BFL for Mon Mar 03rd 2008

It’s 7:18 and we’re on page 2 – wow! We must be extra motivated this morning!

Sherry ** Way to rock the guy push-ups!!! You are motivating me to try some next time even if it’s only one. I’m sure you’ll be strong enough to resist the cake temptation – that is wonderful about your co-workers’ little girl – I am glad that she’s doing well.

Heidi ** I’ve been doing the 4DS and I’ve usually done either just the weights, or done the weights in the AM and the cardio later in the day if I had time. But that’s just me! My reasoning is that I want to use all the glycogen in my muscles to lift heavy, so I’m not going to fritter it away on cardio first…

Belinda ** Thanks for those recipes yesterday – that was really helpful! Your workout sounds like a real killer – 25 lbs in each hand – awesome! They should be filming STS at your house :>

Michelle ** Woo Hoo!!! I am SO glad your back is better. I know exactly how it is to want to work out and be sitting around waiting for your back to heal. But you did it! That's just as much a challenge as any workout, IMHO. And now you are back on track with PUB – rock on!

Stephanie** Have a great UB workout – We missed you!

Gayle** That pot roast sounds delish – can we come over for dinner tonight?? Sounds like this is 4DS week!! Glad you had an intense workout !!

Carolyn ** I know those plateaus can be discouraging! I would say, change it up somehow. Like Gayle said, as long as the workouts are intense, you’ll be OK. I saw huge results in just a week of changing my weight training completely (was lifting each body part heavy 1X per week, now doing full body weight workout 3X per week). I don’t think one workout style was better than the other, I think my body just got too efficient at my usual style and the gains stopped coming. Also, my DH always tells me to remember that when the scale stalls, I am still making positive changes in my body: improving my cardio fitness, strengthening my joints, building my immunity etc. Let us know what you decide to do – but don’t worry over the plateau cause it’s temporary and we’ve ALL been there !!!

Here’s my plan for the week:
M- Weights with trainer (usually full body circuit, doing each exercise to failure, plus lots of abs)
T- 4DS kickbox and iSCUPLT Ballet 1
W- Weights with trainer
Th-iTREAD #1 and pilates
Fri- Weights with trainer
Sat – REST
Sun – iCLIMB and iSCUPLT Ballet 1
PLUS yoga every evening…I am doing practices from

Have a great Monday everyone!

Christina-VERY WELL said to Carolyn, about the plateau! You really DO need to change something all the time, regardless of how small it is! Your workouts for the week look AWESOME!

>Belinda -
>Would I do the complete cardio workout or just 20-30 minutes
>of it like BFL recommends?


This is what I will do starting next week!

Mon: PLB
Tues: Body Max 2 ( I eill do the "Timesaver Cardio only" premix 43 mi.)
Wed: PUB
Thurs:4DS Low Impact Step 30 min. , plus Ab Hits Premix of choice
Sun: Off

Tues: 45 minute steady state run plus core Max Seg. #2
Thurs: Kick Punch and Crunch
Sat: Max Intensity Cardio
Sun: Off

Mon: PS legs
Tues: Imax 2
Wed: PS Chest Shoulder and Tricep+back+ bi
Thurs: Steady State Run 30 Core Max Seg #3
Fri: PS legs + abs from PS Back
Sat: Kick Max or 4ds BC
Sun: Off

Mon: PS Chest, Shoulders, Triceps
Tues: Imax #3 (premix)
Wed: PS Legs and Abs plus 20 minute steady state run
Thurs: 4DS Kickbox (cardio and abs only)
Fri: PS Back, Bi and Abs
Sat:4DS (Higher AND Lower Intensity Step that order) Cardio only
( Or I only do 4DS HIS)
Sun: Off

Hope this helps!
Hi girls,

Sherry** congrats on ordering STS! Cathe was curling 45 pounds! Great job on your workout this morning!

Melissa** WTG on your weight loss! That is awesome!

Kathy** you look fantastic in your pictures! Enjoy your run and workout today!

Michelle** glad you are feeling better!

Heidi** you are right! My whole UB is sore already! I had a good workout!
You did the 4DS too today?

Gayle** that crackpot recipe sound so good! Awesome workout! LOL! Glad you liked the workouts!

Stephanie** we missed you too! How was your weekend?

Christina** have fun with your trainer today! Work it girl! Your workouts looks really good!

Hi girls,

Sherry** congrats on ordering STS! Cathe was curling 45 pounds! Great job on your workout this morning!

Melissa** WTG on your weight loss! That is awesome!

