BodyRx & Cathe-does it work?


Good morning all:) I have searched all over the boards and can not find specific info. on CAthe and BodyRx??

I bought the book this weekend and am considering adopting some of his techniques.

I think I am a meso w/endo tendancies??? I still have quite a bit of fat to lose around the belly/butt/thighs. My body shape looks a lot like Cedie's before her bulging muscles she currently has! I am soooo jealous!

Anyway, I wondering how to incorporate Cathe videos and how to manage the cardio portion? I am currently doing cardio at least 5-6 days a week and am thinking of taking it down to 4 because of some overtraining signs I am seeing in my achilles and knee. So... I figured I might give BodyRx a try.

Do any of you have good stories to share where you have experienced success with BodyRX? Or how about how you incorporate Cathe videos?

I am currently in the 3rd week of a S&H rotation and trying to figure out what to do next.

I am finding the food program I am already on is somewhat similar to BodyRx (when I stick to it) except for I definitely don't get as much protein as he suggests. So, I am thinking I should be able to follow his nutrition program for the most part:)

Thanks for any tips or advice you can give!!!!!!!!! You guys rock!!!!!

Hi Pammer,

This is so funny, I'm changing my workouts to fit with the BodyRX suggestions because of possible over training too.:) I have reservations about doing so little cardio, but I've decided to try a couple of weeks of doing short but intense (not necessarily high impact) workouts in the mornings during the week, then a night I will do my heavy weight training one body part plus abs.

I'm having a problem eating so much protein too, but I make sure that I have fat free deli sliced turkey for my last food of the night...something lean and tasty and one of my protein servings.

I'm hoping to drop these last few pounds, but I've come to terms with the fact that maybe I'm meant to have these pounds. Maybe I've inherited the 'tummy pooch' gene.:)
I read BodyRx twice and I have used it as just another rotation suggestion. The most significant difference it gave me was heavy lifting and fewer reps than any workout I had been doing with Cathe.

I used it because I figured that even Cathe lifts this way sometimes, although 6 reps or less, with 3-minute rests, would not make a very useful or safe video IMO. I did add some cardio but not much. In 2 weeks my cardio capacity has probably suffered but hey, you can't have everything good all at once!
Hey Pammer! I do not know about anyone else, but I have had really good results just following the Connelly way half way. What I mean is this: I good rid of all junk food, upped my protein and my fiber, eat at least every three hours, and follow the carb guidelines, and while I only lost 4 pounds(even before the "fat burning" cycle 3), I look and feel leaner and tigher, and even my husband has noticed that my tummy is smaller. I am in cycle three now, and I have to admit I am not a numbers freak, so I just try to meet all my "goals" for the day...sort of. The whole plan appealed to me so much cause he is all about building muscle and getting lean and healthy. I used Cathe's Pure Strength, and then Slow and Heavy and now I am back to PS. I know it is not the Body RX style of lifting, but with Cathe is the only way I know how to workout!! I am sure those who do lift his way achieve fantastic results, I just want you to know that I still am seeing great results! My arms are oh so much more toned and I am finally getting that nice little groove in my abs...It is very exciting, since I have been working at this for almost three years, struggling with cardio (even though I hated it)and not seeing any real improvement in the shape of my body. So I do not know what really helped, the new eating style or me pushing my limits in the amount of weight I was will be interesting to see what this last cycle will be like! Check out the book, I think it is very interesting reading. Take care and keep lifting, Donna.
I was going through the book at Chapters and he did mention that the nutrition part alone should give results. I was very interested in the lifting style but knowing myself...I wouldn't stick with it. I like working out to DVDs/vids more than gym stuff. I am trying to keep track of my CHON and CHO intake and now realize how very little CHON i'm actually taking in! Even with the CHON bars and shakes ... it's still below the 1gm/lb guideline!
RE: R_Lam!

Yes Cathe works well w/BRX. You can tweak the exercises to work for you, but you should work the body in the order Dr. C asks. As someone who's down 18lbs so far and 6" over all, and whose strength has increased tremendously, I can say YES it WORKS!

