BEST shoe for high-impact step aerobics?


If you go to the site, I think they have a retailer search. :) I think some Sports Authorities carry them (not all the stores do).

Aerobic shoes, from what I've been told her, fall under the "studio" category. There are 2 models listed in this group: Rhythm II, and the Enlight II. From the descrip on the site, it seems the Rhy II is just an "aerobic shoe", and is for those who are going to be doing only aerobic (step, etc) type fitness exerc. The RII are not for any other type of exercise. Whereas the Enlight II seems to be a "crosstrainer", for many various types of fitness activity, so long as you don't do any one type very frequently. I actually needed a new pair of all-around crosstrainers anyway, so that's why I got the Enlights (plus Cathe said that is what she used). But, I think I will use the Rhythm II when I do my Step Aerobics.

If you look at the link I posted in my other post, the info says that the Rhythmic II has the most "motion stability", or something like that. The Enlight II, offer the next level down. So, I'm guessing the Rhythm II have better support? I still am on the fence about the answer to this. I tried calling customer serv at Ryka, and, LOL, they are only reading the SAME site info. ;( So, they weren't much help.
Also note when buying Ryka sneaker they are cut smaller then most so if you have never tried on a pair "err" on the larger size side. I own quite a few pairs and they are the biggest of all my sneakers in size.

thanks a lot beachgirrrl....i think i will buy a pair of both since my shoes r long more question..can either one of these be used for running (mainly on the treadmill) and a stepper??
Ryka Enlight II all the way. I've been teaching hi-impact step for years and started out with Nikes, tried and wore out every style and new trendy shoe Nike made, then suffered major achillies tendonities in both feet ;( So after 6 wks of PT I switched to Rykas (with orthodics) and I can't tell you what a difference they made. No more shin splints either!

Go Ryka~ :p
I have addias cross trainers, but you have to replace your shoes every 4-6 months. If you use them daily 3-4. The soles get worn out. Ryka does not have my size but I like them and have heard good things about there brand. Plus you need to make sure you have enough toe space when you step because of how you are using your feet to balance and such.
Thank you for that website, they have the Ryka Stylus that I adore & have not been able to get anymore. I am going to order 2 pairs, thanks again!!!

Hi There Beachgerrl!

I absolutely agree about the Ryke Enlight's being the best step aerobic shoe. It's true everyone is different with different needs, but from my own experience these are the best. I've got horribly flat feet and was very prone to getting plantar fasciitis - (so painful!). These shoes have just the right amount of cushion in the forefoot where you really need it for step. I also tried the Avia 684 (I think that number's right anyway). These are the ones she used in her Hardcore series Kickmax DVD. These shoes are okay but not nearly as good as far as cushioning goes. I use them when I do a tape that has less impact such as Low Max. Hope this helps you - good luck in your quest for the perfect shoes!

By the way you can get the Ryka Enlight's on Their service is very fast and their shipping is free.

Sharon:9 ;-)
Latest news:

My Ryka Enlight II, that I got for the most excellent sale price, thanks to the member here that informed us! (, just arrived! and they ARE so very very comfy! I haven't used them to Step with yet (more info on that below-- flooring), but they feel super, as I'm walking around the house. lol The Ryka Rhythm II (I think that's the right name) are on back order. I'll post an update on how I like both of them, when I begin Stepping with them.

A friend of ours is in the fitness flooring business (sells to clubs, school gyms, etc) and we were able to buy some flooring from them! It's a floating floor that we have to put together. We should get the wood in the next week. So, I'm psyched! I have been taking off the past week because my right knee was feeling a bit sore. I'm thinking this is as others have warned, due to the carpet being over concrete. Hopefully, the new floor will work, though we are putting it over the carpet we have (very low pile). They are not sure it will work, as this is not the way they install it, but I figured it's worth a try.
My Final Opinion on the 2 models of Ryka shoes:
(Enlight II and Rhythm II)

(my experience with these shoes may have something to do with just how my particular feet construction is, I guess?), so here is some info, as it might help future shoe seekers. :)

my feet:
size: 9, but needed 9.5 in Ryka. I also need a lot of arch support, or my feet are in pain. But I do not have high arches, if anything, I'm almost flat footed.

thin carpet (super short pile, like office carpet) over padding, on a CONCRETE basement floor. Then, we put a professional grade wood aerobic "floating floor" over the carpet in a 6' x 6' area. There was no sub floor installed, since this was being placed over the padded carpet.

