BFL Check-in Wk 2 Continued......


Hi all. Decided to start a new one since the other was getting so long. Don't know why it was all staying on 1 page???

Wanted to share that I found a great way to use the Cathe Pyramid tapes with BFL!!!!! :+

Here is what I did tonight with PUB and it worked perfectly...

-As you know Cathe does the following reps for each set (12-10-8-10-12)
-All you do is substitute her 2nd set of 10 reps for the BFL 6 reps
-Instead of decreasing the weight back down to what you used for the 1st 10 rep set, INCREASE the weight and do 6 reps!
-Then the 12 reps at the end = the high point set the BFL way!
-For the last 12 rep high point set decrease only slightly or stay the same depending on how you feel

Below is the example for my biceps tonight: (I have platemates that let me increase by 1.25 lb)
12 reps - 10lb
10 reps - 12 lb
8 reps - 15 lb
6 reps - 16.25 lb
12 reps - 12 lb (I was already dead from the previous 2 sets....)

I used it tonight and it worked like a charm. The only difficulty I had was it was a bit fast in a couple places with the heavier weight (particularly in triceps) but it still worked good. I pushed pause/rewind a couple times and just went at my own pace when I had the heavier weight.

I called EAS tonight and told them about Cathe and asked if doing 2 exercises was too much for BFL. I talked to 2 different guys and they both said "NO." They said as long as you are making progress stick with it and if you start to hit a plateau change it up. They also said it is a good idea to do different exercises and not always the same. He said changing it every couple weeks is good.

I am just soooo happy! This was so fun tonight and worked soooo good. Also, make sure to write down your plan before you start. I wasted some time cuz I figured it out as I went. I used my BFL journal and it worked well once I got goin'!

Sounds like you all are doing so good! I also miss my terminator workouts too! I like your idea of the Imax Extreme. I'm gonna have to work it in there soon. I worry about bringin' it down too low though in the C&W sections??? Sometimes my HR comes down too low on a couple of those and I have to FF thru them a little bit.

Tomorrow I am doing cardio (step) at the club. It is a rockin' kick butt class that always woops my booty. It is an hour class but she usually does approx. 50 minutes of INTENSE cardio. I am thinking of leaving after 35 minutes??? I hate this having to cut down cardio x( But I have to give the true BFL program a shot as I think the too much cardio aspect really might be most of my problem.

I have been so good on the diet. I can not believe I am not even hungry! Tonight I had some lean hamburger w/spices and chopped green chilis in it. I put it on top of a cut up wheat tortilla with a pinch of fat free cheese and salsa! It was yummy and so satisfied my mexican craving. I have enough left over for tomorrow's lunch too!

I also got some more pointers from my friend who won BFL in 2002. Her #1 pointer of all is "Stick to the PLAN!" She said she stuck to it almost 100%, cut down her cardio, focused on wts, didn't go crazy on free day and never quit thinking of her end goal. She did it! She had a 5 month old baby when she started the BFL program and within 3 months completely transformed her body, truly! She is so inspiring:)

Mindi - glad you could stop by. Hope you stick around with us:)

Pfive - yes, I usually workout in the morning (5:00 a.m.) and I work out on an empty stomach. Before BFL I use to slam 1/2 cup o.j. but I don't anymore. Once I get goin' I am alright!

LoriSax - pork chops w/cream of mushroom soup?? I can't believe you held back! You go girl! That sounds yummy! I did the same thing when I did BFL a couple years back. I cut too far down on my carbs and loss muscle. I'm trying to be careful w/the carbs this time and not take it too low. It is just so hard to know how much is too little:(

LoriHart - glad you ordered your supplements!

Rhonda - I ordered my supplements from and also some from EAS. The Myoplex Lite bars were cheaper from EAS (they were only $13.13) They also sent me a free leather workout bag!!!!! Netrition has Betagen for only $16.99 I think!

