BFL Check In


I hope Fitnut & everyone else does not mind if I start us off. I was going to start this past Thursday, but some unexpected things came up. My in-laws came up for the weekend and I also had a get-together that Thursday night so my good intentions flew out the window. So, today is the day.

My meals for today are scheduled to be:
1) BFL Breakfast Casserole (found it on
2) fat free cottage cheese & crushed pineapple
3&4) 1/2 wheat sub bun w/chicken deli meat and lettuce and green
5) Chicken Stirfry w/rice
6) Probably a repeat of #2, but I have a hard time fitting in a
sixth meal.
For this week, my meals will pretty much be the same until I can make it to the grocery on Friday.

My workout tonight will be PLB. I did my upper body workout on Thursday, and my shoulder and arms are still sore.
I hope everyone has a great day!

Yea...a check-in! I was going to once again postpone my start a week as my PF is acting up but I erally need the added mental accountability so I will skip cardio if my foot is too bad and stick with all other workouts and diets!

My meals today:
CC, apple, 1 hard boiled egg
Chicken minestrone ala EFL
Turkey meatloaf, mashed potatoes, green beans ala EFL
Grilled chicken caesar salad with garbonzo beans for carbs
Turkey meatloaf, mashed potatoes, green beans ala EFL
Probably a bar for meal 6. I try to stay away from them but hubby won tickets to Rod Stewart (boy do I feel OLD) and I'm pretty sure the arena won't have any bfl friendly foods!

After work, I'm going to do S&H Legs/shoulders.

Hi Collen! Your meals sound really delicious. My EFL book just arrived to my work today, so my meals are going by the BFL book, but I'm sure there is not much difference. Can't wait to read EFL and check out the recipes. I'm surprised, but glad that low-fat cheese is okay. I haven't read much from the book yet, just skimming through it, so there is probably some kind of limitation that I am not aware of. Hopefully my hubby will jump on to the BFL bandwagon with me. He needs to lose about 40-50 pounds and this IMHO would be so good for him and for my family in general. Good look with your PF. Do what you can and with time hopefully you will be able to do the cardio again. Have fun at the concert!:) :)
Eating for Life

I have had this book for a month now and can honestly say that the food is great! My favorite so far is the fish tacos. I actually just use canned tuna (I know, I know.....) and it is fast, easy, and yummy!

The only thing so far that has not really done it for me is the brownie recipe. I was so excited to get a dessert that looked good to me, and it tastes like "wheat glob", whatever that is:) My own term. It may be because I make my own wheat flour and need to grind it finer for baking than bread. I will try again. What saved if for me was adding a big dollop of Cool Whip free topping:)

Regardless, my kids and whole family have loved the food, and we are ALL eating better.
RE: Eating for Life

Hi everyone~
I just joined the forums today and hope you don't mind if I join in. I am beginning to eat BFL style WITHOUT CHEATING this week. I have been following a modified version since January but 4 weeks into it began eating off plan during the week and I really want some results before summer. I hope this check-in will help me stick to it. Sometime I don't have time to fit all my meals in due to my work schedule. I really need to stick to a consistent work out plan though. Here are my meals for the day:
1.Hi-Lo cereal with skim milk and strawberries,2 glasses of water
skipped my mid-morning meal:(
2.Salad with grilled top round steak , portion of strawberries, 2 glasses of water
3.portion of cottage cheese with whole wheat melba toast, more water
4.Shrimp creole with half portion of brown rice, salad, water
5.cottage cheese jell-o mousse (yummy), water
am going to do PS CST for my work-out tonight.
I also agree that the EFL cookbook is well worth the $
RE: Eating for Life

Welcome Carolyn! I just finished looking through my EFL book and am happy with the few changes that Mr. Phillips has made since BFL, i.e. adding low-fat cheese. It will be so easy for me to modify some of my recipes. It is funny how some of my recipes that I have already modified would meet his approval. I'm really hoping to do this for the long haul, but it won't be easy cutting out the junk food. Hopefully I will be able to overcome that or to at least keep it for my free day. I also like how he has added some desserts such as pudding. I'm looking forward to trying some of these recipes.
RE: Eating for Life

Hi Everyone!!

Hope you don't mind that I join in also! I started a strict BFL diet last week. I am really enjoying planning & preparing meals and working out hard. I want to see good results in time for summer.

Here are my meals today:
1)lowfat cottage cheese/ natural apple sauce (no sugar)
2)Grilled chicken salad (no carb here,forgot to pack one)
3) Protein shake, orange
4) Chicken, plain baked potato, green beans
5) Probably egg whites and plain oatmeal

Today is CARDIO DAY!!! I am thinking of doing Cardio & weights cardio.I'm in the mood for something fun.

Take care!
RE: Eating for Life

Hi everyone!

Today's meals were:

whole grain bagel and turkey bacon
low fat cottage cheese with grapes
Ham on whole wheat bread, bannana and skim milk
apple and string cheese
chicken fajita roll uup

and that darned Easter candy aarrgh!!

Did cardio today treadmill HIT and TS 5 abs
RE: Eating for Life

Hey there!

Sound like everyone is off to a good start:)

My plan is BFLish. I will do upper and lower body each 2 times a week and HIIT cardio 2 times a week for the total of 6 days. I'm going to try this anyhow, we'll see if I get burned out too quickly.

