I have a pair of Lange Skinfold Calipers. I had to be trained to use them. Luckily, I took a degree in Fitness Science and we learned there. They can be pretty accurate if you use them correctly. Other than that, I would think any at home method would be just an approximation.
BTW, the skinfold calipers are just that, they take a measurement of the pinch of fat under the skin. The best way is to take readings in 3 different spots, add them together, then go to the manual and follow the instructions. You should do it 3 times and take the average while you're learning. The calipers come with a small manual and give you instructions.
If you want real accuracy though, underwater weighing is the best, but again, you need to find someone who knows how to do it! If you're interested in a more accurate reading, at least initially and live near a university or college, you might want to call them and see if they have students who need to practice and they would probably do it for free.