Anyway, gotta get to bed. I hate these late night workouts as they keep me up late :7
Good Morning Everyone
I am up for PUB workout.I was going to try like you suggested, but the dumbbells I have are 8,10,15,and 20's.I use my 20's for the last set of chest.I would really like to find some 12lbs dumbbells.So, I may follow the workout , just as is.
I got a notice yesterday saying that my supplements had been shipped! I hope they are here tomorrow:7 The guy delivers them to ny house and I will be at work all day and no one will be home.Hopefully, he will come on my dinner break.I am almost out of protein powder to.My brother is picking some up in the city for me so I got that under control.The lady at GNC sold me stuff that was the most like Myoplex.And it dissolves pretty quickly to.
I had a pretty good day yesterday.I ate some grapes that I wasn't suppose to, but it's only grapes.I am surprised I didn't eat more b/c I got mad at my husband so my head was in a totally tail spin.He is going on a ski-doo trip with his buddies.And he wasn't suppose to leave until today, then they decide yesterday that they are leaving in 20 min! I was like,nice to let me know.I am only your wife, thats all.I had to work last night and tonight.So if he left a day early than that left me with a lot of other things to do.It's like me a single mother for 5 days.Pick her up,drop her off,do her homework,get her ready for bed,walk the dog, feed the dog,...........the list goes on.Anyway,he knew that I was NOT happy so he is only just leaving nowx(
I hoped on the scale again today.Withnothing in my belly.I am now down 3 lbs from last week.I started at 129.5 and today I was 126.5.I have a digital scale so thats where the .5 is comming from.
I hope everyone as a great day.I am sure this won't be the last time I will be checking in today:p
Hi everyone. Woke up this morning with a nasty cold. I did get up though and did my cardio. I use the treadmill and did the full thing. I don't think I hit my 10's but at least I did it.

I went and bought some protein powder and protein bars from Netrition. I like Lean body for Her protein powder by labrada and it is hard to find. GNC doesn't carry it. I went to the website and it is so expensive but Netrition had it for $20 cheaper. Still high but I like it best. Bought some Detour bars, they were on sale. I also bought a couple UTurn bars which I heard are like a milky way but we will see.

That was my venture.

Hope everyone has a great day, Rhonda
It sounds like everyone is doing great!! I did PUB last night and added in some abs. I have already been doing Cathes PUB and PLB as you suggested LuvCardio. It looks like we are on the same wavelength. Also, that is great that you been sticking to the eating plan. I've been sticking to it, but I am still hungry sometimes. I guess my body is still adjusting. Today is my cardio day. I think I will do either 20 minutes on the treadmill or Imax. I'll decide tonight.

Have a good day!!
I decided to start following my workouts to a "T" but I am still going to do my Cathe workouts as is. If I want to do PS, then I will follow it. I just got so bored the last time!!! I am going to start doing my cardio first thing, on an empty stomach. I am buying soem instant coffee today so I can guzzle down a cup in the a.m. So, tomorrow I will start to be consistent with that, I hope. I think the cardio first thing in the morning is a big key though and I have to do it!!!! Have a good day everyone!!!!
Lori S.
Rhonda, don't feel bad.I have had the cold for over a week now.BUt I have still been getting up first thing in the morning and working out.That is probably another reason why this cold as been hanging on so long,I haven't been getting to bed as early as I should.Need proper rest! Then I get up in the morning and cough,cough,chogh.It's hard enough to breath while doing IMAX 2,never mind coughing in between intervals.
I think this is going to be a hungry day.I was starving when I ate my breakfast, so that didn't last long.Then I felt bad cause the dog hasn't been for a walk in a while so I just got back from a 1 hour walk with him.I am having shrimp,rice and veggies for meal #3.I can't wait.
Have a good day everyone,hopefully I won't be to hungry! That would be a recipe for disaster.
Hey Ladies! I have a problem. Please give me your advice.

Here is the situation. My husband last night told me he wants to do the Rock Hard Challenge listed in Muscle & Fitness and he wants me to join him. I think I am doing fine with BFL. He wants to follow their menu listed to a T, which does not go by the same 6 meal a day plan as BFL. Instead they want you to do 3 meals and 2 snacks a day, which I can handle using BFL foods and create 5 meals. However, their meal options are a little different though. My husband has about 40- 50 pounds to lose whereas I have only 5-10 to lose. Do I drop BFL and try to do the Rock Hard Challenge with him to keep him motivated, or do I keep doing what I am doing and just make 2 seperate dinners every night?

I would really appreciate any advice given. Thanks in advance.
Thank you Luv Cardio! I enjoy reading this thread and seeing what all of you are doing w/your BFL challenges.

Kristie, must be a tough choice! But since you're happy w/what you're doing, why not stick with it? Perhaps hubby will join you after he tries the MF challenge. Perhaps you can keep him motivated w/your own success and maybe even challenge him to work harder on his own.

How different are the nutrition choices?
Hi Kristi!

Is there nothing the same with the 2 meal plans? I would think that the protein counts would be similar, so you could make the same dish there but I suppose your carb counts may be different. I received my M&F announcing the Rock Hard Challenge. I tried it last year (late)and enjoyed it somewhat but I kept my meals the same (BFL style). Now you have me wanting to read up on that this weekend. ;)

Lori - I tried to do PUB the BFL way last night and found it a little difficult. :-( I was becoming frustrated by the time I got to the shoulder work! How did you do that part? Cathe does 3 exercises in that set! Please tell me how you did it? And also would someone tell me how did you manage to keep the counts right when she jumped between single count and 2-2? Finally I just switched back to Cathe's method. It was too confusing for me. I think I will preview the videos this weekend, write down the exercises on the BFL pages and try again. Or I may just do the tapes as is for the remainder of the month, then in April switch to my journal only, no tapes at all.

