BFL Check-in Week 2


Hi LAdies,
I hope you don't mind me starting this trend.The other trend was getting way to big so I thought we should start a new one,let each other know how our week went and what we are planning to do this week comming.
As you know I only started on Wed.So for me I am still in my first week.You also know that I am going down south in 9 weeks.So the challenge for me may be cut a little short.I asked a question on the BFL website and got a pretty good answer.I was wondering,b/c I only have 9 weeks is it possible to skip my free day or only have one every second week? Would I see results quicker then? When I did BFL before,those freedays really threw me for a loop.Everything was wrong! Every meal was all over the place, I ate whatever I wanted and how much I wanted.Let me tell you from experience,don't do it.Have one free meal or some ice cream or something.I am the type of person that when you throw me off my schedule, I am TOTALLY SCREWED UPx( It's better for me if I could stick with this plan and only have my 1 treat instead of a day filled with treats.Any weight that I had lost seemed like it had came right back on after that day.I think you feel better about yourself when you eat better, even if you still weigh and look the same
Last night we went out for dinner and the first outfit that I tried on, was the one I wore.That never happens to me.But I think even my eating pattern and to know that I have been good all week really helped my self confidence.
I had a good workout week.It is nice being on some sort of rotation.I followed my success journal as if I started on a Monday.I am hoping that if I skip my free days that I will (sometime) end up on the same day as the book.
This is what my week looked like:
Wed:pUB and Step and Intervals,abs
Thurs: IMAX 2
Fri: PLB and the first 2 parts of 10-10-10
Sat: Imax 2
Sun:pUB and All Step
Tomorrow I plan on doing Imax 2 again.I love getting up early and getting my workout done for the day.Its also nice not to have to spend 2 hours working out.
My eating as been very good , considering how I use to eat before.Last night I had a drink with dinner and I had a little bit of my husbands cheesecake.Right now I will consider that my cheat day.I was only hungry the first day and I have been pretty good since.I haven't had any strong cravings or temptations .Sometimes I am ready for my meals but I am not starving.
All in all, I had a pretty good week.I slept in a little later today so my meals are backed up a little but thats no big deal.Thats about I haven't said enough.:p Have a god week ladies..and good luck..
Hi Lori. I too am still in the 1st week and really only formally on the 2nd day since I really didn't formally start the journaling and true diet until yesterday. My hubby has decided to join me in the BFL fun which should be so helpful.

Looks like you are doing great. Your routine looks good.

I think I am going to ignore what EAS says about cardio. I just called and talked to a couple idiots over there. They don't have a clue. I wish I could talk to someone who really knows what they are talking about over there. The guy was telling me that there is no way we could be getting an intense workout as the bFL 20 min and lasting 40 minutes??? Have any of you done any research on the cardio aspect?

I am so with you on the free day thing. My hubby and I did BFL a few years ago after I had my baby. I lost a ton of weight but never fully finished the program. The free days are what got us. They turned into free day + sat. night... then free weekend. We would just indulge ourselves. I think I am going to do a similar thing as to what you said this time. I am going to only cheat like I usually do. Maybe 1 bad meal and a bad snack or something. Last time I did BFL I also gained all the weight back plus some. I cut way down on the cardio and I don't think that helped. I even went to the Dr. afterward and he said I probably decreased my metabolism more than I increased it and that I lost a ton of water weight which is why I gained it all back quickly. I am going to try and do it different this time.

I am looking forward to the wt. routine though and less cardio days per week. I think the BFL wt plan will keep me from overtraining because in reality your muscles get 2 days of rest in between the next time they are worked, right. How is it working for you guys who have been on it longer.

Anyway, I am sorry this post is so long. I love this Forum and am so glad we have eachother for motivation, someone to chat with etc. I am off to PUB! Yeahhhh!!!! I love this one.

