
The Spellman files is the first of 6 books. It's about a completely dysfunctional family of private investigators. They bribe, trail and blackmail each other. Very funny! Enjoy!
I read on my kindle and have my Amazon account linked to the good reads website. I can then track what I read, and get some great suggestions and ideas for future reads. How many times have I bought a book when they've changed the cover, only realising after a few chapters that I've already read it?
I mostly read off my kindle and it keeps my books, but I haven't figured out a way to keep the order of what I've read, it has them alphabetized so it takes a while to look thru to find my recent reads. If a book does not grab me in 50 pages or so I move on, life is too short and there are just too many books to discover :)) I am going to read the Spellman Files, thanks for the recommendation!

There is a website called "Goodreads" that will keep track of what you have read and what you want to read. It's a bit like Facebook for readers. You can have friends but you don't have to. They have forums, giveaways and reading challenges. It's a great way to keep track of what you have read.

I love the Spellman Files. The author Lisa Lutz has a new book out that is not the Spellmans. I haven't read it yet but I want to. It has gotten some good reviews.
There is a website called "Goodreads" that will keep track of what you have read and what you want to read. It's a bit like Facebook for readers. You can have friends but you don't have to. They have forums, giveaways and reading challenges. It's a great way to keep track of what you have read.

I love the Spellman Files. The author Lisa Lutz has a new book out that is not the Spellmans. I haven't read it yet but I want to. It has gotten some good reviews.

Thanks, it looks like a neat site, I will definitely try it!
I'm just finishing "Big little lies". By Liane Moriarty. She also wrote "The husbands secret", "What Alice forgot". Great stories! My daughter got Big little lies on audible, so I'm actually listening to it, not reading it. The lady who's reading it is Australian. I'm loving it!!!
I'm just finishing "Big little lies". By Liane Moriarty. She also wrote "The husbands secret", "What Alice forgot". Great stories! My daughter got Big little lies on audible, so I'm actually listening to it, not reading it. The lady who's reading it is Australian. I'm loving it!!!

I just finished reading them. A new author for me and I enjoyed them. I read Beautiful things also and liked that too.
I just this minute finished Girl on a Train. Started it yesterday and read until late last night. Finished it this morning. A riveting story and after finishing it I feel like I need a shower.
I just finished reading them. A new author for me and I enjoyed them. I read Beautiful things also and liked that too.
I just this minute finished Girl on a Train. Started it yesterday and read until late last night. Finished it this morning. A riveting story and after finishing it I feel like I need a shower.
Who is the author Phyllis?
Because of this thread I picked up an Alex Kava book. It's the first one in her Maggie O'Dell series. I prefer to start at the beginning of a series if I can. Strong characters, decent plot, moving right along! Thanks for the recommendation. I'm loving it!

I also recently finished "Cop Town" by Karin Slaughter. Murder/mystery/suspense, very good!!

Thanks for all the suggestions everyone!
Just finished The Orphan Train, which I believe I got from this thread. Very interesting...I (embarrassingly) did not know about these trains and what happened to the children.

tlc93: I started Cop Town because I really like Karin Slaughter, but realized this is a re-make of a previous series that she did. :(
Fox2star....WHAAT? A re-make? I didn't know that? Are they recurring characters? I had no idea. "The Orphan Train" is also on my list!
tlc93...yes, there was a whole series on Sarah Linton....when she was married, her family, her back history, ( will not give spoilers here)...etc. I was pretty disappointed that they did that with the's like getting all excited to see your favorite TV show and finding out its a re-run.
My book club just chose The Buried Giant by Ishiguro. I have read other books by this author but am not familiar with this one. Any comments?
Also Neil Gaiman. I have read nothing by him but am curious. Any opinions or suggestions.
Best two books I have read in a long time:

Elizabeth Gilbert, "The Signature of All Things"

Ruth Ozeki, "A Tale for the Time Being."

I have already re-read Ozeki, and both are books I will revisit in the future. Few books make that cut. Virginia Woolf's "Mrs. Dalloway" is one, "The Divine Secrets of the Ya Ya Sisterhood" is another, as is Keri Hulme's Booker prize-winning "The Bone People."

I read about 5 books per week, cannot remember them all. Lately, I have been listening to Mary Kay Andrews' novels on BOCD while gardening because she is so darn funny and I like to practice my southern accent while I dig and plant!

I read Kristin Hannah's "The Nightingale" and thought it was over-rated. Seems like everyone has one second world war novel in them, and that is hers. It's a tough period to be original with.

I love Jo Nesbo and have just started "The Bat" which I am listening to today as I dig up my magnolia and plant it elsewhere in the garden ... Harry Hole is a great character, I have been on tenterhooks through every single one of his mysteries. The BOCDs are narrated by British voices, and consummate narrators, so I love that. The choice of narrator makes a big difference to the book on CD experience. very few authors, for example, do a good job of narrating their own works. Ruth Ozeki is actually a brilliant exception. And I cannot listen to any Irish novel read by a non-Irish narrator: torture and a wasted opportunity.

John Sandford has an excellent series of books about Minnesota cop/BCI detective Lucas Davenport. He's a tough and extremely funny guy. I actually prefer the BOCDS to reading Sandford's novels on my own because the BOCD narrator, Richard Ferrone, is superlative and brings these books alive. When I do read them on my own, I have his voice in my head!

If you have never read any Kate Atkinson novels, consider yourself admonished and get thee to a bookstore/library immediately! She's simply brilliant, seemingly effortless writing, serious commentary about humanity and society and yet, so comic at the same time. My faves of hers are the Jackson Brodie series which begins with "Case Histories." Don't watch the Acorn TV adaptation first or you will ruin the experience. As wonderful as Jason Isaacs is, actor chosen to play Jackson, the TV adaptation cannot encapsulate for you as reader the experience of starting "Case Histories," opening up the can of worms that the 4 disparate crimes/mysteries presented in the novel comprise, and following the twists and turns along to see exactly how these 4 stories can possibly relate to one another and how Atkinson will keep the plotting straight in her head to tie up all narrative threads by the end.

Basically, I adore consummate story telling, and all the books I have suggested here have that, and more!

I also enjoy books on CD or the "Audible " app for phones. Sometimes it really changes things. I just finished listening to "Big little lies" , the narrator is Australian and it was excellent. One of the first I listened to was "Angelas ashes" read by the author Frank McCourt, Irish accent and all. I had already read this pulitzer prize winning autobiography but really wanted to hear it from the author himself. Its also a nice way to keep up with all the stories I want to experience. I read on my Nook, get books from the library, friends etc. So many great stories out there!
I also read John Sanford with Lucas Davenport as well as the off shoot character, Virgil Flowers. James Patterson is always good and I love his Micheal Bennett books. Bennet is an NYPD detective with 10 kids and an Irish Priest grandfather and an Irish nanny. Love that series! Because James Patterson is from NY, some of the stories have familiar towns, roads, businesses etc....close to where I live. That's kind of neat.
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Clare - we have very similar tastes in books! (I have to admit to having a huge crush on Harry Hole - lol). 5 a week is amazing - I thought I was a book worm (2-3 per week), but 5 is great.

Yes I think we do. You also read Jessie Burton's "The Miniaturist" this year, right? I picked it up when I was back in the UK in March. A very curious little novel. I was totally transported to the 1700's and yet, with the narrative threads bringing up questions of class, race and gender, it has a very modern and pertinent sensibility. It's not the best thing I have ever read, but it is a stand-out novel for me for this year and I heartily recommend it to others.

What are you reading at the mo' Justine? I love book reccies, but hardly anyone ever gives me any, they are always asking me for them!


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