BFL Check-in Week 2

Hi everyone,
I had another good workout today.I try hitting everything really hard but sometimes I lack energy at 6:45 in the morning.I have myself timed now.My eyes atomatically open at 5:58.That way I jump out of bed before the alarm goes off and wakes everyone else up.
I did PLB today and my highest weight was 50 pounds.It wasn't to hard getting it up but it was alot harder comming down, so I slowly walked out into the family room and let the 10 pound weight fall to the couch.I may even try 60 pounds on sat.
I am having another bad craving day! I want choc so bad.It is gone again now but it will probably come back after dinner tonight.Maybe for meal 4 I will have a protein shake with choc pudding in it.Maybe that will do the trick:9 My craving was so bad that I scraped some choc off of a cookie that had been in the cupboard for ages,it wasn't good either.Then I said,thats it! I am going down stairs and getting a real brownie out of the deep fridge.I did just that, put the brownie in the microwave,put lots of choc icing on top and then......I threw it in the garbage:+ It was the sadest event of the day.No wonder I am craving, today is suppose to be my cheat day.We will see if I can last till saturday.If I do maybe I will go out and have a piece of choc explosion cheesecake.
LuvCardio: I don't have blonde hair naturally, but I have highlights and color in my hair.I am only 24 so I am not covering gray yet.I have curly hair that is half way down my back , I can't cut it so I color it , for change.
I did IMAx 2 yesterday,I hit a 10 about 3 times.Some intervals I really gave it my all even though it was dreadfully early.I am not hungry again today.Is anyone else?
Right now I am only eating 5 meals.I am trying not to eat in the night time, but it is nice to know that it is there if I want it.I haven't been hungry in the evening either.
We watched a movie last night and my husband sat down with two bags of chips.Surprisingly it didn't bother me.I guess I knew I couldn't have it and besides I wasn't hungry anyway.Shows we should really listen to our bodies.If I wasn't on BFL I would of been eating them anyway,just b/c they were there.
Anyhoo, off I go again.I have to finish cleaning the bathroom and the kitchen floor.What's the good of a day off when you have to be cleaning all day!
Lori, you have some amazing willpower. I've been craving sweets as well. A snickers candy bar sounds really good about right now, but I am trying to resist the temptation. I need to come up with a good alternative. I don't think I could have thrown a brownie away like you did.

For some reason I can't do my workouts in the morning. I am a morning person, but I wouldn't give the workout my all out best. That is why I workout at night. I did PLB last night and my heighest weight was 50 pounds as well. I think I might go up to 55 or 60 pounds. I'll have to give that some serious thought. I want to make sure my form is perfect first. At that weight I have to go to dumbbells. There is no way I could lift a bar over my head with that weight. I've already decided that when we buy our next house I will buy a squat rack. Right now I have no room for anything big like that.

Tonight is going to be Imax 2. I'm ready to take on the intervals with a vengence.

