BootCamp .....


Did BootCamp for the first time yesterday, and I was worn out lol. Very fast paced workout, I was breathing hard, and out of breath lol..... Rhonda :7
Remember, Cathe almost gets out of breath herself in Boot Camp. I figure when I do too, that just means I am working as hard as I should be. You go girl!
Hey Rhonda,

I just did Boot Camp for the first time last week. Ummmm.... I've done it 4 times since :D I'm bad, huh? It's a great, fun, intense workout. It literally got me out of my fitness funk... I haven't felt energetic enough to workout for weeks... but this one is so fun, I do it anyway :)

And what's so great about Bootcamp is that if you do it regularly (once a week or so), improvements come VERY quickly! Stick to it and, if necessary, modify, modify, modify! You'll be amazed at how quickly you'll improve!
I have had the Intensity Series for about 2 weeks now and I am scared to try this one, I just know I will not be able to do those mountian climber thingies. I am going to try this on my next day off, I sure hope I can make it thru.

Pat, you'll make it fine, you may have to modify a bit .. but you'll have it down before you know it ... its fast, but not hard ...enjoy .... I think the hardest for me was the core work ... I had to modify a bit when she used the ball to do the side push-ups ... mercy ... lol ... Rhonda :7
BootCamp was the first workout I tried when I first got the Intensity Series and I absolutely love it!

Pattycake don't be afraid to try it! Just modify what you need to and work up to it! It is absolutely a blast and the time goes really fast!
Last week I did bootcamp but did the cardio portions on the rebounder. It was fantastic - for the first time I was able to do those sequential kicks with the gang and was able to do all the high impact. The only cardio I did on the floor was the speed skaters and the sumo squats. When I did the woodchops I was able to jump like Cathe as opposed to doing them grounded. If you have a rebounder I highly suggest trying this. By using the rebounder I was able to give the cardio my all and really kicked up my heart rate. I love this style of workout.

I have always loved this one. I have the DVD and love doing the bootcamp muscle endurance pre-mix.
I think so far this is my all time favorite. I look forward to doing this one everytime the date comes near on my rotation calander. I still have trouble with the terminator thrusts, but other than that I can do th entire workout without stopping. Love it!
Debbie in OH
I know what you mean - this is one of my favorites as well - a good overall body workout, but lots of movement, variety, keeps your heart rate up.

When it first came out I got the impression that quite a few people didn't like it - I think because it doesn't fit neatly into the "cardio" or "weights" camp, and so they weren't sure how it would fit in with their other stuff.

But I thought it was a blast and couldn't wait to do it again. I've done it with such gusto that I had to have a nap afterwards - LOL

Anyways, I think it was one of her best masterpieces, and I hope she'll one day do Bootcamp 2.

Over and out!

grunt Punky
Boot Camp rocks, big time. Nice to see some guys in a Cathe video too. She really out-did-herself on this one. Boot Camp2 would be soooooo good. This is the one i come back to the most. I love it. 1 minute makes everything so do-able, right? I mean, you can do anything for a minute, right? The core rocks, the weights rock, the workout rocks. I use this anywhere from 2-3 times per week. Fantastic!
I just LOVE this one too...try to do it at least once every 1-2 weeks...I'll tell you what really completely slayed me...I did just the cardio portion + upper body + core the other day (about 40 minutes, I think) and I actually felt like it was harder than doing the whole workout!
Hey Bebop! I have to know more about your rebounder! What kind do you have? I'd love to have one, but want to be sure to get a good one. I can't do impact on the floor, so I usually do the cardio portions of Boot Camp on my eliptical. Funny, I can do speed skaters and sumo squats, but not jumpy moves on the floor. I'd love to be able to do the ice breakers and power kicks along with the tape! I'm also thinking, maybe the rebounder could be used for Step, Jump & Pump. What do you think?


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