Kathy** you look fantastic in your pictures! Enjoy your run and workout today!

Michelle** glad you are feeling better!

Heidi** you are right! My whole UB is sore already! I had a good workout!
You did the 4DS too today?

Gayle** that crackpot recipe sound so good! Awesome workout! LOL! Glad you liked the workouts!

Stephanie** we missed you too! How was your weekend?

Christina** have fun with your trainer today! Work it girl! Your workouts looks really good!

Morning everyone,

Did my BFL UB this morning. Went up in weights on all exercises.

Sherry - I do the treadmill but I do mainly walking. I am not a runner. For sprints (as long as they are 30-45 seconds, I try to push myself hard so far I have gone up to 6.5mph, but the recoveries are usually between 3.2-3.5mph). The longer runs 2 minutes or so I am usually around 5.0-5.5mph and walk during the recoveries. I haven't done any marathons or anything like that. I don't enjoy running I just do it because I want to push myself. I also have a bum knee and when it acts up, walking or biking is all I can do. As you said unfortunately the weather isn't going to stay but 50 degrees is nice right now.

Michelle - glad to hear your doing better and able to workout again :)

The pics of STS are awesome. Remember, anyone can do this new series, you just have to work at your level. Can't wait to see the filming pics. Another week to go :)

Hope everyone has a great day,

I am still waiting on the kids to get going! My DD decided that she was taking a later train. ARRRRG! I could have worked out early this morning.

Belinda: I do plan on doing UB 4DS when I get to it. You might want to do some light stretching for your UB later today.;-)

Great job everyone!

BBL to report on my workout. It is now 8:59am. It is going to be a late workout now.:(
Wow, you guys are busy little bees this morning!

I decided to do a re-do on last week and repeat week 9. My eating was good and I lost, but I didn't get any workouts in and right now, that's what's important. So UB for me tonight. Already have it all mapped out.

Meals for today are:

M#1: coffee/vanilla protein shake & small apple
M#2: turkey black bean chili
M#3: w/w wrap with grilled chicken, tomatoes & peppers
M#4: apple & string cheese
M#5: 1/2 c brown rice, 4 oz lean steak, veggies
M#6: choc/banana protein shake

BBL after I get some work done! ;-)
Thank you for all the responses to my slump. I really do need to change things up a bit. I have been doing S/h and GS and feel like it has become too easy lately.

Belinda - I like the rotation you posted. It sounds like a good one.

Christina and Gayle - Great Advise. Thank you:)

Morning everyone!
Wow, you ladies have been chattin’ away this morning, lol. I read all the posts and can only respond to a few right now.

Sherry – How about making the GS’s training like a game. Have them do *relays* between two distances….say tree to tree and come back and tag the next girl. Each time move the distances out further and further to build up a little endurance first before you have them go longer distances. Just some thoughts, I loved gym when I was little, lol!

Carolyn – Plateaus can be discouraging! I totally agree with what everyone has suggested….change things up a bit and see what happens. Some women need more cardio than the prescribed 20 minutes. Maybe try interval training where you go all out for 20 minutes and then pull back a little for another 10-20 minutes. And the weight work really is key, you want to “reshape” your body as you’re losing weight. Otherwise you’ll end up just a “thinner” version of your start. Hope that makes sense.

Hi out to everyone else! All of your workouts and plans look GREAT! I love to read everyone’s enthusiastic posts, it gets me all fired up, lol! Welcome back to Michelle!


I’m changing up my weights again for the 9 week mark. I did a heavy BFL Lower Body workout followed by 3+ miles running on the treadmill using Runervals 1.0 (Easy Intervals). I took it nice and easy with the run and made it more of a recovery from yesterday long run.

For the next 3 weeks (until the end of this challenge) my focus is going to be HEAVY weights. I only have two medium distance “long” runs for the next couple of weeks (7 miles this week and the 10 mile race the following week). This will give me a chance to focus more on weights without the distraction of longer distances. I’m hoping to increase my muscle definition and really kick it in to the end.

Here’s my BFL leg workout from today:

BFL Lower Body
Barbell Squat -
12 reps @ 110 lbs.
10 reps @ 115 lbs.
8 reps @ 120 lbs.
6 reps @ 125 lbs.
12 reps @ 120 lbs.
Leg Extension - 12 reps @ 90 lbs.

