Bikini Countdown 4/27


Okay, it's 1:48 a.m. CST and all you guys are in bed for sure, but I am severely jet-lagged, so here I am.:7

Got back earlier than I wanted to. My son was missing his father so badly I booked flights for us sooner than I wished. I'm glad to be back, and yet I am painfully homesick. I hated leaving my mom. There was a lot of unfinished business that I left hanging back there, that have been hanging for the last 14 years. A good excuse for another trip soon, eh?:)

Fitness-wise, I'm not in top shape. I managed to put in a good three weeks of strength/endurance training with the right amount of cardio, but my eating was so bad that not even seven straight days of cardio or interval training (NO, I didn't do anything of this sort) can make up for the junk I put in myself.

I'm taking a week to rest and get my body readjusted to the time difference. I gotta hand it to my 3-year-old. He is such a trooper at travelling halfway around the planet -- even allowed himself to be checked, shoeless and spreadeagled at the LA airport (how far is too far?!?) -- and has been sleeping since his usual bedtime. After a week off, I'll be back training with you all.

Hellos to Sabine, Lorihart, Lisa, Elizabeth, Joy, Brenda, Kim, Cindee, and everyone else I missed, and those who joined the thread, if any, while I was on vacation. Have good workouts, you all.

Brenda,Joy, CinDee, Shywolf, Lisa, Elizabeth, Tracy, Pinky, Kim and Susan-
good day to you all!
Pinky welcome back. I haven't posted in a few days an am just catching up now. Here is my new rotation with S & H and HIIT that I'll try to do for 4 weeks. (Only doing each body part once per week)

Monday- S&H chest and planks, IMAX2 blast mania

Tuesday- S&H back, floor legs of PS, any "Cathe Ab" and first 30" of MIC going all out

Wed- S&H leg & Shoulders and any "Cathe ab"

Thurs-S&H triceps, floor work of PLB, any "Cathe ab", & 30" Interval cardio (bike or treadmill)

Fri- S&H biceps, 30" intense cardio choice.
Sat & Sun- rest or stretch

OK girls, we want to hear all about Vegas when you return- give us the details. Brenda you're going to look great in that new Bikini!:p
Sounds like an emotional trip Pinky. I have missed your posts....happy you are back. Take it easy.....:)...Carole
Good morning everyone!

Pinky, it's good to have you back. I'm glad you had a safe trip, although I'm sorry that you had to come back early. I hope that you can go back soon. Don't be too hard on yourself about your eating while you were there. It was temporary, and you kept up your exercise. Resting now is a good plan, and then you can really get back into it. That is amazing, by the way, that they checked Andrew like that. It's ridiculous.

Judy, so you're doing HIIT also? I really need to consider this. I saw that Trevor posted on another thread about his recent routine, which included HIIT. Brenda, you've mentioned shortening your cardio while using this method. Would half of IMAX or IMAX2 be a good starting point, and then work up from there? I don't think I have the energy to do all of either of them first thing in the morning, but could probably manage half of one.

I did the cardio kickbox premix of KPC yesterday evening. I plan to do TLP's Core Foundations this evening.

I hope everyone's well today! It's a beautiful, sunny day here in Maryland! Talk to you later.
Good Morning everyone,
Pinky, glad to hear you had a good vacation ~ especially that your son traveled well.
Yesterday morning I did MIS and IMAX2, but ended the evening with some friends and had thick cheesy pizza and a couple of beers :eek: . I dont get how I can make myself workout for 2 hours but cant always control what goes into my mouth!
This morning I did L&G plus an old buns of steel video thats all leg lifts and ended with BC and ME abs.
Have a great day and hello to Brenda, Kim, Shywolf, Lisa, Elizabeth, Joy and Judy. :)

Susan C.M.
Hello All!

Pinky- welcome back! We have missed you terribly! Sounds like you and Andrew had a wonderful trip and that it was a good beginning for better communication and understanding between you and your family.
You know, I know that airport officials have to be careful but it did affront my senses a bit to imagine your 4 yo spread-eagled and *searched*. Oh, well, sounds like he got through it just fine. Get some rest, OK? I remember the trip back to the States was worse than going overseas- I had such jet-lag!

