Brad and Angelina adopted a new baby. It's all over the news. What do you think of this?

Brad and Angelina adopted a new baby. It's all over the news. What do you think of this?

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I'm just a little irritated about the speed at which they are able to do this. My brother and his wife have been "in line" for their baby girl for - I am not lying - 1.5 years already. Sigh. Must be nice to be famous!
I'm tired of hearing about them too. I used to have a lot of admiration for Angelina for not only raising awareness of the plight of these children but also for putting her money where her mouth was.

Then she had an affair w/another woman's husband & I lost all respect for her.

Couldn't care less about Brad. As far as I'm concerned he's a cheating POS.
I'm tired of hearing about them too. I used to have a lot of admiration for Angelina for not only raising awareness of the plight of these children but also for putting her money where her mouth was.

Then she had an affair w/another woman's husband & I lost all respect for her.

Couldn't care less about Brad. As far as I'm concerned he's a cheating POS.
>>Then she had an affair w/another woman's husband & I lost all
>respect for her.
>Couldn't care less about Brad. As far as I'm concerned he's a
>cheating POS.

I have been thinking that too, doesn't anyone care about that. I remember reading way back when it was all speculation about an affair that AJ said something like she would never, ever be w/a married man!!! Pleeezzzz...................x(

As long as you are good looking and have money, no one cares what you do!

RE: Brad and Angelina adopted a new baby. It's all ove...

>I'm tired of hearing about them too. I used to have a lot of
>admiration for Angelina for not only raising awareness of the
>plight of these children but also for putting her money where
>her mouth was.
>Then she had an affair w/another woman's husband & I lost all
>respect for her.
>Couldn't care less about Brad. As far as I'm concerned he's a
>cheating POS.

I have to agree with you. Will he still be parenting the kids once he decides to move on yet again? What's a POS...I'm a little afraid to ask, but since I'm agreeing with your statement, I guess I should know...LOL!
P.S. Edited to come back and say that I do read about them a little, like when I'm standing in the checkout line at Walmart.
I'm not sure if anyone had an affair and frankly, it's none of my business. I do think it's great that this couple makes it a point to draw attention to areas of the world that need help. I think it's great that they adopt (and seem to love and care for) multiple children. I'm also sick of hearing about them, but I doubt the coverage of their lives has much to do with their wishes. To me, the problem is with the paparazzi and their constant stalking of these celebrities. The only reason it continues is because people buy the magazines in which the pictures are printed. The celebrities probably make nothing from their pictures. It's such a horrible and sad profession. At least this couple seems to be loving, intelligent, and concerned about world issues. How many other young celebrities can we say that about? I think they are great role models.

Yeah, I don't really care about whether they had an affair or not. They're all adults and who knows what goes on behind the closed door of a marriage?

And I also think it's great that they adopt. But like I said - fame really makes some things easy!
RE: Brad and Angelina adopted a new baby. It's all ove...

It was the making out with her brother at the Academy Awards that year that I can't get out of my mind. EWWWW!
RE: Brad and Angelina adopted a new baby. It's all ove...

Making out with her brother and the vial of blood from her ex-Billy Bob was gross also.

RE: Brad and Angelina adopted a new baby. It's all ove...

>Angela - POS is Piece of S_ _ _

Oh...I don't feel that strongly about it and I'm not just picking on Brad and Angelina as I don't find the morals or I should say lack thereof of Hollywood stars that appealing in general. I know, enough of my 2 cents.
RE: Brad and Angelina adopted a new baby. It's all ove...

THEY are probably sick of all of us hearing about them too!
RE: Brad and Angelina adopted a new baby. It's all ove...

I have always admired Brad Pitt, not only for his acting talent but for the movie roles he has chosen. I read an article that says he has tried to focus more on his talent than his pretty boy image. Based on the movies I've seen, I believe it's true.

I have a different opinion about Brad and Jen's situation. I believe he was ready for a family and Jennifer was not. He moved on...simple as that. I believe he has much more substance to his personality than she does and that's what drove him to Angelina. But, I think based on her bizarre relationship with BB and her brother and the fact she continues to adopt children and help 3rd world children, she has a hole in her heart that she's trying to fill. So what she continues to adopt. These children will most definitely benefit from the money they make and have a more positive upbringing than they ever could have if they stayed where they were. I think it's wonderful they are both trying to do something positive.

