Thanks, everybody, for all the intros!!! Now, let’s see if I don’t have to ask anybody how old their DD or DS is anymore! LOL
I’m SO EXCITED! I just sat at the PC and in my email inbox was my first week training schedule for my Half! WOOHOO! Doing the happy dance here! It officially starts Monday, and I’ll be working on it this weekend to work it around my BFL weight workouts. For now, while the mileage is low, I’ll be keeping my heavy leg workouts, and I’ll see how I feel in a few weeks as the mileage creeps up there. It’s only a HALF, so I don’t have to be as concerned as if it were the full 26+ distance. ANYWAY….
Carolyn-mmmmmmmmmmmmmeatloaf! LOL (can you tell I LOVE FOOD?). Great workout, too! That’s a good combo…S&H and GS floor. I’ll have to tuck that away. Report on DOMS tomorrow, ok? WOW! I’m so touched by your openness of being a survivor. I’m honored to know you! It’s ironic timing that you mention that, because I just came from the bank, where I made a deposit of the money that the school raised for my fundraising efforts for the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society. We raised just over $600 with Hat Day….just ONE DAY! ANYWAY….good for you and your positive attitude!
Jean-AWESOME VICTORIES! Nibbling on the kids food is such a bad habit, isn’t it??? And popcorn, no less! AWESOME! Mind if I ask what company you are a consultant for? Creative Memories? Stampin’ Up? Another? I’m a HUGE scrapbooker myself and I’m curious!
Belinda-Like egg quiches, do ya? I chuckled at your menu! LOL
Kathy-I make those quiches without liners all the time. I just spray the tin (non-stick, even) and they come out fine.
Melissa-stuffed peppers! I’m planning on making them for next week too! Any special recipe you use???
Jennifer-easy on the knee. Great workout too! When I first picked up running about 3 years ago, I jumped right in with a full marathon (Disney in January of 2006). I did it as a fundraiser for the L&LS and we had a ‘coach’ of sorts to help train us. Basically, he used Jeff Galloway’s method, which, although it worked to get me FINISHED with the marathon, I don’t necessarily think it works for ME anymore. Now, I am following the one from Bart Yasso (of Runner’s World) and/or Runner’s World like Kathy.
OK…I have my Book Club meeting tonight. I’m not sure what I’ll be taking for my food ‘contribution’, but I’ll manage. I’m not worried. I’m on such a roll and the food choices have become such a habit. I’ll probably eat before we go and just drink water there.