Enlight II: :D
This is marketed as the "cross trainer", but it's EXCELLENT for my feet for "step" routines. I just LOVED the Enlight II! AMAZING! I went through Cathe's Step Heat as if it was nothing! lol And I am NEW to Cathe, so this is impressive. NO pain at all in my knees, ankles or bottom of feet. The soles are very cushiony. I wasn't sure if it was the new flooring we laid down, or the shoes. The Rhythm II experience confirms that it was the shoes.

Rhythm II: x(
A complete failure for my feet. This shoe is marketed as the "aerobic" model, but for my feet, it was the wrong shoe. I was happy that these shoes had the higher ankle support, but other than that, the rest of the shoe didn't work for my foot type. There seems to be NO arch support. This shoe looks like it's completely "flat". ;( I had a lot of pain right from the beginning, but I wanted to press onward, like an idiot. ugh. At first my foot "fell asleep", so I loosened the ties. But they still hurt on the soles. NO arch support for my type of foot, and I don't have extremely high arches. If anything, I'm almost flat footed. lol I didn't exercise for 4 days before trying this shoe, so I know it wasn't that my feet were sore from the previous step workout. My knees have been aching now for the past 6+ hours. :-( I am not sure if I can send these back or not. I wish I could get a few more pair of the Enlight II!

I hope that helps someone! :)

I have been in the fitness industry since 1998, and have gone through every shoe in the book. I just found the shoe brand that works best for me - Otomix ( They make great shoes for weight lifting and for training. I highly recommend checking them out.

I have two different pair of Otomix -
1) The Extreme Trainer Pro: high top pair for weight lifting (and I would give my right foot for them)
2) Fitness Trainer - low top pair for cardio training. This shoe is less supportive than the Extreme Trainer Pro, and my next pair of low tops will be a different Otomix model. It's a good shoe, but not spectacular. I plan to try the low-top Power Trainer Low Profile or PowerFlex Trainer.

Regarding flooring, I have converted my garage into my workout area. For now, I have the foam interlocking pads by Rawlings (24mm) on the floor, and that seems to help as a shock absorber when doing step or jumping rope. I did the entire space for < $250. I also didi this incrementally (they sell the packs at Academy Sports for $39.99). I'd suggest putting something down as soon as you can. Your knees will thank you later.

Hope this helps!

Your friend in fitness,

"I am only competing with the me I have yet to be..."
Hi Beachgrrl,

Just wanted to comment that I had the exact same experience with both the Enlight II and Rhythm II. The Rhythm II's did not seem to feel bad initially but they kept hurting the right side of my foot about 3/4 of the way through the work out. I bought them in black, because I wanted to look like Cathe in Kickmax. I guess I should have tried to find the Avias that she was wearing.

Anyway, after a few more sessions with the Rhythm II's, I have also determined that they are not the shoe for me, and I think I will order another pair of Enlight II's in order to have a spare.

Sandra S.
I went out on a limb and tried something new, the Nike Shoxx studio shoes. They are very good, albeit light on the lateral support. They have a "strike zone" on the forefoot that is great, and of course, the Shoxx on the heels. I like them better than the Rykas, they are very light.

I bought them at Garts (a sister company of Sports Authority). I think they sell them online through Nike though if you don't have those stores in your area. They are the Nike Shox Rythmic.

Good luck with your shoe purchase!

I use the Ryka Enlight II and after many months they are broken in but...they are really a 1/2 size too big (I take a 5, but just try and find those somewhere!). My newest pair that I received (last week) is too big, I couldn't get through even 1 workout without tremendous pain.

I think I am going to try Nike again, the only problem is ordering online and then, if they don't work, having to send them backx(

How are your shoes working out?
The Nke Shox Legend Trainer are also from the new Nike Women's Cardio line-- that might have some more lateral support then the others mentioned-- I'm very happy with them!

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