As far as cheating goes, the last statistics I read (it was some time ago) say that 80% of men cheat on their wives. I don't condone it but hey, it's a reality and I am a realist.
RE: Brad and Angelina adopted a new baby. It's all ove...

Red Mct... I hear ya, and just my opinion, but I believe the reason is because its way to easy to adopt from another country. USA is a long process, and celebraties want instant.

I don't care for either brad or angelina.

There are 2 many kids in the USA that need adopting.

RE: Brad and Angelina adopted a new baby. It's all ove...

OK, now I'm confused. Just out of curiosity, why is it none of our business whether there was infidelity but the adoptions are our business? Both seem pretty personal to me. Or why does the fact that 80% of men do it mean it shouldn't be bothersome? Frankly that makes it even more disgusting from my perspective.

If Brad wanted to have kids & Jen didn't, he should've just started divorce proceedings. Instead he waited until he found someone else & apparently made no effort to hide it.

I'm not trying to be critical or start any arguments, but having been through it myself I really feel for Jen (it is without a doubt the most humiliating thing that can happen to a woman & it must've been magnified like a thousand times for her since it was so public--I applaud her for the grace & dignity with which she handled it). I think what the two of them did was really crappy. JMHO.
RE: Brad and Angelina adopted a new baby. It's all ove...

I wonder if Angelina's oldest stands to inherit the necklace with the vial of blood?
RE: Brad and Angelina adopted a new baby. It's all ove...


I am not going to get into a debate over the Brad and Angelina situation. Frankly, it's not that important to me, really. Based on my observations and life experience, I have simply stated my opinion :) I didn't say any of it is my's none of our business but it sure is out there.

BTW, I went through it too and that's why I am a realist.
RE: Brad and Angelina adopted a new baby. It's all ove...

I think its great that they decided to adopt - celebrity or not - that decision is not an easy one for anyone to make, in particular people with such busy lives. And who really cares if a nanny helps raise them??? Many many many people in the United States and other countries hire nannies to help raise children. In the older Native American communities, children were raised by the community to lesson the burden and broaden the perspectives of the child - I think its terrific!

As far as the "alleged" infidelity goes - nobody knows for sure and quite honestly I would rather give the benefit of the doubt. To be honest, I have always felt that Jennifer was selfish - not sure what gives me that horrible impression of her, but I definitely don't like her and rarely watch her movies because she seems so pathetic to me. I love love Angelina - who cares if she seemed a little odd in the past, she is who she is and she stands up for what she believes in, doesn't fall to whatever is popular or expected of her just because she is a celebrity, and I admire that.

I like that they have brought awareness to these issues. I never knew of Darfur until I read those articles and every child deserves a home, whether you adopt within your own country or outside of the country - - I would hope that if someday my husband and I have enough funds to adopt a child and give them a loving and proper upbringing - that we would.

Audrey Hepburn - so what if she was great and "classy"! Give some credit to others that deserve it as well :)

those are my opinions -
RE: Brad and Angelina adopted a new baby. It's all ove...

I think it's great when people adopt regardless of who they are. I don't think commenting on adoption is the same as commenting on someone's personal sex life. They are completely different situations. I really don't know what happened with their divorces, prior relationships, etc, so I don't feel comfortable commenting on them. Basically, all we know is that they adopt children. I think that's great. Anything beyond that is speculation.
I understand being angry about cheating. I've been cheated on myself so I know exactly how it feels. It does not however, leave me in a position to judge everyone on the subject. Every situation is different.

RE: Brad and Angelina adopted a new baby. It's all ove...

<This is one glaring difference between 'news' from the U.S. and what we get for news in Canada. Our national news (CBC & CTV) would be considered boring by U.S. standards. It's chock full of national and international politics and policies>

I was waiting for a Canadian to chime in and again remind us how dumb we people in the states are. They're just annoyed we keep stealing their hockey teams ;-) :7 Seriously, I am beginning to wonder. If it were not for the newspapers, BBC news, and Deutsche Welle I think I'd scream.
And for the record, Winnipeg needs a hockey team (and I think Canadians secretly keep up on the latest Brad and Angelina poop by watching CNN in the bathroom)

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