BFL for Wed Mar 05h 2008

Hi Christina,

:) :) Way too funny!

I hope you can breath after your workout later. Sounds like that trainer is really going to work you abs to the point that you won't be able to take a breath!

Yup...still waiting. DD decided because she missed that first train she was going to take the next one at 9:20. Which of course pushes my workout up to 9:30!

Back to cleanmax stuff I guess.

I will be back AFTER my workout. Have a great day everyone! Heidi
BOO! Guess who! LOL I am SUPPOSED to be at my friend's house cleaning, right? LOL NOT!!! The kids got on the bus in the POURING rain, and when I got to my friend's house, I opened my car door, stuck my umbrella out and TRIED to open it. BUT, the wind caught it, turned it inside out, I stepped out (all this in the POURING POURING RAIN and winds), tried to fix it and just couldn't do it because the wind kept blowing it back! FINALLY, I stuck it in my car inside-out. BUT, keep in mind it's a GOLF-size umbrella and I drive a regular 4-door car (no mini-van). So there I am in the front seat, SOAKED to my socks, with an inside-out umbrella in the passenger seat TWICE the length of its normal size because of it being it's actually in the front AND the BACK seats! lol Trying to decide what to do, my hair is dripping wet. SO...............I just simply wouldn't have enough time to clean, get home and dry up and change and get to work on time. So I came home and guess what I did instead! I dried up and THEN..........
..........I did 4DS biceps and triceps that I missed this morning! LOL Guess there is a God watching out for me and my workouts!:D


ETA: OH! And get this! The rain suddenly just stopped and now the SUN IT OUT! Go figure! HA! Good thing I'm in a good mood today!:7
Gayle - LOL about your umbrella. But hey, now you don't have to clean, right?! Oh and BTW, I'll be over for lunch to raid your fridge. ;-)

Michelle - The difference now is definetly the food. And heavy weights. I've noticed a huge difference since I started doing the BFL-style workouts. When I was doing weights w/Cathe, I wasn't progressing but that was my fault. I didn't really write anything down and try to go heavier the next time. I also think a big part of it is less cardio. I used to do at least one hour every day and I never really got anywhere. I'm still having a hard time believing in the fact that I'm getting results by only doing cardio 3x a week for 20 minutes. Even though now I know it's more the weights that the cardio.

Christina - that's AWESOME that you do kettlebell workouts. I am envious!

Carolyn & all BL watchers: I was so sad to see Bernie go! He is a cutie-pie! I really think Brittany is going to win. My prediction is that it will come down to her and Jay. They all did awesome on that challenge where they had to get the flags. I didn't think any of them were going to be able to pull themselves up that wire.
Hi girls,

I went to the liberty and picked up “The Men’s Heath Home Workout Bible”! That is a good book! Now I know how to do a seated calf raise (with the BB) at home! Did you know there is a Cuban and a Neider press ( shoulder)?

I will be back for personals!
Awesome fix for a frustrating episode with the umbrella Gayle!:) }(

Have a great day! HERE COMES THE SUN!! YA! Sun is peeping out here too! I hope that wind cuts out before DH comes in on his plane!

Back to cleanmax...Have my workout to do also. I will be doing it a little later this afternoon. DD threw everything off for me again today. :(

Oh Great! Washer is making weird noises now. This is the final break down. I am not going to fix it again. Going to get a new one!

BBL Heidi
Hi ladies,

Melissa**awesome job with your leg workout! LOL!

Gayle** excellent job on iCycle 9! I do need to give them a try one day! I really miss going to the gym! The flu is going around the last few weeks, I am trying to avoid getting sick! I never got a flu shot this year! WTG on your fridge! Funny story about your umbrella! Enjoy your free day!

Sherry**awesome job on your workout this morning! That shoulder workout is a killer! My shoulders are still sore from Monday! How are your shoulders feeling after shovelmax?

Michelle**great job on your wokout! Do you like running?

