I'm going to buy a high step for use with the new 4 day split. Which other high step workout would you suggest? I was looking at High Step Challenge versus High Step Training Advanced. Opionions on either? Thank you!
I'm probably not going to be much help to you. I have both High Step Workouts. I didn't like HSTA at the beginning because of all the leg presses in it. I used HSC a lot more and love it but then I pulled HSTA off the shelf and started doing it and now I love that one better. Both workouts have a very different feel about them. HSTA has 2 minute cardio blasts but the temp slows when you do the weight portion. HSC moves much more quickly in my opinion.
Thanks for the insight! If my focus is more on cardio and keeping moving, would the HSC be a better option, then? Of course, if I like it I may end up getting both!
I don't feel either one is like traditional step aerobics.
There are some moves that are abbreviated to accommodate the shorter steps, but I don't think of either one as a "step" workout in the traditional sense.
I prefer HSC mainly for the music, but then music taste varies widely. Also, I'm intermediate level and while HSC wipes me out, the cardio doesn't seem quite as tough to me as HSTA--not sure why.
[font face="comic sans ms" font color=teal]***Lainie***