Judy- your rotation sounds great! All you ladies come up with ones that inspire me! I have S&H coming to me soon and I'm looking at your rotation. And regarding Vegas- *what happens there, stays there!*... }( (paraphrasing the commercial... :)) Just kidding'- 'course we'll tell of our adventures. How did the college visits go with your son? Anything pique his interest?

Susan- you had some amazing workouts! A pizza and few beers here or there won't hurt ya'. Exercising is a wonderful part of my life but so is spending time with friends and sharing some good food, conversation and laughter!:)

Lisa- how is Core Foundations? Tracie's new w/o's look interesting and I've heard some great things about them.

Well hope everyone is doing well and having a great day. Big hellos to Sabine, Cindee, Shywolf, Brenda, Joy, Tracy and Kim!:)

Good Morning everyone,

Got to work yesterday and yikes! I had forgotten that I was to spend the whole day at an elementary school doing presentations. So I had to high tail it out of the office and over to the school. From there it was off to class to turn in my paper and to do a brief presentation on my findings. Got home around 7 pm and was beat! Ate a light dinner (couldn't help but have some ice cream for dessert, the heat has skyrocketed in the past few days) and was in bed by 9 pm.

I'm doing week 3 for the April rotation. Yesterday was Cardio Kicks with KPC abs added on. Don't know why but I was so strong doing the ball roll ins and pikes! Felt awesome! Today was Slow and Heavy Legs and Shoulders. The shoulders were still sore from yesterday so I had to lighten my weight for a couple of the shoulder exercises. I decided to add on All Step abs and am looking forward to doing some yoga tonight before I go to bed. I find I sleep so much better when I do a small practice before bed time.

Pinky- It's great to have you back even if it was premature on your part. While I imagine how much you miss your family I'm glad to hear that you made some in roads into resolving past family stuff.

Judy- How did the college scouting trip go with your son?

Susan- I don't believe that I've said hello and welcome! Can I tell you how good that beer sounds right now?!?!? It became suddenly very hot over the past few days and an ice cold beer just sounds very satisfying and refreshing. Make mine a Hefiweizen with a squeeze of lemon please!

Kim- How did the kickboxing class go yesterday?

Elizabeth- What workouts have you been doing lately? Have you been doing martial arts classes with your hubby?

Lisa- Can you tell me a little about what type of exercises Core Foundations incorporates. I've heard a lot of buzz about them and for the life of me can't figure out what types of exercises everyone is talking about? Do you have the other Tracie Long's as well?

Hellos to Brenda, Joy, Lorihart, Shywolf, and Cindee (drat! I hope I'm not missing anyone!).
Wow, I just realized I didn't check-in yesterday! Oh well. Yesterday was PS BBA + HIIT with IMAX 2 (wu thru the end of interval 1, then blasts 1-5 twice, blast 10, cool down). It was nearly 80 here yesterday and my workout area was HOT...lots of sweat! The rest of the week looks like this:
today--HIIT on the treadmill
Wed.--cardio (probably Spinervals)
Thurs.--PS legs + abs
Fri.--PS CST + HIIT with bootcamp
Sat.--my dad's huge retirement nada!
Sun.--we'll see...maybe floor legs, yoga, or Spinervals

Pinky, welcome home! I hope you're able to go back and see your mom soon...and how sweet of your son to miss his daddy!

Susan, I'm looking forward to ceviche and an ice-cold Carona with lime! Guacamole and chips would be great, too. We work hard...enjoy!

Lisa--Try HIIT...last week I did 30 minutes of HIIT on the treadmill and racked up nearly 4 miles. Short and me! Ha!!

Sabine, congrats on the paper and the pikes! I love days like that when you feel good and strong.

Hey to everyone else. Have a great day!

Good afternoon everyone~

Pinky, welcome back!! So smart of you to take some time to get re-adjusted to your schedule before jumping (literally) back into working out. Don't worry about the eating- you know that was a very special occasion and you'll get right back into shape like you were before. Glad you & Andrew are back safe & sound and can start planning when you'd like to go back.

Susan, I end up doing that often- I'll have a great workout and then have something totally decadent(like pizza & beer). Don't know why... Sabine, what the heck is a Hefiweizen? Also, nice job on the KPC core work- that's hard!!

Lisa, you could always use the Imax workouts for HIIT - just take one or two intervals that are really tough for you and repeat them 7 to 10 times. That's it- give yourself a little time for recovery in between but then you're done.