Heidi** my DH isn’t coming home until late tonight! The strike was over at noon! He was here in Germany! Did you get your workout in?

Kathy* WTG on your UB workout and run this morning!

Christina** enjoy your workout with your trainer this afternoon! I’ll bet you see nice results! Work those abs, girl!

Heidi, you are a "jill" of all trades! Lets see, I need to tear out and raise the ceiling in my bedroom, move the closet to the other side of the room and put down tile in the living room...when can you start?

Great workouts everyone! I just finished 4ds legs. I went heavier than ever!

Kathy, did you enjoy your day off yesterday? I just noticed your marathon is on my birthday! (May 4th, right?)

Gayle, LOL on the umbrella!! When is your 1/2 marathon? I am envious of you both!

Belinda, did you open your BB set yet? I'm dying to know if you will keep it or not!

Carolyn, I will try using a DB for the ab workout...looking forward to hurtin'!

Sherry, I know you are looking forward to the springtime! No more shovelmax! I am getting ready for hoemax in the garden!

Michelle, I hope you can get outside to run next week! It's good for the soul!

Christina, have fun with the personal trainer today! What kind of exercises do you do with the kettlebells?

Melissa, can you share with me your BFL LB workouts? I have yet to do the LB and I need some direction. Thanks!

Hi everyone

Glad to see everyone is doing so well. I have been down sick for the past two days. Not sure when I will get back on track. I was so upset because I got my new Runervals (w/Irongirls) and was planning on doing that Tuesday morning but wham I was too sick to do anything. I will see what tomorrow brings but I may just lay off this week and start back up next week.

Sherry - We were on the edge of the storm and only got 2-3" and the schools are opened here. I know Washtenaw County all the schools are closed. took Hubby an hour and 15 minutes to get to work this morning - usually only 45 minutes.

Belinda - Winning the BB set and everyone was just a big surprise. We went to a local fitness store (which is no longer here) and there was a contest (12 days of Christmas) and I told DH what the heck I will sign up for it. Totally not expecting to win. I like the BB and weights. I have never used the really big weights but I do use the 2.5, 5, 10 pound plates quite a bit. I have used the 25 pound plates. What helps is having the squat rack. I have done chest presses with the BB. did you get a squat rack with your BB.

Gayle - congrats on your presidency.

have a great day everyone.

Hi again!
I read through the whole thread but I'm on a quick lunch break from my training class. I have to do this today and tomorrow.

It's going to be tough to fit it all in! I had to get up extra early this morning to work out and probably tomorrow morning too if I want to get my mileage in. Oh well, what can I

I hope you all have a wonderful day, talk to you tomorrow.

Hi Stephanie. Here is the last BFL LB workout I did:

Squat - 12 reps/93lb bb
Squat - 10 reps/98lb bb
Squat - 8 reps/103lb bb
Squat - 6 reps/108lb bb
Squat - 12 reps/103lb bb
Plie squat – 12 reps/103lb bb

Leg extension – 12 reps/50lbs
Leg extension – 10 reps/55lbs
Leg extension – 8 reps/60lbs
Leg extension – 6 reps/65lbs
Leg extension – 12 reps/60lbs
Hamstring curl – 12 reps/60lbs

Static Lunge w/heel raise – 12 reps/12lb dbs
Static Lunge w/heel raise – 10 reps/15lb dbs
Static Lunge w/heel raise – 8 reps/20lb dbs
Static Lunge w/heel raise – 6 reps/25lb dbs
Static Lunge w/heel raise – 12 reps/20lb dbs
Wide stance deadlift (standing on step) – 12 reps/20lb dbs

Then I just tack on some calf raises. Sometimes I do some Cathe floorwork as well. And sometimes, if I'm feeling up to it, I add on a set of squats at the very end. I put an extra 5lbs on the bb from the highest weight (so in the above case it would have been 113lbs) and I just keep going until I can't do another rep. Sometimes I have to call DH to help me guide the bb back on the rack!}(
Hello Stephanie, Rhonda and everyone,

Stephanie: I can help out when and if I ever get this house finished!;-) Next big task for the kitchen. We will tear out a wall in between the kitchen and atrium to open it up. Add another entrance with a deck and a bay window over the kitchen sink/counter stove area.
House stuff never seems to end does it!?

