break from weight training


Hello everyone,

I have been weight training for over 1 year now with a week off every now and then. I am getting somewhat burned out right now on weight training and would like to take some time off. What is a reasonable amount of time to take off without losing any muscle tone. I would continue my cardio workouts, however.

Any suggestions would be appreciated.

Thank you,

I think Cathe has touched on this topic in some form in the past, and I think she said a week.

RE: how about trying yoga Sculpt

Would you consider trying Karen Voights Yoga Sculpt or some other type of power yoga for a period of time and then going back to lifting?

Karen Voights yoga sculpt is a great workout. I never thought it would have as many challenges as it does.

Take time to enjoy those who matter most to you & do all things in moderation :)
RE: how about trying yoga Sculpt


Thanks for your input. I don't know too much about yoga but I could try it. Do you think Karen Voights Yoga Sculpt would be the best choice for someone who has never done yoga??

Thank You

RE: how about trying yoga Sculpt

I was in your same shoes several months back. Burned out on weight training. I decided to try power yoga. I am an advanced exerciser who had never done yoga before. I got Bryan Kest vol 1 and loved it. Now I alternate 6 weeks of weights then 4-6 weeks of yoga. I always do about 4 days of various cardio. I really like alternating weights and yoga alot! I don't feel like I lose alot of strength, maybe a little but not much. With the yoga I gain alot of flexibility and the definition in my arms has improved. It also really seems to ruffle my feathers when I change up like this. I think it is a good thing!

Some people say not to take too much time off of weights but I find that it doesn't affect me much to take a break and it really helps not to get burned out. Now since I'm not burned out on weights I'm actually going to order the PS series for my next rotation. I already own MIS and PH. I find I like doing weights much more when I know I'll get a break every so often.

And oooooh the way that yoga makes you feel. I cannot even explain it. You'll have to check it out for yourself.

Try it. You can get kest vol1 at for $9 or $10.

Good Luck to you!!
RE: how about trying yoga Sculpt

I think Karen Voight is OK to sart with. I'm not familiar with the other Yoga video mentioned, but I might consider it also. Good luck.

Take time to enjoy those who matter most to you & do all things in moderation :)
RE: how about trying yoga Sculpt

I also love crosstraining with yoga. I love the Total Yoga by Tracey Rich and Ganga White. I have only done yoga using tapes and I have no trouble with any of their videos. I do feel them! I got my first Total Yoga at Target for $6.99 then went on to order their others off their website. The older Aerobic Yoga is amazing, kicks the heartrate up and always gets my shoulders and triceps big time!

Bobbi Chick's Rule!
I usually do 1 wk of yoga/cardio with no weights in between each rotation. I usually do 4 wk rotations so every 5th wk is just yoga although some of my rotations also incorporate yoga. I love Bryan Kest's series and my mom bought me Baron Baptiste Hot Yoga series for Christmas (tape 1 is easy but tapes 2 and 3 are tough). Give yoga a try, it's an excellent break from weights.


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