Birth Control Pills and weight gain


Hey, everyone. I was wondering what your experiences with this are. I always gain about 7 lbs on the pill, and right now I am on Ortho Tri-Cyclen, and this time is no exception. I've asked my dr about it, and two different drs have told me just to make sure I watch my calorie consumption. Both men drs said that if I gain weight I am just eating too much. Other problems on the pill include mood swings and crazy PMS. On GMA this morning, there was a report on a pill called Yasmin, not supposed to cause weight gain. I'm thinking about asking the dr to change my Rx. Worth a shot, I think. Frusrating to work so hard to lose and end up gaining. I hate this tight clothes feeling. Input? Suggestions? Please? Thanks so much!!
I just started my 2nd cycle back on the pill. I think I may be a little puffier but haven't seen a drastic change yet. I go back to my dr in Jan. and am curious to find out more about the pill you mentioned.

BTW, I'm taking Ovcon-35 (whatever that means :O) No mood swings yet and may actually be feeling better. I haven't had a lot of energy (like ever) but it's been worse lately. I thought eating healthy and working out would help but it didn't. The dr put me on the pill because of a hormone imbalance so maybe that's why I feel better now.

dee c.

I have been using Yasmin for 3 months with no weight gain. My periods have been much lighter and PMS much less intense. I would highly recommend it. I have had no side effects.

Let me know if you have any questions.
I am on Ortho-Tricyclen too. I was initially on Allesse but it was giving me pimples and when the switch to OT happened it was just obvious that my body responded better to it somehow.
I was very concerned about possible weight gain and was quite paranoid about it. Luckily enough OT hasn't made me gain weight. I do notice though that when the color of the pills change ( half way through the pack? )that water retention tends to kick in. Either ignore it or just add a cardio day depending on my mood.
As for mood swings I noticed that the first week I start them I am very sensitive. But no pimples!
Hi Jackie,

I've been on a few different pills over the years, and part of your problem may be the specific pill that you're on. The first time I took OrthoTricyclen I gained a quite a bit of weight, I just didn't realize it was from the pill. When I started taking it again (after being off the pill for a couple years) I immediately gained about 6 pounds and had horrible food cravings, moodiness, bloating, etc. I stopped after two weeks. OrthoTricyclen has the highest level of hormones, thus increasing the probability and severity of side effects in some people. I've recently started taking the pill again (I'm on Alesse, super low dose) and actually lost weight the first month I was on it. Surprising, since I wasn't trying to lose weight (already at goal). So my suggestion would be if you're experiencing unpleasant side effects, talk to your doc about switching over to a lower dose pill, and keep changing until you find one that works for you.

I've had two GYN's and a specialist all tell me that the whole gain 5-lbs thing is a myth. They say that if you gain weight you are just eating too much.

They also say that the "wait three months before getting preganant when you go off' and the 'if you are on a long, long time you will have a hard time getting pregnant' things are myths as well.
Wow! I saw the same piece on GMA -- and I've been dealing with the same issues, only to have doctors tell me it's all in my head and it's my fault. You're lucky it's only 7 pounds! Try 30 pounds! I got off birth control altogether a few months ago and saw the weight come off. I don't know what's better -- being "safe" or being heavy.

Do you take a B-vitamin supplement? When I first started taking bc (I use triphasil) I was moody, and my roommate told me to take a B-vitamin supplement because BC depletes some of your B -vitamins.
Also, I have had no problem with weight gain from the pill.
Maybe you should switch!

Just my two cents:

NO ONE KNOWS YOUR BODY BETTER THAN YOU! A lot of physicians, men and women, seem to skim over the possible side effects of hormonal birth control. Each pill/shot/ etc will affect each person differently. If you don't like what you are feeling, switch methods/pills/ whatever. If your doctor wants to tell you it's all in your head, let him/her, but insist that he/she humor you by changing your rx. Try until you find something that works for you. For me non-hormonal works best. I was on the pill (Othonovum 135) for about 5 years and had migraines too often. I tried depo provera and gained 30lbs in 3 months (while on WW and doing cardio at least 5 days a week!). I had many other horrible side effects on depo too, but won't get into it here. Again, listen to your body - you know best. Guess I didn't realize just how strong a feeling I had about this!:)


Our attitudes control our lives. - Tom Blandi
>Hey, everyone. I was wondering
>what your experiences with this
>are. I always gain
>about 7 lbs on the
>pill, and right now I
>am on Ortho Tri-Cyclen, and
>this time is no exception.
> I've asked my dr
>about it, and two different
>drs have told me just
>to make sure I watch
>my calorie consumption. Both
>men drs said that if
>I gain weight I am
>just eating too much.
>Other problems on the pill
>include mood swings and crazy
>PMS. On GMA this
>morning, there was a report
>on a pill called Yasmin,
>not supposed to cause weight
>gain. I'm thinking about
>asking the dr to change
>my Rx. Worth a
>shot, I think. Frusrating
>to work so hard to
>lose and end up gaining.
> I hate this tight
>clothes feeling. Input?
>Suggestions? Please? Thanks
>so much!!
Jackie, I've been on Yasmin for about 6 months. I have actually lost weight. Of course, I've also cut back on carbs, doubled on protein, and cut my cardio into 2 sessions a day when I do cardio (45 am, 20 pm 3xper wk). But, my cramps and bloating are gone, and I don't bleed at all! I love it!
Hello, everyone. Thanks so much for your suggestions. It helps top know that I am not the only one who has had these reactions to hormones. I will call my doctor and ask him to change my rx. I hope that it helps. I'm getting pretty hard to live with. Thanks again!
Hey this is great, my insurance coverage has changed its prescription drug plan and the birth control pills I've taken for years are no longer covered (Alesse) but I see from the list that Yasmin is covered. I think I'll ask my doctor to change my prescription. Thanks you guys, I've been wondering what to do!


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