I'm glad that everyone is doing well. Keep up the good work!
Hi guys! When you are having those super duper cravings that won't go away, you might want to try a Detour bar. If I am dying for something sweet, I will have half of one of those. They taste awesome and they contain whey protein. They are kind-of high in fat, but if you cut in half from the get go, you should be safe! Just a suggestion, take it or leave it!! ;-)
Kristi,my willpower didn't last long.I waited until it was shake time and then I caved.Not to bad though.I am trying not to feel bad about it b/c today is technically my cheat day.I had a couple of teddy grahams, and a couple of bite size oreos.I wasn't to bad.It is alot better to have that then a full day of eating bad food:) Take the positive with the negative,right.
I know I am a week behind but I am only just getting around to having my pitcure taken.I didn't quite want to throw up or anything.I actually looked at it and said"hmmm,thats not to bad,i'm not to bad"
Either way, there will be a difference when the challenge is over.In my case it will probably be a flatter belly and then some more defind muscles.I don't expect a big change in my weight.
I have been in the habit the last couple days of writing out my meals the night before and then switching them around the next day.One of my mindset goals for tomorrow is to eat exactly what I have written down.I am trying to eat the leftovers in the fridge.Pork chops and salmon.
Thanks for the advice on the bar.I don't know if I can get that one around here.I bought a few bars today.I bought some different ones, that of course,taste horrible.I think my favorite bar is the Advantage peanut butter one.It is like a peanut butter rice krispie square with choc on the bottom.The choc is actually good to.I haven't been just craving choc , but everything about it.I think I was craving a chucky areo bar melting in my mouth.Enough about that,we don't want to go there again!}(
It is cardio day tomorrow.I am not sure which one I will do.I REALLY don't think I can tackle Imax 1 in the morning.In my opinion that one is tougher then imax2.I am missing my terminator workouts to.I am going to have to see where I can put them in there.I can't go 12 weeks with no terminator workouts!
Other then that, my day wasn't to bad.I crashed but I got up and wiped the crumbs from the side of my mouth and put it behind me.I knew I was going to have some cravings sometime.I am a sucker for sweets.
Talk to you soon,hope everyone else had a good day
Hi everyone,
It is me again.I know this one was asked before but what supplements is everyone taking? I was thinking about ordering the CLA and the BetaGen but I thought that is was pill form.Is it actually a powder that you mix and drink? Is it like a protein drink? I was checking both of them out but I was afraid that I was going to be ordering the wrong thing.I am not actually ordering it from the BFL site , it is a canadian site.
Hi all;
I'm on week 10 of BFL! the supplements I have been using is Glutamine 20 g and it helps alot , I have CLA but forget to take it it works or not I don't know. I also have 2 tbsp of Flax oil daily mixed into my protein drink which I mix with 1/2c. of oatmeal and drink it as a meal replacement.
Hi Lori! I know that the Betagen is in powder form. It comes in some very yummmy flavors. They are all good - the grape is my favorite, though! You just use a little scoop of it with about 4 oz. of water. I don't know about the CLA. I was thinking about getting this too. Let me know what you hear about it!!
Hi guys. I take betagen and CLA. I have noticed an improvement in recovery with betagen. You just mix 1.5 teaspoons with 4 oz of water and chug it. It actually tastes pretty good. I have also noticed some goodness since I started taking CLA. I can tell the fat is going away on my belly. It is suppose to help those hard to burn fat areas! I also just ordered the ThermoDynamix fat burner from EAS. It is Efedra free.

Today I did PLB and also some exercises on my universal weight machine (leg presses & extensions.) I can already tell I am going to be sooooorrrreeee!!!

I realized today if we do the PLB and PUB we are actually doing too many different exercises for the BFL program. I called EAS today and clarified how it works. You are only suppose to pick 2 exercises for each muscle. You do 12, 10, 8, 6 reps. Then you lower back down the weight and do 12 reps at high point of the same 1st exercise. Then you do the 2nd exercise at high point for 12 reps. I didn't realize that! I am thinking of switching to that method. After all the advice I have seen on the web and other success stories of BFL everyone says to stick to it to a "T". What do you guys think?

I have also done a ton of research on the cardio aspect. Everyone including EAS says CUT DOWN your cardio and focus on intensity. I am really starting to believe that has been my problem.... too much cardio. The EAS guy told me today that too much cardio is what makes your wt workouts counterproductive. He said the cardio tears down the muscles you work so hard at building during your intense wt workouts. He said that 20 minutes of truly intense cardio provides all the same benefit as a 40-50 minute cardio segment. It is all about the intensity and what happens AFTER the workout. Could it really be true??? It is just so hard to give up but I am going to try to really follow the BFL way!

I also asked them about inner/outer thigh. They said that for women they suggest adding it in. So today I did all of PLB.