Have a happy Sunday.
Well, I think I had a really good week. I took my free day today and ate pretty clean all day. I had 2 1/2 pieces of garlic bread at dinner w/ my steak, and a couple bags of Healthy Choice popcorn. I will also eat 2 little Cookie Dough Sundaes from WW's. I will do the LB potion from MIS tomorrow w/ my rocker and then the cardio and LB from BC. I have to keep my free day on Sunday for it not to turn into a "Free" weekend, and keep to 2 or 3 treats and I will see great progress. The last time I did this and that is what I did, and I really had good results. I also like working out 1 hour a day, I feel so much better. Have a great week everyone!!!!!
Lori S.
My husband was going to try it to.He doesn't need to lose weight but he wanted to build some muslce.He made it past the first meal.I'm sort of glad that he isn't doing it, b/c I was trying to make his meals,while I was making my own and that first day got to be to much.I would of had to tell him what to eat and when.He is just crazy busy and is all over the place.
I tried the BFL runs before.They are pretty tough but I can't see it burning much more fat then Imax 1 or 2.On one run while reaching my highpoint, I stopped and threw up.Yep, I really reached my highpoint that day.If anyone saw me that had to think I was nuts.7 in the morning, running up the road like the cops are chasing me and then stopping by the stop sign to puke!I think 3 interval workouts are great in this program and when I can, I will be doing some CTX cardio.I don't think I am going to put any totally body workouts in there yet.I have been really sore from the weight work already.I really think that if you are following the diet, then you should see results.I don't think I am going to eat Mael 6 either unless I REALLY have to! Imax 2 again tomorrow.I just LOVE that workout.I hope I won't get tired of it to soon.I guess I will have to use Imax 1 in there somewhere to but I don't think I can handle that one at 6 in the morning.
Hope you have a good week,
LoriHart - Your running story cracked me up!!!!!!!! Sounds like something I would do! Your hubby sounds just like mine. He is so cute. He is asking 1 million questions. We went shopping tonight and filled up the house with healthy, BFL approved foods. It would truly be difficult to eat bad around here now :+ (as long as you look past the cookies in the pantry... hee hee)

Have a couple questions for all of you.....
1. What supplements are you taking?
2. How do you plan on working in cardio?

I am currently taking CLA, Pyruvate (but just ran out), BetaGen and tons of Myoplex.

I am still doing some research on cardio. I posted a msg on the bfl forum today about the cardio. All the responses said to stick with what Bill recommends. One girl e-mailed me and said she has lost 8 lbs in 3 weeks and decreased her cardio exactly as he said. She said she was worried about it too at first. Wonder if the Imax2 cardio blast would work well for this program?

Imax2 is also my favorite cardio of choice. I am also worried I am going to get sick of it. I have been thinking about working in Imax1 as well. I also did cardio kicks the other day and it was fun too.

Tomorrow is cardio for me so I am either doing Imax2 or Cardio Kicks with a couple of intervals from Imax added.

p.s. I did PUB today and increased my weights. I really tried to focus on intensity. Man, I am sore! It feels so different than the last time I did it.
Hi Girlies,
Call me silly but I have been taking two Xendrine first thing in the morning.I am not taking it for weight loss, but to help wake me up.Along with 2 cups of coffee.Which I am sure Bill wouldn't recommended:) Your suppose to take 2 pills in the afternoon to, but I am not doing that.
I bought some shakes that the girl at GNC recommended.She said it is most like Myoplex.I also called in one day and asked her if I should buy the things that are recommended in the book.And she said; No, that it would cost you $3000.She also said that the Myoplex would cost me a fortune.$80 for 10 days worth or something.Maybe it is more expensive in Canada:+
I am going to be doing Imax 2 today.The way I plan on fitting my cardio in, is do it in the morning, if I have time.When I take my sneakers off in the morning, they are not going back on until the next day.Or I will be right back to where I started.If I have time and energy after I do PUB then I will do a CTX cardio.I don't think I will attempt this after a leg workout though, my legs are usually WAY to weak after a weight workout.That will be tomorrow.
I weighed whenI got up and I was down 1.5 pounds from thursday.I am sure it is only water weight.But hey,I don't mind!:7
I really focused on intensity yesterday to.For biceps I only have 8's,10's,15's.On the way up , at the second set,instead of using my 10's, I grabbed my 3 pound dumbells a long with it.So really I was lifting 10,13 and 15.It was alittle ackward but it was only for 10 reps.Normally I would use 8,10,15.
Today I am going to try to hit my intervals REALLY hard.Its so early in the morning but I will TRY.
Does anyone else dream about this stuff? I go to bed thinking about it cause I will fill out my journal and then I am ready to get up and 6 and totally looking forward to it.I even got up at 3 to blow my nose and wished it was 6.How weird is that? Youwould think that I was happy I had 3 more hours of sleep to go.I don't care if I think about ita lot.You sort of have to when you have to eat every 3 hours, write everything down, and workout hard.
I am also glad that I have you guys.It is great to chat with you all the time.No one else knows that I am doing this.Only my husband.The girls see me drinking shakes at work but they have seen me do that before, so they think nothing of it.
Anyway, have a good day ladies,off I go to do IMax2
I think this week I am going to go exactly by the book. 3 days of cardio, and 3 days of weights. Last week I did a little bit more. I think I will go for LL today, and maybe some legs from ME. I just love my Rocker, I can't wait to use it!!!!!
Hi everyone,

I was planning on starting BFL next week. I was thinking of doing the pyramid workouts from Cathe and my treadmill or recumbent bike for the cardio. I am hoping I can do it this time. My hubby and I started a couple years ago and lasted for a couple months. Not sure why we went off of it, he lost 15 pounds and I was down 10. Unfortunately it has crept back on. I plan on taking pictures this weekend and weighing with measurements.

