Bodybuilding/Sculpting check-in;-)

PFWL came in the mail today! So today from that series I did Tabata Cardio, Cardio Plyometrics, and Core A. The Tabata workout was not very hard, I barely broke a sweat. It was stuff like high knees, speed skaters...nothing crazy. I think some weighted gloves might make it a bit tougher. The Plyometrics one was definitely harder, got a good sweat going, mainly because she keeps you moving most of the time. Weighted gloves could probably be worn during that one also. The core one focused on her favorite thing...the pelvic tilt. It seemed simple, but I was feeling it at the end.

Jen, PFLO and the newer ones she just put out I think are advanced like Cathe, but they are such a different style, it's hard to compare them. Maybe they could be a mix of Cathe and Jillian, without the Jillian attitude? PFLO is a mix of muscle endurance and muscle strength workouts, but even the strength workouts have a bit of a speed/cardio element to them so you can't go super heavy like in a focused Cathe weight workout. Does that help at all or have I made it more of a mystery? Haha!
Thanks Jodi. And no, that's what I was wondering. There are a lot more of the circuit/metabolic/endurance workouts out than heavier lifting like you get with Cathe, Body Beast and P90X. It is hard to find a lot of DVDs with that kind of lifting. BTW--I do love the circuit/metabolic/endurance workouts, so I am not unhappy I got them. I rcvd PFWL in the mail yesterday, too. I'm still waiting on PFLO. That one just shipped yesterday. I was able to get the rotation calendars tho so now I can start thinking about when I want to do PFLO/PFWL and when.

This morning was Amy's Dixon/Paul Katami Double Down. Excellent workout--of the metabolic variety. But it hit every muscle group and hit the back in particular pretty hard. I am still feeling it. Planned doubles is Iron Core Kettlebells Warrior 2.
My Pretty Fierce workouts FINALLY arrived today! I am beyond excited to test one of the workouts out tomorrow. I've been sitting here previewing a few of them. I think I'll like Lindsay as a trainer. She seems to have a pretty likable (non-annoying) personality. Since I'm in the midst of STS right now, I won't be able to follow either of her rotations but it'll be fun to add in her workouts on my non-lifting days to at least get a feel for them.

Today I was back on the treadmill. I did 3 miles of intervals and then 2 miles of walking. My legs were SO sore yesterday from Sunday's run. I seriously felt like I was a hundred years old walking around the office. Today I woke up feeling pretty good though which is why I decided to do another run.

Oh and yesterday's workout was horrible. My Lauren Brooks Kettlebell Body DVD arrived a few days ago so yesterday I decided to test out one of the workouts. I did Kettle Sculpt. Overall I was pretty disappointed in the workout. It barely felt like a workout to me. Her rep counts are so small (5 was probably the average) and the workout just seemed a bit boring. To be fair part of the problem could be that I my KB's aren't heavy enough. I only have a 15# and 26#. I also noticed that my wrists do not really like cleans at all. The twisting motion really aggravates them. I dunno, I think I may give KB's a rest for awhile. Between this DVD and Zuzka's, I haven't had much luck finding any workouts I like. Jen, I should have waited for you to finish your current rotation because you seem to be having better luck in the KB workout department than I am! Not sure I am really in the mood to invest in any more KB DVD's or heavier KB's at the moment.

Now that we're almost to the end of March, anyone else getting anxious to see if Cathe's going to announce any new workouts? I know I am!!! :)
Today was PFLO Upper Body Strength and PFWL Muscle Splits Upper Body. I really liked the PFWL workout! There were several different moves I hadn't seen before so that made it interesting. I used pretty heavy weights for both workouts, and I was pretty sore at the end of it.
Week 1- RWH 2 month rotation

I am attempting to compete the 2 month RWH rotation. I say attempting because I sometimes just like to switch things up.
Also, I am switching some of the high impact workouts for more lower impact workouts. I'm working towards to decreasing my body fat and
revealing the sculpted muscles underneath.

Day 1 Low impact hiit 1 + abs 2
Day 2 RWH Back/Biceps/Shoulders
Day 3 Lift it Hit it Legs (blast only)
Day 4 Low impact hiit 2
Day 5 RWH Chest/Triceps/Schoulders

Definitely felt some soreness deep in my back muscles, biceps and chest. Feeling good overall but definitely need more sleep.
This morning I did STS Total body no burn and no abs. I haven't done this workout in a long time. I was able to go heavier with some of the exercises. I can already feel it in my glutes. I hope I can sit tomorrow. ;)
Today was PFLO Lower Body Strength and PFWL Muscle Splits Lower Body. Another winner from PFWL! It was a nice mix of weighted exercises and barre exercises. Again, several of the exercises were new to me so it was fun and interesting.

