Boot Camp issue


Hi everyone,
I love circuits and want to include BC into my workouts more often (right now I am primarily using Gauntlet, Viper, IMAX extreme, HSTA and SJP) but I have low blood pressure (typically 104/65) that is also made lower by orthostatic changes (I feel faint,can feel the blood pounding in my neck etc)and this happens after all the core segments on the floor after which you have to immediately get up and do intense cardio. I need about a full minute to get myself feeling OK after I stand up and feel like I am not giving cardio my all. I do these cardio segemnts just fine in Gauntlet for example and so I am thinking of giving up BC or just fastforwarding thru the core work or just using the Terminator series since it has alot of BC in it and is tougher than BC but doesn't have core work in it.Anybody else not like the sequencing of cardio after core and what do you do about it? If I just force myself thru do you think it will help my body deal with orthostatic chnages better or is this too risky? Any other recommendations for other tough circuits...doesn't have to be Cathe (I find HSC and Cardio and weights too easy and do these when I want a lighter circuit). TIA
Hey Cathy: I hear you about BC, it's a great workout but somedays I think, 'jeez, I'm up and down like a toilet seat during this one';-). If you have the DVD there is an everything but core premix and a core only premix which will give you the whole thing in an order that suits you better. I love doing all of BC core together, really gets my core buzzing.:)

Take Care
Wow! I do have the DVD but never checked out this premix. DUH! Sounds like this is just what the doctor ordered. Thanks!
I have somewhat the same problem with BC the way it is (though it doesn't take me quite so long to recover).

I do what Laurie suggested: the "all but core" premix, followed by the "core only" premix. It's a great workout that way, and in some ways a bit more intense because the cardio is closer together, and the core work is all together.
Cathy, I take it you don't have BC/ME on DVD. I know there is a premix for BC "everything but core." I used to have almost all my workouts on vhs but have switched the majority to DVD. One of my favorites now is the BC/ME. Endless possibilities. Like I said, BC everything but core is one there.


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