Best way to strengthen lower back


New Member
I'm a big fan of Cathe's workouts but recently recovered from a slipped disc in my lower back. Any suggestions on the best excercises or DVD's to focus on to get my back strength back.

Clearly not Cathe here, but there is a great segment in GS back shoulders and biceps that works your lower back.

But you should probably check with your doctor before you do anything to make sure that there are no limitations to what you should be doing post-surgery.
Definitely check with your doctor, and maybe see a PT to get some rehab exercises.

At this time, I think moves like planks, supermen, cat pose with lifts of opposite arm and leg are the best ways to approach improving back strength.

Later on, you can get back in to more traditional strength work, but watch your form on deadlifts (and I recommend NOT doing the 'off the riser, low end' deadlift that Cathe shows in either GSL or Muscle Max, it is very hard for most people to keep their back in the right position for this...and even some of the crew round their backs some, which is risky on the lower back).
I also slipped a disc (or two or three) in my lower back 2 weeks ago. I have been on anti inflamitories (sorry can't spelling) and been to the Chiropractor a few times. I have not done any exercising as the pain is still pretty intense. I am also wondering what exercises are best once I can workout again. I certainly hope my injury totally heals and am worried about hurting it again. If anyone else who has gone through this please let me know what works best for you. I am feeling a litle lost right now without my workouts :( .........

I ordered muscle max back in December and I was so excited. Well before I actually got it my back went out (slipped disc) and I couldn't do it, or much of anything else for that matter. It was hard for me to even get up out of my chair! But it did heal (with one relapse) and now I can do almost anything. When it starts to twinge though I stop whatever I am trying to do and find an alternative. I went to the Chiropractor and had adjustments as well as decompression therapy.
Then as my back got better I did a little more each week as I felt comfortable with. I have found Karen Voights Ab & Core pilates dvd to be very helpful in strengthening my back, as well as weight work with Cathe. But I have to be very careful with the weights to use good form and really keep my core as tight as possible.
Good luck and don't rush anything. Listen to your Doctor and your back!!!

Thanks for the reply Paula,

I was in tears yesterday about this injury as I am usually a very active person. It's nice to hear that this will heal as I have been reading a lot of negative news. One question, do I need to get rid of all my high impact cardio? I love Cathe but am scared that maybe high impact is not the best for my body (just got Imax 2). Do you use her cardio workouts or just strength?

Well Valerie, I know I must sound like a broken record but what I have learned through all this is to listen to what my body is telling me. Of course, it goes without saying you need to not do anything your doctor says not to do. What helped me was a chiropractor that did spinal decompression. It's a machine that pulls your spine and relieves the pressure. I know it sounds and looks like a torture device, but it helped me a lot. Also I got a dvd about back care with some exercises that I used but that was after I started to feel better. One of those exercises was leaning over the ball like Cathe does in (I think) the stretch after Pyramid upper body. I don't think I exercised at all for a month. I just couldn't do much more than go to work. Then I started out just walking. Then I added upper body, as so on and so on. Now I still don't do the really high impact stuff. I just graduated to being able to do all of KPC about a month ago, and I can do all of lo max now. I really don't know if I will ever be able to do High impact step or if I really need to to stay in shape. I do interval runs but not as aggresively as I used to. The minute I feel something is too much for me I back off. I will take a few days off or just walk and do pilates.
I do feel for you Valerie because I know how frustrating it is. For me, I know I like to eat and if I don't exercise I can't maintain my weight like I want to. I had to learn to give myself the kind of advice I would give a good friend. Such as, be good to yourself and take some time to rest. Don't feel guilty about not doing anything physical because your body needs to use all its extra energy healing your back.
Are you seeing a doctor or a chiropractor or both? What is their opinion?
sorry this is so long, but try to keep positive. Hope it helps.

I would suggest doing the Stott Pilates Back Care Series. You can find info on the Stott website. I would also suggest doing Functional Fitness type workouts to strengthen your core (Abs/Back). Some of these workouts would include TLT's (Tracie Long Also Gin Miller's Simply Strong is a strengthening core functional workout. And lastly to do stretches such as Yoga Zone Healthy Back and Stretching for Flexibility.

All these done weekly mixing them up will keep you working out.

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