Jen, I saw there was bad weather in your state. Hope you're ok!
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Anyway! I didn't post yesterday so yesterday's morning workout was KB/KB Scorcher Longevity + STS Extended Stretch and doubles was JM's Shred it w/ Weights #1 (a KB workouts). This morning was Kettlebells the Iron Core Way Volume 1 and planned doubles is JM's Shred it w/ Weights #2. I am really liking my KB workouts this week. This morning's Iron Core Vol 1 initially seemed too easy--lots of breaks. But I quickly figured out how to remedy that--do KB swings through the breaks! that made it much more intense. My glutes are burning this morning!

SarBear--I actually had a Lauren Brooks KB workout on my wishlist until I saw your post. It is gone now! I do have more Paul Katami KB workouts on my wishlist I really want to get now. They have been on there for a while, but now I am motivated to actually get them. And heavier KBs do make a difference, tho so far I am finding having a variety of 15-30# KBs plenty for the workouts I've been doing (I have them in 5 pound increments). I can't go much heavier than that except maybe for KB swings but even for those 30# KB works well for me--I feel it in my glutes and hamstrings every single day. I have Zuzka's KB workouts and I plan to try them as my Sunday recovery day workouts. If I do two a day then I'll try them all in 6 weeks. I really feel like the KB, when you get the right workouts, works your body like nothing else. My hips/glutes/hamstrings have never been worked this well--and my shoulders and back get a ton of work too.

I am really excited to try my PFLO/PFWL workouts. I now have them scheduled for the beginning of May. Gotta get through P90X2 and JMs Body Shred first. Jodi--that’s what I really like about KCMs strength workouts. She works muscles in really new (to me) and effective ways. Your Best Body Now has some pretty amazing and unique upper body work. She has other workouts that do, too--but that one reallys stands out in my memory.

Elaine I love STS Total Body--one of the very best total body workouts out there, I think. Every time I come back to it I am surprised at how challenging it still is--and how hard it works my lower body!

I know I've been on these boards and doing Cathe workouts for a while--but how often does she come out with new workouts? It seems once a year and RwH just came out.
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Today and tomorrow are rest days for me unfortunately. Today I am prepping for one of the "joys" of getting older...a colonoscopy. I haven't eaten since lunch yesterday and can't eat again until after the procedure tomorrow. What fun!

I was wondering that same thing about how often Cathe puts out new workouts. RWH just came out! Does she really make new workouts that soon again?

Now excuse me while I go enjoy my breakfast of ginger ale and jello. :(
Hello ladies, Have to stop by & say I've been catching up on you're PF workout reviews, who knew? catwoman - as wonderful as your posts have been on the PF rotation, sad to say, but for me, you've totally ruined ginger ale & jello! I took a short break this week also, mostly because I've been "jillian" for 3 months...don't want to burn out on it.
Happy procedure!

ETA - I originally panned the PF series(s) I thought there might be too much mommy talk, or too chatty, or something, sometimes in the past it would make or break a workout. I sort of had the same reaction to Dasha's chattiness, not so much anymore. I didn't really go for TA's PP workouts either thinking all of those were geared to younger people, moms, and opted for something more age appropriate for me. After seeing some of the PF clips though, and reading the feedback, they might have more of the things I want to do now. She, Lindsay, seem very educated and willing to share her own methodology.
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LOL, 112toGuru! So sorry!

I was also initially worried about the mommy talk from Lindsay, especially since I don't have kids, but she does not harp on that. She does talk about being a busy mom so I just imagine that my dog thinks of me as his busy mom. Haha!
I'm very inspired by her busy mom reviews, I have seen many moms in the past few years really kickin' it and well heck, if they can do it...I can't imagine how hard that would be with little ones, it's motivating, except when I'm running & they're passing me with the jog stroller. lol. I have a fur baby too. :)

Such a good year for videos, and bargains, Jen, should have got P90X2 when they had the great sale, wasn't ready for it, and the KBKB groupon, don't know if that's still on, there just seemed to be so many things last year and this year. I even want another shot at P90X, I've wanted to do another round of it for a while, it's still one of my all time favorites.
That dos not sound pleasant Jodi! I dread the day when I have to do that. I have heard too many stories from my husband and mom about it.