I bought a protein bar from GNC, it was called Detour (caramel and peanuts) and I thought it was the best protein bar I have tried. It tasted a lot like a snickers. I figured I could eat half for a morning snack and half for an afternoon snack. How much oatmeal can you eat in the morning on the BFL diet? I usually fix myself 3/4 cup mixed with water. My problem is usually lunch because I just never know what to bring.

Good luck to everyone and I will keep in touch as I start my venture on Monday.
HI all! Looks like everyone is starting their week off good.

I have to share the most yummy breakfast I just ate. I got the recipe off of They are pancakeds called Shanny Cakes and are sooooo good! They have 1/2 c oatmeal, 1/2 banana, 5 egg whites (I used egg beaters), 2 tbs splenda, 1 tbs cinnamon, 1 cap vanilla, and 1/2 c cottage cheese so they have everything you need for a great yummy breakfast. Just mix it all up in the blender, and then fry them in the pan w/Pam for a couple minutes. I put some sugar free, reduced calorie syrup on them and I felt like I wasn't even on a diet! :9 They are portable and make a great mid-morning or afternoon snack when you get that craving for something sweet. I have such a sweet tooth in the morning for pancakes/waffles so I am going to have to find more recipes like this to make it thru.

I too am off to Imax2 today. I can't wait. Don't feel crazy LoriHart! I think about it all the time too. Sometimes I worry about myself that I might be losin' it :7 Oh well, there are lots of worse hobbies and addictions!!! hee hee As long as we are being healthy about it, not over training and seeing success what is ther not to be excited about?

Rhonda - glad you can join us. Let us know if you have any questions. I just formally started on Friday so if you get started soon you won't be far behind us. The rest of the girls all started sometime last week. Lastnight we went grocery shopping and got all kinds of good things. It is going to make sticking to this diet sooooo much easier. I bought the George Foreman grill and am going to try it out for lunch today. I am lucky in that I have a cafeteria at my work so there is tons of veggies, a salad bar, sandwich bar and a grill where they have chicken breasts, veggie burgers etc. It is only my own fault if I don't eat healthy. You might want to try salads, sandwiches, veggie burgers etc. I sometimes brown some hamburger the night before and take it in with a couple corn tortillas, some salsa and fat free cheese and make a couple yummy soft tacos at the office :9 Once you get use to it you will find some other ideas. There are also some good recipes on the BFL site.

LoriSax- how do you use the BNTR with Cathe? Does it allow you to lift more weight? Is it portable? Or does it have to stay where you put it? Where did you get it?? How much was it? I am hearing so much about these things I am getting curious.
It sounds like everyone is off to a great start! Good job!!

Today is going to be the beginning of week 2 for me. I have a new outlook on my eating now and I hope it will prove me more successful than last week. I could not keep myself from munching on something sweet. However, my exercising was right on schedule. Tonight I plan on doing PLB. The great news is that I have not gained any weight. (I could not lose weight with the way I was cheating last week.) I think I am going to tweak the eating a bit though. 5 meals should be sufficient for me and I'm going to try to go supplement free. (However, I do have protein powder in case I need a quick meal. Also, I don't plan on taking a free day, but rather a free treat. It is easier for me to keep my eating under control that way.

Wish me luck on a new week. By week 3 or 4 we should be pros.
That is so awesome that you three (LoriHart, Sara, & LuvCardio) will be trying to get pregnant this summer. That is so GREAT! It makes me want to have another one. My son, Alexander, is only 8 months old and just learned to crawl, if you want to call it that, this past Thursday. I figure by the time he is almost 2 then I will be ready for another one. My husband doesn't even know yet, or maybe he chooses to not let on that he knows. Alexander is also a big time Momma's Boy, which I absolutely love. As you can tell he is our first.

Welp, enough of my blabbing. I guess I need to get back to work. Have a nice day!!
Happy Monday!! :)

My first week went okay, I think. It was TTOTM so I was pretty sluggish all week long. But I am feeling much better now. Here are my plans for this week:

Sun- CTX UB (done)
Tue- Cardio (probably run on the treadmill)
Wed- PUB plus cardio
Thu- PLB
Fri- Rest
Sat- Cardio (long run)

I'm not sure if I'm going to try doing cardio in the mornings again. This week I'm going to go for short cardio workouts after my upper body training because I'm starting to work running back into my training (have some upcoming 5k's and half marathons).