Hope you are all doing good. Have a happy Wednesday. I will be up at 5:00 a.m. working out! My body is so use to it now I wake up at 4:50 on the nose!
I went ahead and ordered the two products.I am hoping that it will be here by friday.I got some good feedback.
I did PLB yesterday as well.It was actually the first time that I did the video from start the finish.I couldn't do the last part with the ball.The ball was all over the place!:eek: So I pulled my step over and away I went.My buns are sore today.Last time I did PLB I could barely walk.
I am trying to cut back on my cardio as well.I am thinking about doing IMAX extreme today , just to mix it up a little and then go REALLY hard on my intervals.I didn't do any cardio yesterday, which was hard for me.
When I bought my BFL book last fall.A couple of my friends went ahead and ordered it after.When they were talking to the sales person, she/he was telling them how awesome the program was, and that some of the people that worked there were on the program and they looked amazing.They also followed the program to a "T".I would LOVE to follow this program to a "T" but I would also LOVE to put a terminator workout in there somewhere! We shall see.
I have also thought about modifing PUB next time I do it.If we stick to the same workout all the time , then we will be doing the same exercise everytime!I don't think our bodies will benefit from that.
Anyway ladies,have a good day.Today one of my goals is to stick to my plan exactly how it is written.I have been chaging my mind with my meals! Not today though, there is gonna be alot of stars on each day from here on in.Followed my workouts,followed my diet and did my mind set plans.
Talk to you soon,
Its me again.I just finished doing Imax extreme.You know what? This one is a great one to put in place of the run! Now grant it, you probably stay at a level 5/6 longer then what he recommands b/c your doing the cardio part from C&W first.So that takes about 5 min.Then you move up into a interval #2, where you are probably at a level 6/7,( while doing the step routine) and then you move into the actually interval part which would be considered a level 8/9, depending on how hard you want to push yourself.Then you move into interval #3, so you are repeating those levels again,6/7,8/9.So you are actually hitting all levels.Then you go back to your C&W section for 5 min, then you do two more intervals,#4 and #5 and my opinion interval #5 can DIFFENTLY fall in under the level 10 catogorey!Then stop.Thats what I did and on interval #5 , the coffee I drank before my workout almost revisited me and that only happens on those God forsaken runs:+
Do you understand what I am saying?I would imagine you do.Not exactly like the run, but it is the closet we will get to it while doing aerobics.I did half today and I think on Friday I will do the other half.Then I will end the workout with Interval #9 which would be considered another 10.It takes about 35 min,including the warm up.
Just in case the people at EAS are right about to much cardio. Hope you all try this.Either way, it was a great excuse for me not to have to do all of it:p :p :p :p
Chat to you soon,
Hi everyone,
I did lower body this morning. I watched PLB as I was doing it but geared it towards BFL way. I skipped the leg presses. Did lunges doing 12,10,8,6,12 and then did leg curls right after. I also did the squat/plie routine 12,10,8,6,12 and then did leg extensions right after. Did calves and abs. This worked out great.

Tomorrow is cardio. I am going to change up the cardio a bit and instead of increasing the incline, I plan on increasing the speed. I usually get in the full 20 minutes then need a cool down so it is usually 25-30 minutes.

For PUB I am thinking about doing it the way I did PLB. Do the one exercise for the 12,10,8,6,12 and the second exercise Cathe does I will do the 12. Hopefully it will work this way.

I also plan on doing a stretching/yoga routine three days a week in the evening while hubby is doing his exercising.

Hubby and I did this a couple years ago just like it was spelled out in the book both weight and cardio and we seen results. Of course mine were slower than hubby's but we are trying again. The eating part will be in full force next week, but I did good yesterday. Ate only what I was suppose to. I have to agree that the Detour bars are wonderful. I need to go buy some more. They are expensive but hopefully I can find a cheaper place to buy them besides GNC. Any good websites?

Thanks Rhonda
Well, I have cardio on the calendar for today. Do you guys all do your cardio on an empty stomach??? Your weights??? This is something I have really been struggling with. I do not hop out of bed in the morning like I am supposed too. I had some oatmeal this morning for breakfast w/ some pro powder. It was about an hour ago. I have to do my workout now because I have to take my daughter to the dr. I think I am going to do BlastMania. I have really considered following to a "T" too. This week so far I have done LB, UB, and now cardio. I did this 3 years ago, I threw all my papers away, but went I went to leanandstrong and figured it out on their body calculator there I had actually lost muscle. I do not think I did a whole lot of extra cardio?? I really cut down on my carbs though and I will not do that this time.
Lori S.
Good morning everyone! It is great that you have already done your exercising for the day. I'm always dragging in the morning even though I'm up by 6. The baby gets me up about twice during the night and boy has that played havoc on my sleep schedule. In any case, I plan to do PUB this morning. Last night I did Imax 2 but I only made it to interval 8. (In the past I did the whole thing with little or no modifications.) My tailbone isn't healing as quickly as I would like for it to and the high impact isn't helping. I did have to modify a few intervals to avoid pain. I'm hoping that it will be healed soon so I can give it my all. I would have to say that it is 90-95% healed. I only feel it when I am doing cardio and sometimes when I am doing PLB.

