Beware of Nutrasweet and Equal


This subject is a little pet project of mine. My dad is a biochemist and started warning me about aspartame (Nutrasweet and Equal) and its hazards years ago. I finally started doing my own research and was all but shocked that aspartame was actually approved by the FDA. Based on my research, there appears to have been a political/greed reason for getting aspartame approved, but we won't go into that here. I want to focus on the health factors since I assume everyone here is into being healthy.

1. You should NOT bake anything with Nutrasweet or Equal, and you should not add it to any hot liquid, such as coffee or tea. To heat aspartame over 86 degrees is to turn it into a readily digestable poison (I currently don't have my research notes with me, so I can't give you the exact name of this poison, but if you want it, I will look it up and post it later).

2. You should NOT ingest aspartame cold, because cold temperatures chemically alter aspartame into a different kind of toxin.

So, we've ruled out putting aspartame in your hot cup of tea, your hot cup of coffee, your cold sugar-free Jello, your Diet Coke or Pepsi....etc.

3. You should not ingest aspartame that has been stored for long periods or been exposed to hot or cold environments. Long duration of storage also chemically alters aspartame into a toxin.

4. Aspartame has been shown to exacerbate and/or cause a myriad of symptoms and diseases, contributing to the worsening of such conditions as arthritis/joint pain, migraines, organ deterioration, cancer, irritable bowel syndrome, attention deficit disorder, etc. The list includes over 90 symptoms, some more severe than others.

5. Children or women who are pregnant should not ingest aspartame. Chilren and fetuses absorb the toxins more rapidly and the symptoms are more pronounced in these cases. (Anyone familiar with ADD?)

6. Diabetics should not ingest aspartame, as it leads to increased diabetic complications in regard to insulin levels and possible convulsions. (I always wondered why my blood sugar got all screwed up after I drank a diet soda...and I'm not even diabetic)

7. The body breaks down aspartame into toxic substances: formaldehyde is one of those substances. Lab testing has indicated that the toxic substances tend to get absorbed into brain tissue, and testing has shown an increase in brain tumors in subjects that regularly ingest aspartame (the tumors are mostly benign, but some are cancerous).

...and these are just a few problems associated with aspartame's use. You can do your own research and draw your own conclusions (there's a wealth of knowledge on the internet and in books about this, even detailing how it got approved by the FDA in a political move to line the pockets of those with influence). I just thought I'd share what I've learned. I actually went through my kitchen and threw away everything that had aspartame in it after I started doing my research.

The big companies don't want you to know this because it would cut into their profits. They have gone to great lengths to keep this information from getting out...but I hope that more and more people will take initiative to learn about this themselves and not just take someone's word for it, anymore, that it's "good for them." I mean, they said VIOXX was good for people, too...and look what happened there! The FDA approved that drug, too. Just goes to show that the FDA is not infallible and that they do approve bad products.

Sorry so long, folks, but I thought this was important information.
Also, it takes a common sense not to put the crap in your body that's not natural. I'd take regular sugar over aspartame anyday although I don't drink soda. UGH! Tastes too fake or something. Also, a friend told me aspartame is made of formaldahyde (spell is wrong but it's the closest I can guess) When I used to drink diet coke A LONG time ago, I'd feel strange. Never again. Frankly, I think the FDA is stupid and it's all about the MONEY. They don't give a damn about people's health 98% of the time.
Well, I prefer Splenda but I'll never go back to sugar, even if it means ingesting poison. x(

This reminds me of that Gilda Radner song "Goodbye Saccharine." Same song, different drug.
> Also, it takes a common sense not to put the crap in your
>body that's not natural. I'd take regular sugar over aspartame
>anyday although I don't drink soda.

I agree!

OK, this may seem like a silly question. I am literally addicted to chewing gum throughout the day -- it's definitely an oral fixation thing, I put the gum in my mouth, take it out two seconds later, put another piece in. I sit at the computer all day and I used to smoke but quit over 3 years ago so I really think it's just a habit of doing something with my hands and mouth.

That quirky habit being admitted, I do chew sugerless gum because I don't want the sugar of regular sugar gum to ruin my teeth (and my diet, of course). But do you think the sugar subsititute in GUM may even be bad? Is this warning for those only in large doses??

I should try and give up this darn gum thing away, it causes gas from the air getting in during chewing, but hey, at least it's better then smoking! :)
I worked in foodservice for twenty years and always found it telling that when ants or mice invaded they loved the little sugar and honey packets, but passed right by the saccharine, nutrasweet, and splenda stuff.
>OK, this may seem like a silly question. I am literally
>addicted to chewing gum throughout the day -- it's definitely
>an oral fixation thing, I put the gum in my mouth, take it out
>two seconds later, put another piece in. I sit at the
>computer all day and I used to smoke but quit over 3 years ago
>so I really think it's just a habit of doing something with my
>hands and mouth.
>That quirky habit being admitted, I do chew sugerless gum
>because I don't want the sugar of regular sugar gum to ruin my
>teeth (and my diet, of course). But do you think the sugar
>subsititute in GUM may even be bad? Is this warning for those
>only in large doses??
>I should try and give up this darn gum thing away, it causes
>gas from the air getting in during chewing, but hey, at least
>it's better then smoking! :)

Yes, sugarfree gum has aspartame in, yes, the sugar substitute in gum is bad. I used to get headaches when I chewed sugarless gum...interesting that only sugarless gum caused headaches and not the sugary gum. I don't think anyone makes gum that isn't sweetened with aspartame now, so I haven't chewed gum in a looooooooong time. I was so mad when Wrigley's DoubleMint, Spearmint, and Juicy Fruit turned to aspartame a couple of years back.

