Good Morning everyone!

Well,I ended up with a good day yesterday.No cheating at all.I I finally,totally back on track?

I hope so.
LuvCardio-I mostly eat sweet potatoes but yesterday I had a white one.I eat high fibre breads.Sometimes I will have white rice but not very often.Last night I made a batch of whole wheat rice with veggies in it.I love oatmeal to.
That brings me to my next question...for you guys who have the success journals.Do you only give yourself the downward slant if you follow YOUR meal plan or as long as you follow THE meal plan.Sometimes I write down what I will eat tomorrow and then when tomorrow comes, I don't want it or I don't have the ingredients.But if I have a good day,MAN,I'm getting a star! I wondered this last night b/c I didn't go by my meal plan totally yesterday but I had a good day so I felt I deserved it.
Today is cardio.I am going to do Imax extreme today.I think one week I am going to do 2Imax 2 and then 1Imax extreme.Then the next week switch it around.I did what I said I was doing yesterday.I did the ball workout with a weight

and then did squats in powerhour with a 30lb barbell

The burn wasn't to bad but I had to go upstairs and get my daughters breakfast(in between powerhour and PLB) so my legs had a few minutes to rest.I'm not feeling sore yet but who knows what the day will bring.
Something that helped me stay on track yesterday, I was sleepy when I got up and I said to myself.How can I do this every morning and then not follow my meal plan? Like come'on???? The hard part should be getting out of my bed and then doing a high intensity workout , not being tempted my whatever treats are in my cupboard if I am not craving it.Thats what I kept telling myself yesterday.If I am getting up at 6 in the morning...then look out cause I'm do'in the rest of it right to}(
Something else I was saying to myself last week when the easter bunny was here and laid some eggs:+ Well, I wanted the easter egg of course and I was thinking, but what if I die tomorrow, what a shame I didn't get to eat that thing that I wanted.Finally by the end of the week I was thinking,OH GIVE IT UP!!! If your dead then you won't know will ya? Whats the big deal? I'm weird.Now I tell myself,it's not the last time this food will be around,if you want it on your cheat day you can have it.
I thought I would share that with everyone, just to let you know how crazy this member of your group is

I should go start my day...hope everyone as a good one...