R_Lam, I'd tell you to watch the bars you eat carefully, many are little more than a concealed candy bar, such as Slimfast. Read the labels and don't be fool by the 'low carb' claims.
Hi Pammer! I've seen significant muscularture in my upper body and my quads have gotten bigger. I'm into Cycle 2 Week 3 now and I don't have any problem w/the nutrition; I even come in higher on fiber. My cardio hasn't suffered at all; I've even gotten stronger. I do one 30 min. cardio in the afternoon on Sat. and I'll do yoga Sat. morning. On Mon. I do an intense 60 min. cardio tape (IMAX, Circuit Max, kickboxing or Rhythmic Step)but that's it for the week. The rest is strength training. I wouldn't work 1 body part each day; work the body parts as instructed by Dr. Conelly. In Cycle 1 I've incorporated Cathe's S&H and I did her chest, back, shoulders, triceps and biceps exercises according to the tape doing some of the exercises slow and heavy with the same reps and some exercises the traditional way doing only 6 reps because of the poundage of the dumbbells. I've now had to lower my dumbbells because of Cycle 2 being so intense. You won't be able to utilize Cathe's tapes for this Cycle. I just put in the tape for the warm-up and for music and encouragement. I like to watch her and for company too.

If you want to reshape your body its only through strength training that you'll achieve this as well as sticking to the nutrition according to Dr. Connelly; not through cardio but I certainly wouldn't rule it out altogether. Cardio keeps your heart & lunges in good shape.

You will lose the weight if you the follow the program; there have been many successes (Laura for one); she looks awesome. Good luck! Kathy
Hi Pammer, I just wanted to throw my 2cnts in...Im on just the third week of cycle one, and have been using the S/H series for this, and I can already see and feel a diff. I feel sooo much better. His eating plan is not all that much diff from what I was used to except, you eat so much more!!

I have followed the order that he works the muscles, which I think is important, but I dont do the 3 min rests inbetween sets--maybe if I had no lifting experience, that might be important.

My rotation right now is
Mon off
Tue power circuit/no back training
wed chest& bi
thu back & tri
fri legs/shoulders (for the legs, I use s/h but instead of the same count, I go down 2 counts and low end for three counts for all the reps---believe me, you will feel it!)
sat cardio
sun cardio/;MIS upper body only

This way Im able to keep my cardio, which I enjoy, and still work everything 2x's a week. Abs I throw in 4 x's a week, and I can see alot of upper body changes--my arms are really looking good!!

I dont agree with everything he has to say, but I think most of it is just common sense eating, and seems to be really worth the effort.

Good luck
Jayne I once asked about the 3 minute rest period in C1 between sets on a board and was directed to what Dr. C had told someone else...he said that if one didn't need the 3 minute recovery period, one wasn't using enough weight.

Thought I'd pass on the info!
Just thought I'd add that I think Cathe knows what she is doing when it comes to HOME weight workouts and I do Slow and Heavy as she intended. When I tried to do it Body RX style my shoulders were so sore because of the shoulder retraction Cathe makes you do in every video that I really thought I was over-training.

I also cannot lift heavy enough at home to warrant a 3 minute rest so like I said, Cathe is the queen of home workouts so I do her videos as is but stick to the Body RX eating plan and 6 week rotations. Just my experience, and wanted to share. :)
Look I only passed on Dr. Connelly's comment for other's consideration, it wasn't meant to dipute Cathe's knowledge or the way the videos are set up.

The BodyRx is set up to as nutrition first, exercise second. However, since Dr. Connelly spent 30 years researching and perfecting his program, I'm giving respect where respect is due. The fact that I use and adapt Cathe for my workouts also reflects my respect for her as a fitness professional.

The point is, all this information and expertise is meant as a guide. One must take it and adapt it to one's individual needs. I see no point in arguing about it and my offering was not meant in an argumentative way. I'm sorry if you took it in that manner.
Wow, Mindi - I NEVER intended to offend you or start an arguement. I just wanted to share my experience. I really enjoy your posts and your Body RX board. I'm learning a lot from all the posts.