Rhonda: So sorry to hear that you are under the weather. Get well soon. :)
How cool is that to win a BB set! Sometimes it pays off to enter those odd sweepstakes.

Just checking in to see what is new. I am working on beds and still doing laundry. The pile seems to be getting bigger not smaller! What was I thinking!

BBL Heidi
Belinda - It's taken me a while to work up to that weight. That's the heaviest I've far. ;-) I use my weight bench for leg extensions and hamstring curls.
Melissa, thanks for your notes! That took a lot of time and I appreciate it! I don't have a BB set so it's hard for me to go really heavy. I will try your workout next Monday when I have LB again. Do you have major DOMS the next day? LOL on getting the DH to assist with "cleanup"!

Thanks again!
Stephanie - yes...MAJOR DOMS!!! Especially the wide stance deadlifts. Those get the hammies like nothing else I've tried. That's why I only have one set of them in there!

DH is used to it by now. I used to refer to him as my "human squat rack" since I can only lift about a 63lb bb over my head. Now I don't need him for that anymore since I bought a weight bench that came with a squat rack. He still likes to feel needed sometimes so I call him over when I'm feeling unsteady!:7
Here's a new recipe I tried last is yummy!!!

Chicken Provencal
1 TBSP Olive Oil
4 Boneless Skinless Chicken Breast
3/4 TSP salt, divided
1/2 TSP Pepper
1/2 CUP Dry white wine
1 pint cherry tomatoes, halved
1/4 cup pitted, halved black olives (such as Kalamata) I omitted, don't like em'
2 cloves garlic
1/2 TSP dried thyme
2 TBSP fresh minced basil

1. Heat oil in large, deep skillet over med/high heat. Season Chicken with 1/2 tsp each of salt/pepper. Place chicken in skillet and cook for 2-3 minutes per side. Add wine and cook 1 minute.

2. Add tomatoes, olives, garlic, thyme and remaining salt. Bring to a simmer; turn heat to medium/low. Cook uncovered turning chicken once, for 10 minutes or until chicken is cooked through. Serve topped with fresh basil.

NUTRITION FACTS: 218 Calories, 27.5g protein, 6g carbs, 5.5g fat, 2g fiber, 68g cholesterol, 2g sugar

Credit: Muscle and Fitness Hers

My DH wouldn't try it so I had 2 pieces left over. I made my lunch this afternoon doing this: I put fresh spinach in a bowl, diced and heated the chicken and tomatoes and topped my salad with slivered almonds. YUM!!! Tonight I will have a chicken sandwich and something else, not sure yet!

Just thought I'd share!
Hey Melissa,

How much does your barbell weigh and how long is it? I have one that is 45 lbs and 6' long. I am afraid to use it. I fear that I won't be able to do it by myself one I start adding weight to it. Even if I use the rack I'm afraid I'll tip over backwards trying to get it back on the rack.

Also, how much weight did you start out using on the leg raises and hamstring curls? I want to start doing those, just need a starting weight.

Hi Carolyn. My bar is 5ft long. And it weighs 13lbs on it's own. You must have an Olympic bar? Mine is standard. It's funny you bring this up: last night on BL when the guys were doing step-ups with a barbell my DH guessed at how much weight they had on there and I told him that the bar itself weighs about 45lbs (it was Olympic) and they probably had 25lb plates on either end. He didn't believe me that a bar would weight that much!

I think I started leg extensions and hamstring curls at 45lbs. I had to fool around with it before I got a good weight that I could increase with every set. I have a hard time with hamstring curls, I just can't get comfortable in that position. I think I'm too short or something, the placement of the pads bothers my knees. So I usually keep those to one set.

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