
Hi Ladies. I have 3 books that my book club has suggested and I was wondering if yal have read any of them and what you thought. They don't sound very appealing to me but it's nice to hear what someone else thinks of the book. I appreciate any input.

The Story Teller by Jody Picoult
Transatlantic by Colum McCann
The Book of Lost and Found by Lucy Foley

I am getting ready to read Wife 22 per Clare's recommendation. It sounds really good.
Hi Marazoe! I read The Story Teller. I loved it! Parallel stories going on. I still think of the book, the characters and the storyline. I hope you can get into it because I found it worthwhile. There are certainly some books that people rave about but I just couldn't get into. I can't comment on the other titles as I haven't read them.

Another good recommendation from Clare...Wife 22. Thank you Clare! It was very engaging and cute. I had a feeling about the ending. The characters were unique and funny. I love a writer thats around my age too. Some of the situations, feelings and whatnot are comical. The living room....smoking & when she's looking for a perfume and the clerk said something about Loves Baby Soft perfume. Too cute....aaahhh the memories!

Anyone else have a great read recently? I love and appreciate all the suggestions. It's been fun.
Hi Ladies. I have 3 books that my book club has suggested and I was wondering if yal have read any of them and what you thought. They don't sound very appealing to me but it's nice to hear what someone else thinks of the book. I appreciate any input.

The Story Teller by Jody Picoult
Transatlantic by Colum McCann
The Book of Lost and Found by Lucy Foley

I am getting ready to read Wife 22 per Clare's recommendation. It sounds really good.


I haven't read any of these three, sorry. I've never heard of the Lucy Foley novel, I steer clear of Jodi Picoult because I hate the heavy handed authorial interference she takes in her characters' lives, not allowing them their independence and integrity of action within the fictions she creates ("My Sister's keeper" gratuitous ending spoils book completely), and have not read the McCann book but have read reviews of it and it is intriguing. Of the three, McCann is where I would go in search of my next good read.

Does that help?!? Not sure. I always go to amazon and read reviews and even better, I go to the website of my local library because in the catalogue, every book has links to reviews by columnists at Publisher's Weekly, Booklist, etc. So, even though you are not living in Ann Arbor, MI, you can still access this catalogue and read those reviews per book if you like. Helps to make reading decisions:

Ann Arbor Public District Library =

Thanks for the replies. I think of the 3 books I am going to read The Story Teller and forget the other 2. Clare I saved that website to my favorites and I will refer to it whenever I am looking at books. Thank You !

Thank You again ladies. I love this Book Thread.

Last year around this time, there was a thread about books and what people were reading. So many of you chimed in with some great books. I've been busy going through the list I created from that forum thread. I've read some authors that were new to me and some older books that I loved. Summer is here so why not get another list going.

I usually read mystery, suspense, murder, psychological thriller types. Some of my favorites that are NOT from that genre but that I got from the thread are:
"Sarah's key"- Tatiana De Rosnay
"The husband's secret" Liane Moriarty
"The vacationers' Emma Straub
"The son" Jo Nesbo
"The chase" Janet Evanovich
"The casual vacancy" J.K. Rowling
"Secret life of bees" Sue Monk Kidd
"The Spellman files" Lisa Lutz

Who doesn't love a good story right?

I just read Sarah's Key...loved the beginning but it went down hill fast towards the end. I was really disappointed with the last 1/4 of the book.
I just finished reading "Wife 22". It was so good. It was an easy read and held my attention. I was really surprised with the ending. I loved all of the characters. Thanks for the recommendation Clare.
I am now reading "The Story Teller". I'm only a few pages in but I think it will hold my attention.
"Big little lies" is being made into a mini series that will air on HBO. I don't have HBO but can probably watch it somehow. I loved that book! The characters, storylines, setting. Great read. I also just saw "Room" . The boy who played Jack was excellent considering his age. It stayed pretty true to the book but not everything. I cried! If I were alone it could have been messy!!
Does anyone use Goodreads?

I read so many books that I can't remember them all and find it hard to keep track of everything that I'd still like to read so Goodreads is great for that. It also helps when my mom for instance asks me what I have read lately that I would recommend, then I can just check my highest rated ones from the last weeks/months. I don't give a review very often, but I do take the time to simply give a book stars.

Looking at goodreads I have often wished there was something like it for workout dvd's so I can keep track of everything I have already tried and how good it was and which I would still like to try and see all reviews/ratings from others.

I really enjoyed Big Little Lies too. So far I haven't read a Liane Moriarty book that I have not enjoyed. I started reading Room too, but I just cannot get into it. I must have started and finished at least 10 other books since I started Room. Not sure I will ever finish it.
I'm reading "Ugly young thing" by Jennifer Jaynes. It's the 2nd book by the author. The first is "Never smile at strangers". The 1st is a murder mystery set in the bayous of Louisiana. Nice setting, interesting characters and a quick read. I was still guessing right up to the end to see who was killing local teenage girls. "Ugly young thing" (the 2nd book) has one of the characters from the 1st book but it can be read on its own. You won't be missing anything by NOT reading the 1st. I have become more emotionally involved w/ the characters in the 2nd one. I've also felt more "on the edge of my seat" with the 2nd one too. People are cruel, emotions run high and there is a freak on the loose who is killing people....of course! As I like to say, it's "sufficiently creepy"!

Does anyone have suggestions that are similar to "Big little lies", "Wife 22" etc. I thoroughly enjoyed those. After reading murder mysteries and psychological thrillers, it's nice to have something light hearted.
I completely agree, but Me Before You is way better than After You.

Henriette: I agree with your assessment on those 2 Jojo Moyes books. I prefer her earlier ones. The Peacock Emporium is my favourite of hers, and another about a woman on an ocean liner during 2nd world war? You might try beatriz Williams also and see what you think. She has about 5 novels out I believe, I recently finihsed her Tiny Little THing and enjoyed it alot.

To all:

I have just read Lauren Groff's The Fates and the Furies which I do recommend. Also, practically anything by Karen White is good: I'm currently reading her The Sound of Glass and enjoying it a lot. Also currently reading The Painter by Peter Heller, and wondering exactly how the painter will get out of the mess he's gotten himself into! I love stories of moral ambiguity, which is why last year I loved THe Dinner by Herman Koch.

Sorry about typos, I'm trying to give my right hand a rest as elbow tendonitis has set abck in and right arm needs a break....


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