DB Deadlifts (weight is per dumbbell) –
12 reps @ 30 lbs.
10 reps @ 35 lbs.
8 reps @ 40 lbs.
6 reps @ 45 lbs.
12 reps @ 40 lbs.
Bulgarian Lunge (or squat?) - 12 reps @ 25 lbs. each

DB squat (weight is per dumbbell) –
12 reps @ 30 lbs.
10 reps @ 35 lbs.
8 reps @ 40 lbs.
6 reps @ 45 lbs.
12 reps @ 40 lbs.
Leg Extension - 12 reps @ 90 lbs.

Barbell Static Lunge -
12 reps @ 85 lbs.
10 reps @ 90 lbs.
8 reps @ 95 lbs.
6 reps @ 100 lbs.
12 reps @ 95 lbs.
Bulgarian Lunge (or squat?) - 12 reps @ 25 lbs. each

DB two legged angled out calf raise (weight is per dumbbell) -
12 reps @ 30 lbs.
10 reps @ 35 lbs.
8 reps @ 40 lbs.
6 reps @ 45 lbs.
12 reps @ 40 lbs.
One legged calf raise (one dumbbell w/one leg on step)-
12 reps @ 45 lbs. each

I ended up doing Low Max and I held an 8 lb medicine ball for all of the blasts except for the last one. OMG that really makes a difference. I feel like I got a great leg workout as well.

Have a great day and DRINK YOUR WATER:p

Okay....I'll drink my water Carolyn!!;-)

That LowMax with a med ball is a pretty good workout, huh Carolyn!?!? Pure evil..}(
I'm back! Wow, there was lots of reading to do from Friday to the current post!

Gayle, I waved hey to your sister as I passed the NC Eye & Ear Hospital! Great workout today! When you get a chance can you tell me how you make the font bold, etc. Thanks!

Belinda, WOW! 25# chest flies! I'm where Heidi is...we'll get there eventually! How's your new bar?

Melissa, how great you must have felt wearing your SKINNY JEANS on Friday! WHOOHOO!!! And way to go on the weight loss! Go shopping girl! You deserve it! Glad you are feeling better!

Lanie, super job on the weight loss! Thanks for the recipes in Word! I have one I'd like to add if you don't mind! It's delicious!

Baked Chicken Tortillas
(A great way to use leftover cooked chicken breast)
1 cup bottled salsa, divided
8 oz fat free sour cream
6 (10-inch) flour tortillas
1-1/2 cups chopped cooked chicken breast (about 3/4 pound)
1/3 cup chopped tomato
1/3 cup chopped green or red bell pepper
1/4 cup chopped onion
Cooking spray
3/4 cup (3 oz) shredded reduced-fat cheddar cheese
Preheat oven to 350
Combine 1/2 cup salsa and sour cream in a small bowl, and spread evenly over each tortilla. Divide chicken, tomato, bell pepper, and onion evenly down center of each tortilla, and roll up. Place rolls, seam sides down, in an 11 x 7-inch baking dish coated with cooking spray. Top with 1/2 cup salsa. Bake at 350 for 15 minutes.
Sprinkle with cheese; bake an additional 5 minutes or until cheese melts.

Number of Servings: 6

Nutritional Info
Calories: 141.1
Total Fat: 3.1 g
Cholesterol: 17.5 mg
Sodium: 410.5 mg
Total Carbs: 20.5 g
Dietary Fiber: 2.9 g
Protein: 9.0 g

Kathy, happy (belated) birthday to your "baby"! Your LB workout was great! I'm sure you are proud of yourself! And you look fabulous!

Sherry, great workout this morning! I also did this workout today. I think I am where you are in regards to running. (maybe not?) I just started several months ago and will run my first race ever, a 5K, on March 15th. I'm looking forward to it!

Michelle, so glad to hear your back is better! I was worried about you too!

Christina, awesome advice to Carolyn, and the rest of us! And your DH sounds like a gem!

Rhonda, great job in the weight increase! I'm excited about STS also! I am looking forward to seeing the new set too!

Carolyn, I'm drinking my water too! Great job on the Low Max workout this morning! That one is a killer!

The weekend was fun with Mom. Sad she's gone ;( I usually see my family every 4-5 years as most of them live in California. We laughed a lot! I ate really well but drank a wee bit too much wine, not to the "too tipsy" point, just too much in regard to the BFL diet! Mom loves "home-cooked" southern food, so we found a place where she could get her "fix". She had 2 pieces of dark meat fried chicken, mashed potatoes with gravy, string beans, biscuits and blueberry cobbler a-la-mode! She weighs 122 so she can afford it! I, on the other hand, had baked chicken, string beans, pintos, water and wine ;-). I ended up running on the TM on Saturday and running around UNC Chapel Hill campus Sunday morning. I ran 2.27 miles and was dying going UP the hills, but again, I thought of you runners urging me on.

