Hi and Good Morning to all!
Sorry I didn't get back last night to see how everyone was doing.
Boys took over my computer and I had my friend over last night for a game of pool and a workout. Spent most of the night chatting with her and my DH.
Finished my workout yesterday and felt great.
ME abs instead of MIS abs
LIS which was great for getting my legs loosened up after PLB
I will be eating my stew today that I spent most of yesterday making.
It turned out to be more of a vegatable stew than a beef soup. My daughter liked it but asked "Where's the Beef?" She is used to my original recipe.
Today's workout:
iTread #21 35min
CW abs and stretch
Gayle: Glad you started out this post today. I have been running around trying to get my washer to drain and get kids out the door.
Back to washer issues again! Time for a new machine I think.
I wish I could get my cardio in earlier than 9am. This would leave me with more time for other things...like house stuff before it is time to get my DS again from school.
Oh, I checked out P90X on-line but the reports about the company didn't sound too good.

Where did you get yours from? I still am interested in the ab ripper program...this sounds tough. But I like it tough!
Veronika: Time for new undies huh? ;-) Fantastic!
Kristi: I thought that you would enjoy the Pyramids. These are great! Are you using dumbbells are a bb for this? I used DB's yesterday and weights of 2X 12,15,20's. I have some pace weights that I can tac on to increase the weights from .5 - 4#s. This is great for increasing the weight gradually without jumping up 3 or 5 #s.
Jennifer: I bet you are feeling the DOMS today!
Colleen: How are you doing today? How is the neck? Hopefully things at work are better too! What's on your workout schedule for today?
Jenn: How is your hip doing? Have you found out anything latetly about what might be causing the pain?
So what is everyone else working on today?
I'll be back later...I promise :7