Don't mind me everyone! I think I'm just crabby today. I've been really sore - which tells me that when I take creatine my recoveries are faster and I can move on. I've done 15-20 minutes of cardio for the last few days trying to ease up my soreness from Leaner Legs and last night while doing the PUB warm-up (hamstring curls), by quads were squealing still. I'm better today, in that aspect but tired. I sleep soundly during the night but wake up shortly after 5 a.m., not my normal time, so think it's all catching up with me.

Oh well! Guess I'll try to get some work done. I did a minimal amount yesterday, so I'll try to catch up on half of that today - leaving the rest for tomorrow!

I will definitely be taking a power nap today at lunch! :p Actually I'm ready right now!

Take care,
Great news! Upon taking a closer look at the Rock Hard Challenge I think I can work around it enough to satisfy my husband and myself. The dinners pretty much follow the BFL plan. I'm really relieved about that. I will still do BFL with you all. While DH has a snack I will have a meal with a protein and carb. YEAH!! I'm still on board. Thanks Mindi and Pfive for your advice. I feel much better now.

Lorihart, are you still looking for a new job? Any luck?
Hi everyone!! Boy, it is hard to keep up with you guys! If I don't check in for a day, I sure have a lot of catching up to do!! ;-) Yesterday was PS Legs and today was cardio and abs from ME. I really am feeling stronger since I have been doing less cardio! It is a very hard adjustment to make but I guess that less is better in this case!
Rhonda - I read about those UTurn bars too! Please let me know how they are! If they are as yummy as the Detour bars, AWESOME!! It is nice to be able to satisfy my sweet tooth with something that isn't too bad for me!! So Netrition had good prices? I need to do some ordering soon! I think that the Lean Body for Her shakes are good also! They taste better than the Myoplex lite shakes but I haven't seen them around so I thought that they were no longer available.
Keep up the great work everyone!!! Have a great day!!!
Hi, all! I've been reading the threads for the past 2 weeks, and thought I would join in with ya'll. It's so funny...I did a search on BFL a few weeks back and didn't bother to check the current threads on the forum, and it pulled up all this. So instead of lurking, I wanted to join you, if that's okay! I started last Monday. I've been following the program with my husband pretty much as written in the book, except doing CTX cardio for my cardio. This week, as you know, is a 2X legs week. The problem I'm having with the BFL legs is that I really can't fatigue my muscles and get to the "10" point because I really think I need more weight than I can safely lift over my head and without a spotter. So I'm considering doing upper body as Bill says and then using Leaner Legs or PS legs for Lower body. I'm really trying to lean out my lb so which one would all of you suggest?

As for diet, I am doing great. I feel so much better than I did before, and I am not hungry, but I definitely know when it is time to eat. As for supplements, I have been using Muscletech Nitrotech, from GNC. Doesn't taste great, but it is supposed to be good stuff. I usually add a piece of fruit as my carb. I also have 1/2 a MetRx protein bar and a piece of fruit on the run. Easy to stick in my purse so I don't miss a meal. Best of all, NO sugar cravings. It has been really great. I have a major sweet tooth, and so does my husband, but both of us are doing just fine and feel fantastic. Only problem is, last Sunday, I ate WAY two much and wound up feeling really sick before bed. I'll have to try not to go hog wild. My sister did this 1.5 years ago and lost about 30 lbs! And did she ever go crazy on her free day. She said after feeling like that it ws easy to get back on the program, in fact Monday was always a relief. Anyway, thanks for the information and motivation, hope to be visiting alot in the next 10.5 weeks!
Kristi,I should be looking for a job harder then what I have.It just seems to be so slow this time of year.I really need to get some resumes done and out.I am diffently ready for a change.

Angie,I did workout with PUB today.I found it good.This is how I did it:
Chest: I followed Cathe until she was going back down the pyramid.So ,I used 8lb,10lb,15lb,with Cathe, then I went to 20lb for 6reps.Then when Cathe was doing 12 reps with her lowest weight,I was doing 12 reps with 15lbs,twice.That was the highpoint

Shoulders:I followed Cathe again until she was comming back down the pyramid.I used 5lb,8lb,10lb.Then instead of doing what Cathe was doing I grabbed my 20lbs and did 6 overhead presses.Stopped for a min,then I did 12reps with 15lbs and 12 reps with 10 lbs

Back: I just did dumbbell rows with 20 lbs twice for my highpoint.