This morning was KBs the Iron Core Way Volume 2. No doubles. My body needs the rest. In fact, I decided to go back to Sunday rest days since I think I need at least one a week. So no Zuzka KB Sundays. I'll get to those workouts one day.

112toGuru--I'm excited! Monday I start Body Shred and P90X2! It should be a challenging month! And I've been wanting to do another round of P90X myself. So many workouts! So little time!
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Yesterday was a rest day. I had planned on working out but over slept. :(
So this morning I did RWH plyo premix last half of 2 and last half of 1 right into xtrain legs, standing and ball and chair premix. At the beginning of the standing work my heart rate stayed elevated from the PLYO workout.
Jen, that is exciting, a little scary combining the two, go you! I'll be adding in JMBS from time to time, & the JMKB as well. I'm half way thru JMBR I've found myself substituting a little with it, there were some combinations that didn't work for me. Not the first time I've separated moves to accomplish one thing. I love JMBS but it requires a big commitment for me to do the entire program again, I'd probably opt for doing each workout 2 or 3 times for a 4 or 6 week schedule next time.

Sar, sorry to hear the Lauren Brooks didn't work out, she & Zuzka are on my short list for KBs likewise I don't have heavy enough bells for it. I can't believe how she does those heavy wtd TGU, she's so tiny. That is impressive. I am thinking about OnDemand lately, that's such a good deal, I like the live classes & not having to preorder. I don't have a good set up for it though.

Dance + Cardio partial, warm up, JMBR & TA Method Express Upper Body (sweat) Express, love that one. I have tried 5 out of 6 of those, love all the 10 minute workouts.
Hi Everyone,

How are you all doing. It is half past nine pm and I need to stretch. Will pull my two favourite: slide and glide
and RwH upperbody. if I am still feeling the need to stretch further tomorrow, I will do extended from STS.

Last three days: Hardstrike plus Abs, Rest day, today was RwH Hiit upper body plus 100 intermediate push up.
I have increased the weight while doing upper body circuit.My right serratus muscle has been sore for few days. it is a muscle located just
underneath the boobs lol. I think those 100 push ups challenge might have caused this soreness.
it is bearable though.

Jen, did you lift heavier than the RwH Hiit upper body circuit filming weight?[emoji14]
Somehow I am sensing you did ;-)

That is all I have to share for now.
will report tomorrow.:):)
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Jen, not pleasant is a good way to describe the prep work for the procedure! The actual procedure is easy, but the day before...rough stuff. However, the screening is so very important as a preventative measure that I don't recommend anyone skipping it because they fear the prep. Anyway, I get a clean bill of health and don't have to do it for another 5 to 10 years. Woohoo!

Because of the procedure, my schedule for today was different so I did PFWL Shredding and Loading workouts. Great stuff for both! My one complaint is the Loading workout has no warm up or cool down. Shredding was alternating circuits of cardio and toning exercises. The cardio block is the same every time but it will get your heart rate up. The Loading workout was in the form of 40 seconds on/20 seconds off and had a mix of toning and cardio exercises. I could have gone heavier on some of my weight selections, but I didn't want to overdo it. Both were great metabolic conditioning workouts.

So besides some of the short core workouts, I've tried all of the PFWL offerings. The only one I was disappointed with was the Tabata one. I'll be trying them all at least once more, and then it will be time to move on. I'm looking at either Bodyshred or a Cathe rotation. I'm missing Cathe and some heavy weights!
Checking in with Fit Evolution Steel Strong - week 1 warm up, JMBR workout 7, and Tracy Anderson Method Express lower body Express.

Have a great day all!
Hi everyone! I have to keep this short because our internet is down so I have to do everything on my iPhone.

This morning was KB/KB Scorcher Power and Diversity. I loved them both. Scorcher workouts are so much better, more advanced and intense than even the best of the KB/KB The Body Series workouts (and there was only a few of those I liked). I'll post the review as soon as we have Internet again.

In prep for next week I am watching BodyShred's Cast & Moves DVD and all I can say is O. M. G. What have I gotten myself into????

I've been reading everyone's check ins and will comment more when I'm not finger pecking it in a phone!

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