get some good information at your next appointment.
Julie-hope your mom is doing better that had to be scary.
Have a good night and weekend.
Last night I did Cardio Leg Blast. Really feeling good about my cardio being better than it was when I took 5 months off and just did strength workouts. This weekend I am going to start a new month of Get Glutes (month 12) but I am going to do only 3 of their workouts and 2-3 Cathe cardio workouts.

Carolyn Thanks for the explanation although I don’t think it made me feel better for you. Neither of those sound pleasant. I am hoping they have good news on how to fix it for you. Just frustrating you have to wait so long to find out.

Amanda I completely understand about work getting crazy. I think mine is finally starting to get normal again and it is such a stressor when it gets out of control. That is a bummer about your ankle. I know you were looking forward to the 5K. Hopefully you can feel up to at least walking it so you can still experience it.

Have a great day!
Friday night when I got home I felt like doing some spinning so I did a timesaver from Pedal Power. Saturday morning I did Athletic Training. Just when I thought my cardio was doing better, AT kicked my butt. Had to take some small breaks during the first half with all that leg work. Then Saturday, DH and ran a few errands that took up most of the day. Sunday was the start to my modified Get Glutes month 12. Then I was lazy the rest of the day!:p

Have a great day!
Last night I did a strength workout from Get Glutes month 12. I was done in like 40 minutes but still felt worked out so that was nice. Anyone see the moon this morning? It was pretty cool looking. It was a blood moon (although it didn’t look really red) and a lunar eclipse. I made my husband stop and look at it because usually he is just too busy for that kind of stuff.

Carolyn I don’t remember if you knew I had a spin bike. If I mentioned it, it would have been a long time ago since I had a brief stint of being insane and thinking I didn’t need cardio for several months. Now that I am working cardio in I am going to try to do spinning a couple of times a month. I love Brenda. I also love Al too. He is one of the few guys I actually don’t mind in the videos because you can tell he is actually giving it 100% and having fun. I hope Friday comes quickly for you. Nice thing is it is already Wednesday.

Have a great day!
Wednesday I did 30/30 and then did some light cleaning because I have a birthday party for my dad I have to go to on Saturday which is my normal cleaning day. Last night I did a Get Glutes strength workout. So happy it is finally Friday. I am more than ready for this weekend!

Carolyn I hope you get some news at the doctor today! Hopefully it is good news on what they can do to get your back fixed.

Have a great day!
I feel like I just left this place and I am back to work already. The weekend just flew by as always. Friday I did Cycle Max Express and laundry. Saturday I did Cardio Supersets + Step then went to my parents for my dad’s 70th birthday party. His birthday is actually today but we celebrated early. After the party, DH and I ran some errands and then back home for a few chores. Sunday was a Get Glutes strength workout and then lazy day the rest of the day.

Carolyn Doesn’t sound like that was the news you were hoping for. I have heard people talk about cortisone shots for their hip and knee joints but not the back. I can’t imagine having to go through what you are doing right now. You are super strong to fight like this. Hope you get all your answers and feel comfortable with whatever choice you make. It is your body and you know what is best for it after all.

Have a great day!
Last night I did half of Imax 3. Just intervals 1-5. I messed up some of the stepping since it has been so long since I have done it. I was happy I chose to only do half though because I was spent after the 5th interval. Maybe should have started out with Imax instead of jumping to the hardest one.

Carolyn LOL! You are funny! I wish I was leaning out and getting cut from all the cardio but my body just does not change that fast. I completely understand your concern about the shot. I would probably be doing the same thing with jumping in too fast to working out cause I feel better.

Have a great day!
Tuesday night I did a Get Glutes strength workout. Wednesday was crazy at work. Hoping today is better and I can get some things done. No workout Wednesday night but I am still pretty exhausted. Ready for a restful weekend or at least I hope it is restful.

Carolyn That is a bummer about your insurance not covering your PT. Sometimes I don’t get why all medical insurers do not just cover all the providers. I did read the article about Jane Fonda training. It is interesting especially since he is a big proponent of heavy lifting and then to see results doing bodyweight work. I am glad you listened to your body and did what was comfortable.

Have a great day!
Last night I did a Get Glutes strength workout. So happy it is Friday. Doing a happy dance in my chair at work. I am hoping to get a lot done today at work so I don’t have to bring work home with me this weekend. Tomorrow is going to be a busy day. I have to get blood drawn for my annual lab work plus run errands and try to find time to do some chores.

Carolyn Oh no! It sounds like the JF exercises are not good for you right now. Definitely stay away from them if they cause you pain during or later. Can you do bodyweight hip thrusts and bridges? That would be something at least but if not just doing what you can even if it is all upper body and walking is good.

Have a great day!
Friday night I did timesaver #2 premix from Ride. Saturday morning I did Afterburn Double Trouble and then ran errands and did chores the rest of the day. Sunday morning was Get Glutes strength workout and then mostly a lazy day. I did bring some work home with me and did maybe an hour and half of work. Of course the weekend flew by again. I think I really need to take a Friday or Monday off and have a nice long weekend so I can regroup. I told my DH last night I felt exhausted which you would think by Sunday night I would be feeling refreshed.

Carolyn I hope you will be able to do the new workouts but it might be awhile before you can. I hope your consult at the pain clinic goes well. I am like that too, I have to write down all my questions when I think of them or I will forget when I get to the appointment.

Have a great day!
Last night I did All Out Low Impact HiiT! I forgot how much I enjoy that one and what a killer it can be on the legs. Need to bring that one out more often.

Carolyn I am not sure I can do a 4 day weekend but I might be able to take a 3 day weekend. Not sure when but I hope soon. I know the next 2 Mondays I can’t take off so hopefully I can find a Friday where not many other people have already requested it off. I don’t know much about the different yoga styles but not being able to get up off the floor doesn’t sound good. Maybe you converted a new Cathlete over! That would be great to have someone teach you the correct stretching positions. It sounds like things will get better with time. Patience is not one of my virtues so I feel for you having to play the waiting game on this.

Have a great day!
Last night I did a strength workout from Get Glutes month 12. I have to leave work an hour early today to take Ozzie to the vet. Over the weekend, we found a lump/mass in his chest so I am going to get it checked out. Hope it is nothing but you never know so you have to get every one of them checked out. He is only 5 1/2 so not too old.

Have a great day!
Ozzie has a fat mass. Sounds gross but the vet said it is harmless. They will not remove it unless it gets so big it impedes his mobility. Which is a relief because it is not cheap to put a dog through surgery. I did a Get Glutes strength workout yesterday. Tomorrow is going to be busy with chores, errands and taking the dogs to a trick or treat costume party at Petsmart.
Well we didn’t get to go to the Petsmart event this weekend. Maggie needed to go to the vet at the last minute. She had been coughing Thursday some but I figured it was just dry air. Friday night she was up sporadically with a cough and Saturday morning when I went to feed her she did not even want to get out of bed. I brought the food to her. Anyway, the vet took x-rays and did blood work and said it looks like she may have a lung infection. She is on an antibiotic for 3 weeks. After the vet, I went and had work done on DH’s jeep. Sunday I did a month 12 strength workout from Get Glutes.

Have a great day!

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