I've taken WAY too much space here and WAY too much of your time! I hope everyone has a great day! :7

Hi fit girls,

Heidi** I will do a light stretch later! What workout are you doing tomorrow?

Melissa** enjoy your UB workout tonight! Did you buy new jeans? You are doing fantastic!

Carolyn** glad you liked the rotation! I think the March rotation is a good one! Great job holding a 8 pound med. Ball!

Kathy** your leg workout looks awesome! I will copy it for another day!

Stephanie** I will have good DOMS in my Chest tomorrow! I did do much lifting all day long! LOL! I never unpacked it! Your Baked Chicken Tortillas looks so good!

Gayle** how is your UB felling?

Hi to everyone that follows today!
Hi Belinda. Thanks! No, I did not buy new jeans yet. I attempted to, but silly me brought DD shopping with me. She has a way of totally distracting me at the store and I end up not getting what I went there to get in the first place. However, my money mysteriously disappears..:eek:

Hope everyone is having a good day!

Michelle - good to have you back girl!
I'm popping in late today. I'm very sleepy today--having trouble functioning.

Today is supposed to be lower body and abs. I had physical therapy this morning and cranked it up to heavier weights on the machines (seated hamstring curls and leg presses). I stayed with 10 lbs on the cable machine where I do abductions and then pull my leg straight back (can't remember what you call that). I also have a few more unweighted exercises I do there. I did abs later after getting home.

I also managed to squeeze in a trip to Target before picking up Ewan. Then I had the speech therapist here to meet with Ewan (he has a little trouble with certain sounds). So I have been productive in spite of mainly wanting to lie down and sleep the day away. No chance to lie down yet.

I want to do some personals but I am pretty out of it. If I get a second wind later I'll come back.

[font face="comic sans ms" font color=purple]***Lainie***
fitness blog:
dream blog:

If you want to give God a good laugh, tell Her your plans.[/f
Hi to everyone,

Ok..dinner is done.

What a day!!!!

DD missed both trains! She then decided to just stay home. DS had some homework for english class that he completely forgot about. He ended up late for school. This totally threw my whole day off.

My workout was done by NOON!

I got confused as to where the upper body workouts were on these two DVD's for 4DS. I started out with the warm-up from KM and all of a sudden it was into legs. Ok I said to myself this isn't right. I put in the other DVD and found the All upper body workout premix. So I did only the C,Band shoulders parts. That was plenty in it's self! My arms as Gayle said were fried. }(

Weights used:
1 arm rows 1X10, 1X20
Underhand row BB 35#'s
Flyes 2X15
Wide Flye 1X15
Pullovers 1X12
Press 2X15
Band work (Red)
All Push-ups on toes! YES
Lateral Raise 2X8,5
Bent : 2X5 all other shoulder work was with these weights too.
Rotation Pulls (Red band)

Stretch,shower and go to work. That was my day.

On some of the chest and back exercises I can go even higher next time around. Just didn't want to put on too much first time around not knowing how hard it would be.:)

Tomorrow's Plan:
4DS Boot camp? Depends how the doms are! Might just do a new iTread (#12)
CM. 1

Belinda: What would you do?

Hi Lainie: It sounds like you had a great workout at the PT! Hope you aren't coming down with anything! Keep Well. :D

BBL Have to go back and read the posts that I missed.
Hey Melissa!!!!

Wow your DD sounds like mine! I gave up going shopping with her because of the same reasons.:) Too funny!:+
Hi Sherry,

Just wanted to wish a happy arrival to your co-workers baby girl.:)
How exciting to be able to bring her home! Blessings to all.

The run for the GS's sounds like a lot of fun. Like Gayle was saying...making short fun runs and working up to the 1/2 is key. Little bench marks for the girls would be really inspiring. Meeting short goals and having some sort of reward for all would be great.:)
Have fun!

I have a question for all of you that did 4DS chest and back today...
did you do the exercises as they were or did you rewind to either increase/decrease your weights to the BFL formula?

I did the routine as it was laid out. But...just wasn't sure if I needed to do something more. Not that I could mind arms were shaking just from what I had done. }(

The hardest part of this workout for me was the Isolation presses. Because I woke again with a stiff neck mainly on my right side and I had great trouble trying to get that 12#DB up there. Oooof!

Hope you all have a great night. BBT Heidi

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