Good luck today with your eating!
I do my cardio on a empty stomach.But I haven't been hungry either.I guess if I was starving then it would be different.I have a cup of coffee before I workout.When I did BFL last fall,I couldn't do weights first thing in the morning.I figured I could lift heavier later in the day.But when I was lifting I was going by the book, which wasn't as motivating as working out with Cathe.Now, that I use PUB video I can lift just as heavy on a empty stomach.The last two nights I have been late going to bed.And I have still been getting up early.I had a nap yesterday evening but I am tired now.I could lie down and take a nap but I have to go to work at 1:00.I need to get outside in the cold, that should wake me up.I have to work until 9 tonight;( I don't know if you guys remember but I hate my job, or the people I work for.So, I would much rather nap:7
Have a good day everyone,
Does anyone order supplements on-line? I would like to order some Detour bars and shakes but not sure what on-line company is reputable. I was checking and what a difference in price from GNC, so I would like to order on-line but kinda afraid to. Any suggestions??

Hi Ladies!

Well this morning I got up bright and early and popped in IMAX 2! 5:45 a.m. and I'm trying to be quiet doing this! :) You can't keep from moaning during those genie hops. ;) Today is really upper body for me but I wimped out on my cardio last night. I did about ten minutes of step, tried to jump rope but the wine from a couple of hours prior was interfering badly! }( I know, I know! Don't drink and drive....don't drink and exercise! :) I felt fine but once the old heart rate started increasing, I felt sluggish! So IMAX 2, to the rescue this morning!

Lori – considering that I don’t have the DVD’s, do you think that IMAX2 would qualify as a BFL cardio? 5 Intervals per cardio workout? Let me know what you think!

Luvcardio – Tonight I’m scheduled to do PUB. I think I’m going to try this format you just described (because that really is the BFL way). But tell me this, when you came upon the second exercise and only did the set of 12 reps, did you just fast forward to the next exercise? Take a break while Cathe and crew continued?

This weekend I'm going to check on creatine, betagen and cla. I have a 50% off birthday coupon to use this month as well as my bonus dollars from Vitamin World. Maybe I'll visit the website first, to help myself along with my decision. I am such a procrastinator!

For those who work out in the mornings and are not a coffee drinkers, do you take/drink anything before your workouts to get you going? Some mornings, on the few I choose to do cardio before coming in to work I need a little pick me up so that I can really get into the cardio.

Thanks for your help,
Hi angie,
I would consider IMAx 2 a good workout for the cardio part of the program.That was what I was doing last week.I started with the intentions of doing just half of the workout but the I kept going and did all of it.You could still do Imax extreme if you have C&W workout.Just get it already to pop in and out of the VCR.If you want to know what it consist of let me know.The only big down fall to doing that would be, having to wait while C&W is fastforwarding threw the upper body workout.I wouldn't consider that I big deal.You would only have to do it once.

I ordered BetaGen and CLA lastnight.I ordered it from SNDCANADA.COM
If your not canadian then you will get it even cheaper.I have never ordered anything from them before, so hopefully everything will work out.
Off I go to work...
Talk to you soon,
>Does anyone order supplements on-line? I would like to order
>some Detour bars and shakes but not sure what on-line company
>is reputable. I was checking and what a difference in price
>from GNC, so I would like to order on-line but kinda afraid
>to. Any suggestions??

Hi Rhonda I order my supplements via
I have never had a problem with them and my order usually gets here with 2 days of placing it :)
Hi Rhonda!

I buy my supplements at They are the cheapest place that I have found and I generally get my order in 3-5 days.
Hi ya BLFer''re you all liking your challenges? I'm not a BFLer myself but I do hang at LeanandStrong so I get a lot of of info on BFL and I did read the book eons ago!

I enjoy reading your string and just thought I'd wave hello instead just lurking. :)

Hang tough!

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