I'm really sorry that you mistook my post as trying to start an argument, I certainly never meant to challenge you!

Like I said earlier, I just wanted to share - I find other's experiences helpful and simply wanted to post mine. Sorry for any misunderstanding.
I apologize for completely misinterpreting your post, I can't think why I did it. I reread it now and I see what you mean. I chalk it up to being in a hurry and not reading carefully enough.

Again I apologize.
Mindi or Anyone Question

Could you tell us your workout routine and what you eat?
I have read this book 2 times and have almost started it but I don't go to a gym so I didn't know if it would be effective with my 35 pound barbell. What do you think?
RE: Mindi or Anyone Question

Hi Slenamond!

My workout routine now in Cycle 2 is:

Sat: yoga in the a.m. and then 30 min. of cardio in p.m.
Sun: chest/biceps/abs: I do 3 exercises for each body part, 4 sets of 10 reps (push-ups 40; bench press at 50#'s 40 of them; incline flyes 40 using 20# dumbbells); Biceps: 3 exercises 5 sets of 10 reps (barbell curl 30#'s 50 reps; hammer curls 20# dumbbells 50 reps; alternating bicep curl 20# dumbbells 50 reps)
Mon: 60 min. of intense cardio (IMAX; Circuit Max; Cardio Kicks or Rhythmic Step)
Tues: Legs/Abs (Slow & Heavy tape) I lift the same 3 sets and reps as Cathe except I do additional 3 sets working it the traditional way; squats; lunges; plie squats; calf raises and deadlifts. I'm using a 50# barbell
Wed: Back/Triceps: Use Pure Strength Back exercises the same as on tape except I'll do 4 sets of each exercise. Triceps: Overhead Extension using a 25# dumbbell 5 sets of 10 reps; Line Extension using 15# dumbbells doing 5 sets of 8 reps; Kickbacks using 15# dumbbells doing 5 sets of 10 reps
Thurs: Shoulders/Abs: I don't use any tape but take 3 exercises: Arnold Press using 20# dumbbells 5 sets of 10 reps; Side Lateral Raise using 15# dumbbells 5 sets of 10 reps; Front Raise using 12# dumbbell 5 sets of 10 reps
Fri: A much deserved REST!!

I take in 137g or more of protein a day plus 45g of fiber a day. I'll eat 3 egg omelet w/avocado, tomato & topped w/salsa & fruit; cottage cheese w/apple; mixed green salad w/tuna; protein bar; protein shake; fish w/sweet potato & veggies. As you can see I eat 6 times a day. Its definitely working for me as you can see from my workouts. You don't, however, start the program off this way. In Cycle 1 you'll lift the heaviest you can using excellent form but doing only 3 sets of 6 reps. By the time you reach Cycle 2 its no longer a stroll in the park and its exhausting. I have to sleep at least 9-10 hrs. I've become so much more muscular and leaner. I hope I've helped you. Best, Kathy
RE: Mindi or Anyone Question

Your barbell would be perfect for this! I pretty much follow the book re: exercises and nutrition. I'm in Cycle 3 so I do tweak my leg day, I use MIS legs, usually do them twice, or MIS legs once, then go do S&H legs for a little shock to my legs. Otherwise I use Cathe's exercises and the book's sets and reps. I found in Cycle 3 I had to decrease my weight considerably to get through all the sets and reps! Talk about a humilator! LOL

As for food, I keep it simple. I eat tuna, eggs, cottage cheese, turkey, fish, chicken mostly. Sometimes I have lean beef for variety. Can't get bored you know. I use Fiber1 and whey protein to help me reach my fiber and protein goals and I often use physillum husk as well.

I don't think the program is complicated, you just have to plan ahead for your food and since I'm on the road a lot, I haul a cooler with me so I won't be tempted by the crap at the convenience stores. I hope you do start it, I think you'll really enjoy it!
RE: Mindi or Anyone Question

Thanks for the very good advice on how you are doing your workout with Cathe tapes. I am only in 3rd wk cycle one and looking forward to cycle 2 and yourinformation has really helped me to see what how much you are lifting and also your eating.
Thanks again

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