I took my measurments and pictures today. My goal is to lose aobut 15 pounds in this 12 weeks. Need to stay on track and keep free eating to one day a week.

I did well on my meals and did PLB workout today. I drank 4 pints of water so I have one more to go.

RE: Eating for Life

HI Ladies,
Its good to see that everyone is off to a great start.I still haven't decided what I am doingx( I was all gung ho to start so I went on a mission to find the eating for life book but I couldn't find it.I don't know if they were sold out or they just don't have it.I may order it online.I was going to buy the journal but I figured that would probably be a waste of money.
When I get ready to start something I need to be READY.SO far, I don't have the book I wanted (which I am suure I can get later) AND I need to pick up the groceries I will need.
Sorry I am babbling but I will check back tomorrow.I am leaning towards doing it.I need to have some sort of program set up.
RE: Eating for Life

Good morning BFL group! Did Pryramid upper body today... had 1/2 multi-grain bagel with turkey bacon and a protein shake.. have to travel today for work, I hope I can resist all the Tim Horton's donut shops in Canada!

Have a good day!
Checking in.

Hi everyone,

I'm sorry I didn't check in yesterday, I didn't even get to work out until 8:30 last night!! I did PUB Up only, and I felt great - I'm going to up my weights next time. (I'm not yet at Cathe's weights, so don't be too impressed!!) I called and joined the contest yesterday, but the packet won't be here for a week or so. I didn't get to really "Eat for Life" yesterday - but the guy at EAS said I can start anytime, so I might wait until I get the info to officially start my challenge. Until then I'm thinking of just continuing my workouts and trying to get the eating down. I only ate twice yesterday, so I didn't do so hot there. I will try to do better today. Today is cardio for me - what is everyone else doing?

Just out of curiousity, what is everyone doing BFL, EFL, or a mixture of both? I really like Bill Phillips programs and I think I will be doing a mixture of both. I might veer a little from the exercise protocol, but not by much. My plans are to still do 3 days of interval training but probably do Imax,Imax2, or maybe a day on the treadmill and for weights do PUB/PLB premix together twice a week and maybe PLB Up once a week. My lower body needs more help than my upper body so that is why I want to work my lower body 3 times a week. I figure I will reevaluate my progress in about a month's time and see if I need to go strict BFL.
Whew, we had so much fun at the concert last night but oooohh am I a wee bit (ok a lot) hungover! I am going to sweat buckets tonight with my HIIT!!!

I am doing a mixture of BFl and EFL. I tend to be fanatical in my food choices so while I enjoy the variety of EFL find the recipes aren't as balanced and some of the ingredients not on "my personal acceptance list".

Today's eats...bear with me as I need to cook...

Bar...don't normally eat them but it's all my tummy could handle today
CC, hard boiled egg, apple
CC, hard boiled egg, WW toast
Chicken minestrone ala EFL
Chicken, brown rice, veggiews
Turkey something..haven't decided what to cook yet.

I am doing a modified combo of BFL and EFL. I did the 12 week challenge back in 2000 and found the weight workouts to be so boring. I didn't get fantastic results because I didn't work out intensely enough. (I did fine with the eating but that got boring also). The EFL has been such a big help for me as I change my way of eating. I look as this as a lifestyle change, not something that I should do just for 12 weeks. It is such a healthy way to eat and meal planning is so easy now. I will have a free day on the weekend but will not "go nuts". My rotation is this: PS CST, cardio (20 minute cardio as described in BFL book), PS BBA, cardio, L & G,cardio, rest. With the nicer weather coming I will try to fit in some walking outside when I can. I plan to increase my cardio to 40 minutes in about 3 weeks. I just startred this so I wil see how it goes.
My meals for the day: Hi-Lo cereal, skim milk, water
Pumpkin protein muffins with light cream cheese
salad with shrimp, pineapple chunks, water
Zone bar, water
Grilled asian chicken salad, water
Hey everyone!

I did PUB this morning, the bicep work at the end is really a killer! I ate according to plan and drank all my water--5 pints.

My plan is to eat protein and carb (high quality)at 4 to 5 meals a day including lots of vegies and some fruit. Workouts will be 4 weight workouts and 2 cardio sessions/week.

What is the difference between EFL and BFL? Actually, I know the BFL plan, what is the EFL plan?

The main difference I noted was EFL lets you eat low-fat cheese and even includes skim milk in some recipes. EFL did not go into detail about exercise or even mention what exercising plan he does in BFL but it does say that you need to exercise. However, I read/skimmed the book pretty quickly so I may have missed something. Colleen may be able to add more. She has been doing BFL for quite a while and I'm sure she has some great advice. EFL has really opened my eyes to new recipes and seeing how my recipes can be altered to fit my new lifestyle.

Last night I took the baby and dog for a 2 mile run since it was so beautiful and warm here, mid 60's. I am so sore, but today I plan to do the PUB/PLB premix.

My meals will be: ff cottage cheese w/yogurt for 2 meals, 1/2 6" chicken breast sub with lettuce & peppers for 2 meals, and sweet & sour chicken with pineapple and brown rice for dinner. I have a hard time fitting in a 6th meal. I would have to eat at 10 pm to fit it in and I really don't like going to bed right after I have ate a meal.

Have a great day!

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