Also, just a response to what you said about not wanting to chew sugary gum because you don't want it to ruin your teeth. I'd rather my teeth get ruined than my liver, my kidney, my brain, my knees and other joints, my digestive system, etc. Teeth can be replaced quite easily (although with a little discomfort)...a kidney or a brain is a little harder to replace.

I know a lady who got a brain tumor...and no one could figure out why...she was a big fan of "sugar-free this" and "diet that". She had surgery to remove the tumor, but she is not allowed to have children now because it could endanger her life. She can't do a lot of things because it could stress her body too much and kill her. I just find it coincidental that she was a big fan of the sugar-free and diet cola lifestyle. I knew a couple of other people who developed brain tumors, too...also big sugar-free and diet cola fans. I just remember thinking how weird it was that these young, healthy people I knew were getting unexplained brain tumors. Fortunately, they were all benign.
Splenda isn't all that great for you, either, if early testing is an indication. Preliminarily, it doesn't look as bad as aspartame, but it still shows signs of toxicity and organ problems.
>I worked in foodservice for twenty years and always found it
>telling that when ants or mice invaded they loved the little
>sugar and honey packets, but passed right by the saccharine,
>nutrasweet, and splenda stuff.

Yes, we need to pay attention to our little friends. Animals and insects are good at sniffing out what's good and what's bad.
I love Splenda too and I will continue to eat it. I love diet coke and am cutting back and will eventually quit.

I've read that if you chew the gum for longer than it takes to lose its flavor, the ill-effects of the sugar will be washed away. You produce extra saliva while chewing gum, so it's good for your teeth.

I chew so much gum and I keep the same piece in for hours. My jaw is always sore! But like you, I'm on the computer all day, and gum just helps. I don't know why...It's actually a habit I picked up from my mother and have already passed on to my daughter.
Has anyone tried that new Pepsi that's got half the sugar? Just wondering how it is. I love my diet cola! I have at least 30 oz. a day!
I don't understand how Splenda could be "unnatural" since it is made of sugar anyway.

Please relieve me of my ignorance.

Susan L.G.
>I've read that if you chew the gum for longer than it takes
>to lose its flavor, the ill-effects of the sugar will be
>washed away.

Uh...washed away WHERE? Into your body.
>I don't understand how Splenda could be "unnatural" since it
>is made of sugar anyway.

Using that logic, some plastics would be " natural" because they are made from soy.

Many things may start out " natural," but from processing become something quite different from what nature intended.

As for Splenda, it is processed with chlorine, I think (please correct me if I'm wrong).
I have been using nutrasweet for a long time. My husband also uses it. I have been concerned about it lately and worried that we might be harming our health by using it. My husband thinks that if it was bad for us it wouldn't be on the market. But i know that there are plenty of things on the market that have been taking off due to the harmful effects that it has had. My question to you is: Is it safe to take the splenda, or is it just as dangerous to take as well? Thank-you for taking the time to answer this email, really would like to know.
Thanks for posting this thread. Very interesting!! I remember back 10 years ago my Brother-in-law had part of his small intestine removed. He was a pop drinker, and he asked the Dr. if he should start drinking diet soda since he was worried about gaining weight, and the Dr. told him NO you are better drinking surgared soda because the nurtasweet slows down the metabolism. My BIL asked the Dr. why had he never heard that before, and Dr. told him you proably never will because nurtasweet gives so many BILLIONS to medical field. Is'nt that SAD!! :(
A few quick notes on aspartame:

During both of my pregnancies my ob/gyn forbade me from aspartame for the safety of my babies -- 1996 & 1998. That was a HUGE red flag. I do not let my children (or myself) eat aspartame.

If you give your children vitamins -- PLEASE look closely for aspartame on the label. One bottle of childrens vitamins I read listed sugar in the ingredients, so I assumed there was no aspartame. WRONG. They STILL added aspartame!!! I was angry and called the manufacturer, asking why they would use sugar AND aspartame. Lame answer: it enhances the flavor.

In the early 90's I worked with a married couple (30-ish) who both indulged heavily in diet foods/sodas. Both began exhibiting symptoms of MS. Some thought it was due to over consumption of aspartame.

Don't rely too heavily on the FDA. Do you ever look into the grocery cart of the person in line ahead of you? There is so much garbage on the grocery store shelves! YIKES!

I could go on ...

Stay aware, and eat well.

Blessings to you all,
Marla G.
I'm so sorry I read this post. As a Certified Worrywart, now I'm going to worry about all the decades I spent drinking diet Coke. Do you think it's possible that if I stop drinking it now, I might be okay? ;( I'm going to try not to think about this too much.

Catwoman, can you post your URLs for your research? Also, what's your profession? Thanks!
Susan, Kathryn is correct… sugar’s chemical structure is altered by replacing three hydrogen-oxygen groups on the sugar molecule with three chlorine atoms to produce the synthetic sweetener Sucralose.

Fit Forever, here a couple of links re: sweeteners. There are thousands more. I know this goes without saying (or typing) but just be cautious… anyone can claim to be an expert and build a website about anything. (there are several articles on the mercola site)

Again, I know this goes without saying… please remember that natural doesn’t always correlate to safe… just as synthetic doesn’t always mean unsafe. At this time, the American Medical Association, American Dietetic Association, American Academy of Pediatrics, FDA and many others consider aspartame and sucralose safe. I am very familiar with these groups changing opinions… I’m a DES daughter, my mother took Vioxx and Prempro, and my father took Rezulin. I realize there are other factors besides the health and welfare of people that motivate FDA approval, BUT there are good guys that try their best to educate, advise, and prescribe based on the evidence (not just FDA approval) and still get it wrong.

Catwoman is right… do your own research… this is true with so many things today… sad to day but consumer beware. I think the intent of my post is in here somewhere... sorry to ramble. :)

Take care everyone!


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