Boot Camp

WooHoo!!! I've been waiting years for Cathe to use weights to kick the abs up a notch. This is gonna be GREAT!!!!
My hubby is gonna dig this workout! Watching him do any step is, well, lets just say it looks like he's having a seizure of some sort...not pretty. He eventually just gives up and leaves the room mumbling. This has NO STEP and is INTENSE!!!! Yahooooo!

Yikes - look at those ripped abs. My abs aren't ripped, they're rippled, and I don't have any kids. Has anyone noticed that the mini-steps are 14" high for this one!?! I'm excited/scared all at the same time!!! I love these pictures so much!
[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Nov-17-02 AT 01:14AM (Est)[/font][p]Awesome!!! I'm so excited!! How much longer??? Just kidding - I'm trying to be patient!! :)
Sara :-jumpy
Gosh, you all look great in all the pictures. I think I am going to be glad I only have a 2 lb. medicine ball, but I do plan to advance to a heavier weight with your help, Cathe! I am glad I'm not the only one getting scared/excited, too. Thanks for the great pictures! Now, I'd better get off my butt & continure "preparing" for the Intensity Series by doing All Step + Step & Intervals. Hope everyone is having a great weekend!

Wow all the workouts look like so much fun. They are better than I ever expected (I basically ordered because they were Cathe's video's with not much look at the descriptions). I'm sure we will all be surprised with all the great new stuff.


P.S. I hope someone will help come up with the best way to incorporate them in our workouts.
I just got my medicine ball over the weekend and can't wait to use it. Now I have all my equipment ready to go-I'm so excited!!!


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