Brad and Angelina adopted a new baby. It's all over the news. What do you think of this?

Brad and Angelina adopted a new baby. It's all over the news. What do you think of this?

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RE: Brad and Angelina adopted a new baby. It's all ove...

I think the infidelity was pretty clear & if I remember correcly they did admit to it. I'm just surprised that we're so willing to accept it, or turn a blind eye to it, or excuse it b/c Jen wasn't ready to have children (truthfully I think it's much more selfish to have children to save a marriage--I find it admirable for a woman to be able to admit she's not ready instead of succumbing to social pressure) or b/c they're doing such wonderful things by adopting poor children. Especially those of us who've gone through it.
RE: Brad and Angelina adopted a new baby. It's all ove...

I think its great that she is adopting again. Angelina seems like a loving mother. The new baby will have a better life.

As far as Jen and Brad's marriage, since I am not part of their inner circle, I have no way of knowing exactly what happened and I will not comment on it except to say that it is none of my business. It must be terrible to have everything you do printed in a magazine or on the news. I don't know how they can live like that. Everybody deserves some privacy.
RE: Brad and Angelina adopted a new baby. It's all ove...

Sorry Laura Max if I offended you about Jennifer Aniston - I simply have never liked her - she has always just appeared self absorbed and selfish. . . perhaps having children was the deal breaker for Jen and Brad - we will never know for sure, its too bad they did not discuss that issue before the marriage!

As far as infidelity goes, I am sure everyone of us knows a friend or family member or person that has been cheated on and who has done the cheating. I don't agree with it - its wrong - but I simply will not judge their parenting skills based on that action.
RE: Brad and Angelina adopted a new baby. It's all ove...

I completely agree with you - I lost all respect for Brad Pitt when he cheated on Jen. I never thought much of Angelina anyway - why, with BB's vile of blood, the way she looked spaced out when she was with him, then Maddox - who, by the way, I think was adopted by BB and Angelina when they were married, and now was adopted by Brad - what a mess. She made out with her brother on TV - she is just strange. I have only heard good things about Jen from people who know her - everyone says how giving and caring she is. Not wanting to have kids - good for her. I just don't agree with people who find something wrong with the wife to justify the husband going outside the marriage to "find what he doesn't get at home". Apparently that's a woman who is willing to have and adopt as many kids as she can - like one every year. Oh, being hot and not-so-uptight about "not sleeping with another woman's husband" helps too. That's just wrong... Get a divorce, Brad, then go after some co-star who is hot. Sheesh...

Just my $0.02...

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