Boot Camp

SNM Videos


Boot Camp

Just one of the many 1 minute components from Boot Camp. This 60 minute advanced workout is totally different from anything Cathe has previously done, but is sure to become a favorite for people looking for a tough total body conditioning workout.
Woo Hoo! I was hoping Cathe would include some kickbox or hi/lo in this series! I got my wish. Once again, astonished at how amazing everyone looks. I am so stoked for December!!!
I couldn't be more ready for this series!!! How exciting!! How much longer????? YIPPEE!!!! :)
Sara :-jumpy
Wow! All these workouts look great! I am so excited to try them. And am I the only one who thinks filming is going by quickly? All I can say is...WOW! Cathe is the greatest! (and her crew looks FANTASTIC!)
Whewie!!! A minute of side kicks? YIKES! It looks like fun though! Doesn't the new guy, Mark, look a bit like Ross on Friends? David Schwimmer (SP.?)

Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!
Check out Lorraines form on that kick!! Wow, you guys just keep getting better and better! Can't wait!

[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Nov-14-02 AT 05:47AM (Est)[/font][p]:-jumpy I am in love this is going to be my favourite of all the new vids. I just love seeing these pictures.

I agree with all the comments re: Cedie she looks great :-jumpy .

You are TAUNTING us, Cathe and Crew!

Boot Camp is one of the workouts I'm most looking forward to. We must all note, however, that Cathe is creating her own future h*ll: she's demonstrated her mastery of step, strength training, interval training, circuit training, kickbox, HI/LO (which I dearly wish she'd produce more of) and now Boot Camp. She'll never be able to satisfy all of our demands now!

But we can ask her to try . . .

Thanks, Cathe!

Annette Q. Aquajock
I am soooooo excited! With every pic that comes out I get more and more excited! Looks like these videos just might help us git rid of those holiday cookies:) (not that any of us will eat any - ha ha )

Please, please come before x-mas!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! My company closes from 12/24 - 1/1 so it would be wonderful to have the new vids that week:)

Gosh, I can't wait! I'm so excited. Cathe and your crew are the best! These pictures are making me work harder because I want to be ready for these new workouts!

OOOOOH this picture looks sooo COOL! I just absolutely LOVE kickboxing and am I gonna LOVE this tape!! Kathy
[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Nov-14-02 AT 12:04PM (Est)[/font][p]Who is Ross ? The guy in Friends ? PLEASE explain.......

Anna :)

Its Ok, I know it is the guy from Friends - what is going on ? We have Chandler in Cardio Kicks and now Ross in Bootcamp !!!!!!! LOL :7

I'm so excited and I just can't hide it..... :)Once again ya'll look great and are going to be excellent role models. When ever I'm craving a sweet I think of these fit healthy women and grab a healthy bite! I can already tell Bootcamp is gonna kick my boot-y! ;-) Susan

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