Elizabeth, where are you staying in Vegas? We haven't been there for over 10 years but it was great fun when we went. We're going with 3 other couples so it should be wonderful- I already booked my massage & facial!

Its quiet here for the moment so I need to workout.

Big hi's to all of you out there!:)


Hefeweizen (I'm not sure about the spelling) if an unfiltered wheat beer (has a wonderful yellow color) that is just awesome with a squeeze of lemon in it. It's got a really light taste and texture so it's perfect for hot days.

Which hotel are you staying at in Vegas? It's so much fun to walk around and visit the different resorts/casinos with all the wild themes!
Having a hard time today. Didn't get to bed last night until 1:30am then got up at 5:30am. When I'm tired I get irritated and annoyed SO easily. I'm suppossed to go to Body Bar class tonight but I've got to keep myself motivated to go once I get home.

Susan: That comment about being able to work out faithfully for 2 hours but still not be able to control the food. That is so "me" lately. Last night after class I came home and ate a good meal and then after about 2 hours I went in and ate 2 of the iced sugar cookies I made on Sunday. 2 OF THEM!!! And all I did the rest of the evening was beat myself up about it. But I guess that every once in awhile is OK other wise I'd never be happy.

Pinky: Welcome back from your visit with the family. The only time I've ever flown was from St Louis, MO to New London, CT and I was so worn out after we got there. I can only imagine what you're feeling like. You are too good to still workout while away on vacation. You are already ahead of yourself - think about if you hadn't worked out?

Sabine: Kickboxing was pretty good last night. Thanks for asking. Two of the main instructors are leaving Wednesday to go to a fitness convention in Florida where they learn all kinds of new things and upcoming fitness exercises plus keep their certifications. I asked her last night if she'd ever met Cathe at one of them and she said no but she's met Gay Gasper and Petra Kobler (just a few - I can't remember the rest). But I'm interested to see how the subs for their classes are going to do. I've taken these classes so much that I could probably teach it. :p

Well I better go find something to do here at work (I've been bored since 9:30 this morning).

Hello's to Brenda, Joy, Lorihart, Shywolf, CinDee, Lisa, Elizabeth, Judy (and anyone else I've missed).

Have a great day
We're staying at the Bellagio- friends had bid on it at a silent auction and we all promised that we'd go together after they got it (sounded like a great idea after a few glasses of wine!) Go figure, we actually planned it and now here it is... you're not that far, Sabine, you should come join us for some blackjack!
Kim, don't beat yourself up over the cookies- that's all they are- don't give them that much power (I sound like an Oprah show). I know, I often feel terrible after eating something really bad but they say you shouldn't deprive yourself of anything or your craving will turn into a big monsterx(
Hope you can get a good nights sleep tonight-
OK, now I REALLY have to go workout and I mean it this time...
HI Brenda!

Wow! The Bellagio! Nice, nice hotel! The architecture is beautiful. No we're not going fancy this year (though you've got me drooling in envy here!...:)). Dh and I debated whether to stay at a casino/hotel or not and we chose *or not*. Everytime we've gone to Vegas we've stayed at casino/hotels and they were fun and exciting but the *ding-ding-ding* of the slots got to me a bit everytime I stepped off the elevator last time we were there so we're staying at ta-da! The Residence Inn (pales in comparison to the Bellagio, huh?). :p We're going to hit some shows, eat some amazing food (btw,. Emeril's Fish House was wonderful- food and attentive wait staff), tour some of the different hotels, re-visit Hoover Dam and hit some casinos along the way. This is going to be our *sedate* Vegas trip. Have a blast in Vegas with your friends!

Pinky so glad to see you posting, jetlag is a killer sometimes esp. I found if you don't drink lots of water.

Ok I'm going to read the rest of this thread :)
HI Everyone,
I just wanted to chime in with a quick note. I haven't been around much lately at all. I haven't really had much of a chance to get on the forums either.
How is everyones Bikini Body comming along? Well, I didn;t think that I would need my bikini body this year b/c we hadn't planned on going anywhere. But to my amazment DH had a trip planned for us.
Do you think it is possible for me to lose 5 lbs in the next 10 days?:) Im just joking.Whatever it is,it is now.I said I can't compare myself to the lady we are going with b/c she is smaller then the average person anyway.
Anyway,just wanted to let everyone know that I am still alive and kick'in.I think I am going to be doing a workout soon and then hitting the sack!
Take Care,

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