Best Results???


Keeping everything even, ie. assuming you were eating clean with each, etc. looking back, what type of rotation gave you your best results as far as real changes in the mirror?? For body part per day, circuits, a particular series like the Pyramids etc.
My best restults for building muscle and improving definition have come from doing a three day lifting split and putting a cardio day between each one. i.e. - upper body followed by 20 min. HIIT on Monday/ cardio Tues./lower body followed by 20 min. HIIT on Wed./cardio Thurs./total body (no HIIT) on Friday/Cardio on Saturday/ Circuit workout like Drill Max, High Step Challenge, Bootcamp, or a kettlebell workout on Sunday.

I don't usually take rest days. If I'm feeling like I need some down time I just lower the intensity of my workout for the day. Also, my cardio days sometimes incorporate one of Cathe's circuit-type workouts and frequently involve kettlebells.

I've tried oh so many different rotations, and I keep coming back to this one. It's pretty much the only one I do now because it works so well for me.
I've only been doing rotations since late summer of last year, so keep in mind that I don't have a ton of them behind me. However, the one where I saw the best strength gains and really leaned out was Debbie's (FitnessFreak) December 2008 rotation. It was awesome! I lifted heavy and really saw great results in my body.
Oh yeah - I forgot to mention it (until I read last post) my lifting days are with heavy weights - can't get anymore than 10 reps at the most. Light weights just don't cut it.
Jan, I'm so glad you posted that. I was just thinking today about rearranging my STS program and doing a 4-day split (at least for Meso 1 ~ I'm anxious to get to Meso 2), but I want to keep my cardio to at least 3 days...which means either a 7-day workout week or added cardio after weights.

It's good see you've had success with your particular rotation.

Stacy, 3-day splits did wonders for me at first. 9lbs fell off. BUT I was brand new to weight training, so that might explain why my body responded so quickly. Plus I'm having a devil of a time building visible muscle. I'm stronger, so I know I'm progressing, but I still have stick arms. :p
I have to say, that as far as dramatic mirror changes (I lost 54 pounds), the best results were from simply eating clean with a 500 calorie/day deficit, and a balanced program of strength training and cardio, with a minimum of 30 minutes of movement a day. I started with mainly walking/hiking; then more intense cardio/strength; then mainly strength and interval-style cardio to prevent plateauing. That was over about 18 months ago.

Once I finished losing weight and was in maintenance pre STS, it was a combination of interval-style cardio perhaps two days a week (kickbox, cardio coach), daily 3-5met level hikes on hills 6x week, strength training with gym style upper, and leaner legs. I'd picked up kettlebells but STS came too soon for me to say more than I *love* them :)

STS Meso 1, which I'm finishing this weekend on the six month plan, beats that previous rotation hands down for strength, endurance, and mirror changes. My primary cardio has been kickbox of various styles, some ballet-style (Anderson, Bernadette), and interval cardio (Cardio Coach, IMAX,...). The hikes are still in there, probably five a week on average half an hour a day due to weather, and there has been considerable SnowMax too. :)
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My best results (and eating clean) have come from lifting heavy and doing 3 or 4 day splits. I have had great results in the past with Slow and Heavy. But, I would do 4 weeks of S&H and then do a week or two of ME type workouts or circuit and then go back to heavy. I did well with the Gym Styles as well. But again, it didn't work if my diet wasn't clean!

I'm really looking forward to getting all the way through STS - I haven't eaten so clean through Meso 1 but will be for 2 and 3.

A combo plate of stuff

MWF Jogging/walking for about 45 minutes. One day I do a steep hill, one day is more steady state, and one day is all out high intensity for as long as I can tolerate it. I think you could substitute elliptical but I don't have one so I don't really know. If its raining I do a jump rope dvd because that gets me up in my heart range. The point is the blistering hot cardio.

T/Sa Ckt step workout (any of them will do)

Thursday: Steady state step wo like RS or SB.

And here is the key: Yoga three nights a week. At least twenty minutes. It doesn't have to be really hard it just needs to induce a sense of calm. I like breath based yoga best.

And the other thing is, that as far as my diet goes I had to get really scientific about it. I watched the effect foods I was eating had on my weight. I found that certain foods caused weight gain (white bread, butter, fried chicken, ice cream, and worst offender was donuts.) and others just prevented a weight loss (yogurt, go figure:confused:) but the point is not really what worked on my body the point is to pay attention to what you ate the day before and how the scale is responding. Also, never eat too little. I do like calorie cycling but what I do with that is I skip my dinner and load up on my calores (especially protein) earlier in the day.
I've had great results with two diff. types of plans. I did strictly Jari Love workouts for two months. These really got rid of what fat I had. I did find that I lost too much weight. I wasn't looking to lose weight, just the fat. I really leaned out on this plan.

Then I switched to the GS series, but only used the two upper body ones (Chest and Triceps and Back, Shoulders, and Biceps). I then added two cardio days, which were all kickboxing and two leg workouts. I respond best right now to Butts and Guts and Legs and Glutes. I lift as heavy as I can with all weight workouts and find myself stopping the tape and going at my own pace and REALLY pushing myself- to the puke factor.

I have to say that I'm almost where I want to be. I would like a bit more definition and a bit less butt, but overall I'm very happy with the way my body currently looks. My shoulders look very pretty (rounded, cut); I'm getting that nice quad cut down the side of my legs again, and even my bird arms are looking very defined. Life is good...
I have to second the vote for Fitness Freak's December rotation -- that was the "heavy" weights repeated twice, right? That's the one I mean. "Heavy" has taken on new meaning since starting meso 2. ;)



What works best for me is following a rotation. For years, I did my own thing and the results were OK. Since I've been following rotations, whether it's Cathe's or a some other pre-planned rotation, I've gotten good results. Everytime I get good results with one rotation, then I do another and I think, "Wow, that worked good!" Although I must admit, I really liked the results I got from p90X+ and I didn't feel like I was beating my body up. I love body weight workouts and I really think I was the most defined when I finished that. Of course a staple to any of my rotations is 2 or sometimes 3 days of running. Which reminds me, I did a hill sprinting rotation last spring and it really did work wonders for my lower body.

Circuits & pilates

Keeping everything even, ie. assuming you were eating clean with each, etc. looking back, what type of rotation gave you your best results as far as real changes in the mirror?? For body part per day, circuits, a particular series like the Pyramids etc.

Cardio (spinning 3X & circuits - like a boot camp class - 2X ) 5X per week, pilates 3X per week. Results were very dramatic. I'm thinner & more defined than I've ever been, & I'm not young, either! Clean eating DOES help in a big way. My skinny jeans (the test jeans that I try on to see if I've gained weight) are not tight at all any more! I'm hugely proud of what I've accomplished.

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