I received CTX Upper Body over the weekend and loved it! So of course after the preview Saturday I had to work it into my rotation. I think I'm going to do 2 upper and 2 lowers this week to see how I like that compared to 3 splits and one full body.

Since I'm not planning on officially entering the contest (I don't think) I'm not going to worry about the brand of supplements that I use - although I am using the EAS AdvantEdge shakes for either my morning or afternoon snack. The ready to drinks shakes are quick and easy.

I'm also sticking with one free meal per week too. Sometimes when I take a day it's rolls into the next day especially if it's the on the weekend. But a free meal and a free snack sounds interesting! :)

Have a great week!
Okay... all I can say is you MUST get the George Foreman grill (if you don't already have it.) Don't know how I lived without it! Look at my post on the topic! I had the BEST lunch today thanks to the new grill. I'm so excited for all the new menus I will be able make on my own with a grill and without relying on my hubby. Usually I broil things in the oven when he is too busy or not around. Now I can do it all on my own :+

I did Imax2 today. PLB tomorrow. Then I am doing PUB on Wed so I can do cardio on Thursday. I am switching it up because my fav step class is on Thursday nights. Hopefully it won't screw up my recovery??

I have stuck to my diet since Sat. like a "t". After looking at those horrible pics it is a lot easier!

Looks like you all are doing good! Keep up the good work.
I'm glad your enjoying your new grill:) I have a grill also but it is so hard to clean that I don't use it alot.I think your actually "grill" part comes out while mine doesn't.
I found a sugar free brownie recipe today.It sounded pretty good.The brownies were only 61 cals and 0.something carbs.I didn't have many carbs with my dinner so I figured I could have the brownie.What a awful food!!! It tasted like a bad protein bar! I was going to freeze them just b/c I hate to throw food out.As I was putting it in the container I said" forget this,these are awful".They were really strong tasting from the cocoa.
Now I am going to watch a movie with my husband while he is eating CHIPS;( I spoke to soon when I said I haven't craved anything.I have been craving choc every since dinner.31/2 hours I have been fighting it.And the so-called brownie didn't help at all.
Have a good evening everyone, Im getting sleepy.I was up at 5:50 today but totally excited about it! I wonder how long I will enjoy getting up that early?
Question for everyone -

Do you use PLB and PUB as is or do you change them up to be more like the BFL way?

Does anyone add in extra stretching or yoga in the evenings? I was thinking about doing this just so I don't get stiff.

I did the HITS cardio on my treadmill this morning. All I did was play with the incline and wow what a workout I had.

I am so happy, my hubby is joining me in this adventure. He did his upper body weights last night. He won't use videos so he was picking the exercises from what was listed on the BFL site. I am so happy. We won't be working out together because I prefer to get mine over and done with in the morning before work and he does his in the evening after work.

Hope everyone has a great day. Rhonda
Last night I did PUB the BFL way. I did the first 3 sets with Cathe then I upped the weight to do 1 set of 6 reps and then I lowered to the 8 rep weight to do 1 set of 12. I omitted the second 12 rep set. I wanted to mix things up a little. However, last week I did both of the tapes all the way through with Cathe. I haven't decided which way I will stick with. I will probably keep mixing it up.

My husband is such a sweety. He had a late meeting last night so he stopped by McDonalds last night to pick up some dinner. While he was there he picked me up a small strawberry sundae. I was so proud of my eating yesterday, no cheating, but I had to blow it because I didn't want to hurt his feelings for being so thoughful. Oh well. I will do better today.

Is anyone doing abs more than just on the lower body days? I've been thinking about doing short 10 minute sessions during my lunches or adding them on at the end of my weight training days. I've come to the realization that I need more ab work.

Good luck today!!
I am going to do all of PS UB today. I had that sets before and did not like it. I sold it on Ebay. Then when Marlene came out with The Tank Top Rotation I bought it again. I just love it now!!! Go figure, by the way, I do have blonde hair. I will probably do a CTX cardio today too. Tomorrow I will probably get up and do some cardio on an empty stomach. I think I will do 2 Upper's, 2 lower's, and 3 cardio's this week. I just feel in my guts I should really concentrate on building muscle. I am built very much like Cedie, and what she said about her pre-intensity diet and workouts really rings in my head.