Triceps:Followed Cathe again,then we she was going back down I grabbed my 20lb and did 6 overhead extensions.Rested.Highpoint,did 12reps with 20lbs and 12reps with 15lbs

Biceps:Same as above,then I grabbed 2/20 lbs dumbbells for 6 reps.HIghpoint-12 reps with 15lbs and 12reps with 10lbs.

So when Cathe was doing her 10 reps and 12 reps with two different weights I wasn't following her.But I didn't have to stop the video either, it was perfect timing.Hope this all made sense.I don't know if it was a better workout or not.I will probably switch it up a bit each time.
Glad to have another person on board. It sounds like you and your husband are doing great on the program.

I don't own PS but I do own Leaner Legs and S&H. So I probably won't be much help answering your question. Maybe LuvCardio has the answer to that question. I think that you should do whichever workout fatigues your legs. However, I do know that when I do Leaner Legs I am definitely feeling it by the end. My legs feel like jello. What a great feeling! I think that after a week or two I will mix up my lower body workout with S&H. As you can tell some of us modify and do not follow BFL to a T. I try to stay on track as much as possible though and not veer too much off course.

Good luck and I hope someone can answer your question! :) :)
Hi JAS! Welcome and glad to have you join us! The more the merrier! :) And more support for some of us who can't stay on track --like ME! Already I've been tweaking the program and became frustrated!

...........but thanks to Lori, I think I'll be okay now! :) Lori, I am going to print out what you wrote so that I don't go crazy trying to write this up this weekend. :)

Kristi - I have Leaner Legs and used it Monday night and finally today the majority if the soreness is gone. I'm pretty sure I'll be able to hit legs tonight. I think if you go as heavy as you can, or slightly less heavy, you will get an excellent burn. Trust me! Like I said earlier I can tell that creatine makes a big difference for me. I haven't been sore like this in quite a while - since the first time I used Power Hour in November! :eek:
Kristi - has your husband already started the Challenge? I flipped through my issue during lunch and saw that the latest you could begin was Tuesday, Mar. 11th (if I calculatted that right). The Challenge ends June 11th. That's a bummer because I would have like to have done that one right after BFL. But it's all my fault for not reading my magazine sooner. I don't like reading my subscription issues a month in advance. If it arrives in March but says April on the spine then that's March news not April. So I tend to hold my magazines over until the proper month arrives! :+ I guess I'll mark my calendar for next year as a reminder to read them as soon as the show up in my mailbox!
Hi Pfive. My husband hasn't started it yet. I'm going to the store this weekend to stock up on supplies so he can begin probably on Sunday or Monday. How funny the official start date was on his birthday! :) That could not have been planned better. Maybe it is a sign. He won't officially enter the contest, but he will give it a try. I'm going to try to talk him into doing BFL. The more I look at the challenge and compare it to BFL the more I'm noticing that the concepts are pretty close with a few exceptions such as having snacks instead of meals. At least with BFL they have an approved list to refer back to, which has really helped me.

Speaking of the approved list, is fat-free spaghetti sauce okay? If so is it considered a vegetable?
Since he's not officially entering, then he's fine! I syill dislike getting magazines so early! ;)

What spaghetti sauce have you found that's fat free!? Tell me! :) I need to switch to a different type of pasta, maybe whole wheat or something like that. All those regular pastas are very addictive to me. I am a true pasta fanatic! I have to cut back and save pasta for my cheat day otherwise I can eat it all day long and it sure does show! When I cut back my abs trim down but this time around that isn't happening. I'm sure that's because I'm eating something else in it's place! :D

Time for me to sneak out of here! I'm heading home! I'm tired but I need to do Pyramid Lower Body! I think I may try to get my son to spot me in the near future because I really need to try to challenge myself more with the lower body work!

Talk to you all tomorrow,
UH-OH,guess who had a couple of easter eggs today???? Well, not really a couple,more like 8!!!!! I'm doomed;( x( :-( }( :9
Pfive - I was mistaken about the spaghetti sauce. It is light not fat free. Do you think it is okay to use? If I did use it then I need to use it sparingly because my carbs get out of control too.

Lori - Don't feel bad about having some Easter eggs. I don't really have much to brag about myself. Almost every day, except today, I have had something sweet. My sweet of choice has been a candy bar. With Easter fast approaching I so want to have some peeps and a chocolate bunny. Maybe that will be my treat from the Easter bunny. I can't help myself around those marshmallow chicks though. They are delicious. I'm holding off until then because if I have them now then it will probably start my downfall. This time around it seems like I am always hungry and wanting something more, preferably sweet. I've been eating cottage cheese with pineapple to try to help with the cravings, but it is not filling at all. I'm still hungry 20 minutes later. I will find something, maybe a different food combination.

In the meantime my workouts are great. There are no problems there. In fact I did my 20 minute treadmill workout tonight.

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