LuvCardio- Some one posted on here to me and told me how to use the BTR instead of a barbell. It works great!!! It is all about feet placement. Right now I have the 10 lb. band on it, and the 25 lb. band. I also have 30 lbs. of weight plates on each side. I would say yes, I can lift heavier. My knees do not bother me half as much when I use this. I am going to measure my hips when we finish week 4, and see if it helped at all. I do have to say though, without any results, I absolutely love this thing. I ordered more 25 lb. bands, about 2 weeks ago, and they have not come yet. I am getting ready to call??!!!
Lori S.
Hi gals. I did Imax2 yesterday and REALLY focused on intensity! It rocked! Today I am doing PLB and will also hop on my universal weight machine for legs. It has leg extensions, leg presses etc. I need to start using it more! I am really going to try and focus on intensity and increasing the wts today. I am a bit nervous. I have to skip lunges most the time because they hurt my knees. Hoping I can start getting the same benefits on the machine??

Rhonda - I have been using PUB just how Cathe does it. However, this week I am going to start adding an extra set at a heavier weight and see if I notice a difference. That is cute your hubby is doing it with you. So is mine. He is following the diet, but not working out yet. I ordered him some myoplex lastnight.

Kristi - I have been doing abs more frequently as I could use some help there. I figure it can't hurt??? I have been doing them every other day on my weight days. I will do them today with PLB I think. What exercises are you all doing for abs? I have just been using the intensity series. I am thinking maybe I should do somehting different. I don't even remember what it says in the BFL book.

LoriSax - sounds like you are getting your system down. I have blonde hair too in case you didn't guess already. I wonder if LoriHart does?? E-mail me and I will send you a pic. Maybe you guys could do the same?? I am going to have to look into the BNTR. Sounds cool. I am also built just like Cedie and tend to carry all of my weight in the lower portion. I sure wish I looked like she does in the new videos. I am not even close. I look more like what she looks like in some of the older ones. I too think this is a great program for our body types as it forces us to decrease cardio, which I think is what we need.

LoriHart - my grill doesn't come apart either. I sure hope it isn't a pain to clean. Last night I just put some wet paper towels in there and closed the lid when we were eating dinner and all the junk came right out! Hmmmmm... Sorry your brownie experience was not enlightening! Try a Myoplex shake with a tsp of peanut butter in it! That usually seems to help me. Also, I love the Myoplex peanut caramel crisp bars They are coated with choc on the bottom. They ALWAYS satisfy my choc cravings!

Pfive - I am with you on the free meal versus free day! I am NOT doing the free day this time. It screwed me all up the last time I did BFL. Now, I am going to enjoy a free meal plus an extra treat. I might do a yummy pancake breakfast with light syrup etc. and then a healthy lunch, snacks and then a dinner of my choice with dessert! I am going to do mine on Saturdays this time. Last time I did it on Sunday and it caused problems since we are usually out to eat on Sat. night. Free day started to turn into free day + sat. night then before I knew it, it was FREE WEEKEND!!!! So I need to be careful this time.

Also, wanted to let you know I won a BFL book and Success Video on EAS Community Guestbook! I got an e-mail yesterda:) All you have to do is register and post a message! Cool, huh! I needed a new book as mine is literally falling apart. The pages are falling out.... and of course it is the nutrition pages.

I was real good on my diet since Saturday! It feels so good. I am sticking to it to a "t" other than that I haven't made a 6th meal in any day???!!!! x( Are you guys doing the 6th meal. It is just so hard sometimes. I am going to try hard today to fit it in. I did drink a shake at 9:00 both Sunday and Monday nights.

Have you guys taken your measurements yet? I took all of mine this weekend.

Need Motivation...???? Take a look at the msn BFL Winners site LoriSax gave us. There are some amazing transfomration stories on there! After looking at that lastnight I was even more motivated!

Sorry the message is so long. Figured I would catch all your comments in one post! Hope you are doing great and having a happy Tuesday! Happy BFLing!
I was planning to do the Pyramids the BFL way but forgot once i got started with the workouts. I'm going to try it later this week - the changing of the reps. I think I'll keep the same pyramid format but go much heavier on the weights, this way I'll have to slow down and will get in fewer reps. We'll see how that works out! :)
Hi everyone! I haven't checked in for a couple of days - the weather has been in the mid-70's so we have been outside enjoying every minute of it!!! It sounds like all of you are doing awesome!
That cheat day is the death of me! I have the worst time getting back on track. I usually blow it the next day too! I think you guys are right, one cheat MEAL is a much better alternative!!
Sunday I did Step & Int. and ME abs. Monday was PUB - it just felt awesome! Today, I did Blast Mania and BC Core only.
I have been reading a lot about CLA lately. Has anyone noticed good results with this stuff? Right now I am just doing shakes. I'm nervous to take much more, in case we were to get pregnant.
Have a great Tuesday everyone!! :)

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